123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257 |
- local t = require('test.testutil')
- local n = require('test.functional.testnvim')()
- local eq, clear, call, write_file, command = t.eq, n.clear, n.call, t.write_file, n.command
- local exc_exec = n.exc_exec
- local eval = n.eval
- local is_os = t.is_os
- describe('executable()', function()
- before_each(clear)
- it('returns 1 for commands in $PATH', function()
- local exe = is_os('win') and 'ping' or 'ls'
- eq(1, call('executable', exe))
- command('let $PATH = fnamemodify("./test/functional/fixtures/bin", ":p")')
- eq(1, call('executable', 'null'))
- eq(1, call('executable', 'true'))
- eq(1, call('executable', 'false'))
- end)
- if is_os('win') then
- it('exepath respects shellslash', function()
- command('let $PATH = fnamemodify("./test/functional/fixtures/bin", ":p")')
- eq(
- [[test\functional\fixtures\bin\null.CMD]],
- call('fnamemodify', call('exepath', 'null'), ':.')
- )
- command('set shellslash')
- eq(
- 'test/functional/fixtures/bin/null.CMD',
- call('fnamemodify', call('exepath', 'null'), ':.')
- )
- end)
- it('stdpath respects shellslash', function()
- eq([[build\Xtest_xdg\share\nvim-data]], call('fnamemodify', call('stdpath', 'data'), ':.'))
- command('set shellslash')
- eq('build/Xtest_xdg/share/nvim-data', call('fnamemodify', call('stdpath', 'data'), ':.'))
- end)
- end
- it('fails for invalid values', function()
- for _, input in ipairs({ 'v:null', 'v:true', 'v:false', '{}', '[]' }) do
- eq(
- 'Vim(call):E1174: String required for argument 1',
- exc_exec('call executable(' .. input .. ')')
- )
- end
- command('let $PATH = fnamemodify("./test/functional/fixtures/bin", ":p")')
- for _, input in ipairs({ 'v:null', 'v:true', 'v:false' }) do
- eq(
- 'Vim(call):E1174: String required for argument 1',
- exc_exec('call executable(' .. input .. ')')
- )
- end
- end)
- it('returns 0 for empty strings', function()
- eq(0, call('executable', '""'))
- end)
- it('returns 0 for non-existent files', function()
- eq(0, call('executable', 'no_such_file_exists_209ufq23f'))
- end)
- it('sibling to nvim binary', function()
- -- Some executable in build/bin/, *not* in $PATH nor CWD.
- local sibling_exe = 'printargs-test'
- -- Windows: siblings are in Nvim's "pseudo-$PATH".
- local expected = is_os('win') and 1 or 0
- if is_os('win') then
- eq('arg1=lemon;arg2=sky;arg3=tree;', call('system', sibling_exe .. ' lemon sky tree'))
- end
- eq(expected, call('executable', sibling_exe))
- end)
- describe('exec-bit', function()
- setup(function()
- clear()
- write_file('Xtest_not_executable', 'non-executable file')
- write_file('Xtest_executable', 'executable file (exec-bit set)')
- if not is_os('win') then -- N/A for Windows.
- call('system', { 'chmod', '-x', 'Xtest_not_executable' })
- call('system', { 'chmod', '+x', 'Xtest_executable' })
- end
- end)
- teardown(function()
- os.remove('Xtest_not_executable')
- os.remove('Xtest_executable')
- end)
- it('not set', function()
- eq(0, call('executable', 'Xtest_not_executable'))
- eq(0, call('executable', './Xtest_not_executable'))
- end)
- it('set, unqualified and not in $PATH', function()
- eq(0, call('executable', 'Xtest_executable'))
- end)
- it('set, qualified as a path', function()
- local expected = is_os('win') and 0 or 1
- eq(expected, call('executable', './Xtest_executable'))
- end)
- end)
- end)
- describe('executable() (Windows)', function()
- if not is_os('win') then
- pending('N/A for non-windows')
- return
- end
- local exts = { 'bat', 'exe', 'com', 'cmd' }
- setup(function()
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- write_file('test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext, '')
- end
- write_file('test_executable_zzz.zzz', '')
- end)
- teardown(function()
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- os.remove('test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext)
- end
- os.remove('test_executable_zzz.zzz')
- end)
- it('tries default extensions on a filename if $PATHEXT is empty', function()
- -- Empty $PATHEXT defaults to ".com;.exe;.bat;.cmd".
