123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270 |
- local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers')(after_each)
- local Screen = require('test.functional.ui.screen')
- local clear = helpers.clear
- local command = helpers.command
- local get_pathsep = helpers.get_pathsep
- local eq = helpers.eq
- local neq = helpers.neq
- local funcs = helpers.funcs
- local matches = helpers.matches
- local pesc = helpers.pesc
- local rmdir = helpers.rmdir
- local sleep = helpers.sleep
- local meths = helpers.meths
- local skip = helpers.skip
- local is_os = helpers.is_os
- local mkdir = helpers.mkdir
- local file_prefix = 'Xtest-functional-ex_cmds-mksession_spec'
- if helpers.skip(helpers.is_os('win')) then return end
- describe(':mksession', function()
- local session_file = file_prefix .. '.vim'
- local tab_dir = file_prefix .. '.d'
- before_each(function()
- clear()
- mkdir(tab_dir)
- end)
- after_each(function()
- os.remove(session_file)
- rmdir(tab_dir)
- end)
- it('restores same :terminal buf in splits', function()
- -- If the same :terminal is displayed in multiple windows, :mksession
- -- should restore it as such.
- -- Create three windows: first two from top show same terminal, third -
- -- another one (created earlier).
- command('terminal')
- command('split')
- command('terminal')
- command('split')
- command('mksession ' .. session_file)
- command('%bwipeout!')
- -- Create a new test instance of Nvim.
- clear()
- -- Restore session.
- command('source ' .. session_file)
- eq(funcs.winbufnr(1), funcs.winbufnr(2))
- neq(funcs.winbufnr(1), funcs.winbufnr(3))
- end)
- -- common testing procedure for testing "sessionoptions-=terminal"
- local function test_terminal_session_disabled(expected_buf_count)
- command('set sessionoptions-=terminal')
- command('mksession ' .. session_file)
- -- Create a new test instance of Nvim.
- clear()
- -- Restore session.
- command('source ' .. session_file)
- eq(expected_buf_count, #meths.list_bufs())
- end
- it(
- 'do not restore :terminal if not set in sessionoptions, terminal in current window #13078',
- function()
- local tmpfile_base = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile'
- command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base)
- command('terminal')
- local buf_count = #meths.list_bufs()
- eq(2, buf_count)
- eq('terminal', meths.buf_get_option(0, 'buftype'))
- test_terminal_session_disabled(2)
- -- no terminal should be set. As a side effect we end up with a blank buffer
- eq('', meths.buf_get_option(meths.list_bufs()[1], 'buftype'))
- eq('', meths.buf_get_option(meths.list_bufs()[2], 'buftype'))
- end
- )
- it('do not restore :terminal if not set in sessionoptions, terminal hidden #13078', function()
- command('terminal')
- local terminal_bufnr = meths.get_current_buf()
- local tmpfile_base = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile'
- -- make terminal hidden by opening a new file
- command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base .. '1')
- local buf_count = #meths.list_bufs()
- eq(2, buf_count)
- eq(1, funcs.getbufinfo(terminal_bufnr)[1].hidden)
- test_terminal_session_disabled(1)
- -- no terminal should exist here
- neq('', meths.buf_get_name(meths.list_bufs()[1]))
- end)
- it('do not restore :terminal if not set in sessionoptions, only buffer #13078', function()
- command('terminal')
- eq('terminal', meths.buf_get_option(0, 'buftype'))
- local buf_count = #meths.list_bufs()
- eq(1, buf_count)
- test_terminal_session_disabled(1)
- -- no terminal should be set
- eq('', meths.buf_get_option(0, 'buftype'))
- end)
- it('restores tab-local working directories', function()
- local tmpfile_base = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile'
- local cwd_dir = funcs.getcwd()
- -- :mksession does not save empty tabs, so create some buffers.
- command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base .. '1')
- command('tabnew')
- command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base .. '2')
- command('tcd ' .. tab_dir)
- command('tabfirst')
- command('mksession ' .. session_file)
- -- Create a new test instance of Nvim.