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_' .. ext))
- end
- eq(0, call('executable', 'test_executable_zzz'))
- end)
- it('tries default extensions on a filepath if $PATHEXT is empty', function()
- -- Empty $PATHEXT defaults to ".com;.exe;.bat;.cmd".
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(1, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_' .. ext))
- end
- eq(0, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_zzz'))
- end)
- it('system([…]), jobstart([…]) use $PATHEXT #9569', function()
- -- Empty $PATHEXT defaults to ".com;.exe;.bat;.cmd".
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- -- Invoking `cmdscript` should find/execute `cmdscript.cmd`.
- eq('much success\n', call('system', { 'test/functional/fixtures/cmdscript' }))
- assert(0 < call('jobstart', { 'test/functional/fixtures/cmdscript' }))
- end)
- it('full path with extension', function()
- -- Empty $PATHEXT defaults to ".com;.exe;.bat;.cmd".
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- -- Some executable we can expect in the test env.
- local exe = 'printargs-test'
- local exedir = eval("fnamemodify(v:progpath, ':h')")
- local exepath = exedir .. '/' .. exe .. '.exe'
- eq(1, call('executable', exepath))
- eq('arg1=lemon;arg2=sky;arg3=tree;', call('system', exepath .. ' lemon sky tree'))
- end)
- it('full path without extension', function()
- -- Empty $PATHEXT defaults to ".com;.exe;.bat;.cmd".
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- -- Some executable we can expect in the test env.
- local exe = 'printargs-test'
- local exedir = eval("fnamemodify(v:progpath, ':h')")
- local exepath = exedir .. '/' .. exe
- eq('arg1=lemon;arg2=sky;arg3=tree;', call('system', exepath .. ' lemon sky tree'))
- eq(1, call('executable', exepath))
- end)
- it('respects $PATHEXT when trying extensions on a filename', function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '.zzz' } })
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(0, call('executable', 'test_executable_' .. ext))
- end
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_zzz'))
- end)
- it('respects $PATHEXT when trying extensions on a filepath', function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '.zzz' } })
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(0, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_' .. ext))
- end
- eq(1, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_zzz'))
- end)
- it('with weird $PATHEXT', function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = ';' } })
- eq(0, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_zzz'))
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = ';;;.zzz;;' } })
- eq(1, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_zzz'))
- end)
- it("unqualified filename, Unix-style 'shell'", function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- command('set shell=sh')
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext))
- end
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- end)
- it("relative path, Unix-style 'shell' (backslashes)", function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- command('set shell=bash.exe')
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(1, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext))
- eq(1, call('executable', './test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext))
- end
- eq(1, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- eq(1, call('executable', './test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- end)
- it('unqualified filename, $PATHEXT contains dot', function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '.;.zzz' } })
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext))
- end
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '.zzz;.' } })
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext))
- end
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- end)
- it('relative path, $PATHEXT contains dot (backslashes)', function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '.;.zzz' } })
- for _, ext in ipairs(exts) do
- eq(1, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext))
- eq(1, call('executable', './test_executable_' .. ext .. '.' .. ext))
- end
- eq(1, call('executable', '.\\test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- eq(1, call('executable', './test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- end)
- it('ignores case of extension', function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '.ZZZ' } })
- eq(1, call('executable', 'test_executable_zzz.zzz'))
- end)
- it('relative path does not search $PATH', function()
- clear({ env = { PATHEXT = '' } })
- eq(0, call('executable', './System32/notepad.exe'))
- eq(0, call('executable', '.\\System32\\notepad.exe'))
- eq(0, call('executable', '../notepad.exe'))
- eq(0, call('executable', '..\\notepad.exe'))
- end)
- end)