- clear()
- command('source ' .. session_file)
- -- First tab should have the original working directory.
- command('tabnext 1')
- eq(cwd_dir, funcs.getcwd())
- -- Second tab should have the tab-local working directory.
- command('tabnext 2')
- eq(cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tab_dir, funcs.getcwd())
- end)
- it('restores buffers with tab-local CWD', function()
- local tmpfile_base = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile'
- local cwd_dir = funcs.getcwd()
- local session_path = cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. session_file
- command('edit ' .. tmpfile_base .. '1')
- command('tcd ' .. tab_dir)
- command('tabnew')
- command('edit ' .. cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tmpfile_base .. '2')
- command('tabfirst')
- command('mksession ' .. session_path)
- -- Create a new test instance of Nvim.
- clear()
- -- Use :silent to avoid press-enter prompt due to long path
- command('silent source ' .. session_path)
- command('tabnext 1')
- eq(cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tmpfile_base .. '1', funcs.expand('%:p'))
- command('tabnext 2')
- eq(cwd_dir .. get_pathsep() .. tmpfile_base .. '2', funcs.expand('%:p'))
- end)
- it('restores CWD for :terminal buffers #11288', function()
- local cwd_dir = funcs.fnamemodify('.', ':p:~'):gsub([[[\/]*$]], '')
- cwd_dir = cwd_dir:gsub([[\]], '/') -- :mksession always uses unix slashes.
- local session_path = cwd_dir .. '/' .. session_file
- command('cd ' .. tab_dir)
- command('terminal')
- command('cd ' .. cwd_dir)
- command('mksession ' .. session_path)
- command('%bwipeout!')
- if is_os('win') then
- sleep(100) -- Make sure all child processes have exited.
- end
- -- Create a new test instance of Nvim.
- clear()
- command('silent source ' .. session_path)
- local expected_cwd = cwd_dir .. '/' .. tab_dir
- matches('^term://' .. pesc(expected_cwd) .. '//%d+:', funcs.expand('%'))
- command('%bwipeout!')
- if is_os('win') then
- sleep(100) -- Make sure all child processes have exited.
- end
- end)
- it('restores CWD for :terminal buffer at root directory #16988', function()
- skip(is_os('win'), 'N/A for Windows')
- local screen
- local cwd_dir = funcs.fnamemodify('.', ':p:~'):gsub([[[\/]*$]], '')
- local session_path = cwd_dir .. '/' .. session_file
- screen = Screen.new(50, 6)
- screen:attach({ rgb = false })
- local expected_screen = [[
- ^/ |
- |
- [Process exited 0] |
- |
- |
- |
- ]]
- command('cd /')
- command('terminal echo $PWD')
- -- Verify that the terminal's working directory is "/".
- screen:expect(expected_screen)
- command('cd ' .. cwd_dir)
- command('mksession ' .. session_path)
- command('%bwipeout!')
- -- Create a new test instance of Nvim.
- clear()
- screen = Screen.new(50, 6)
- screen:attach({ rgb = false })
- command('silent source ' .. session_path)
- -- Verify that the terminal's working directory is "/".
- screen:expect(expected_screen)
- end)
- it('restores a session when there is a float #18432', function()
- local tmpfile = file_prefix .. '-tmpfile-float'
- command('edit ' .. tmpfile)
- local buf = meths.create_buf(false, true)
- local config = {
- relative = 'editor',
- focusable = false,
- width = 10,
- height = 3,
- row = 0,
- col = 1,
- style = 'minimal',
- }
- meths.open_win(buf, false, config)
- local cmdheight = meths.get_option('cmdheight')
- command('mksession ' .. session_file)
- -- Create a new test instance of Nvim.
- clear()
- command('source ' .. session_file)
- eq(tmpfile, funcs.expand('%'))
- -- Check that there is only a single window, which indicates the floating
- -- window was not restored.
- eq(1, funcs.winnr('$'))
- -- The command-line height should remain the same as it was.
- eq(cmdheight, meths.get_option('cmdheight'))
- os.remove(tmpfile)
- end)
- end)