google docs.json 2.3 KB

  1. {
  2. "google docs.browsingDoc": {
  3. "description": "Displayed when the user is browsing their Google Documents",
  4. "message": "ব্রাউজ করছে ডকুমেন্টগুলো"
  5. },
  6. "google docs.browsingForm": {
  7. "description": "Displayed when the user is browsing their Google Forms",
  8. "message": "ব্রাউজ করছে ফর্মগুলো"
  9. },
  10. "google docs.browsingPresentation": {
  11. "description": "Displayed when the user is browsing their Google presentation",
  12. "message": "ব্রাউজ করছে প্রেজেন্টেশনগুলো"
  13. },
  14. "google docs.browsingSheet": {
  15. "description": "Displayed when the user is browsing their Google Sheets",
  16. "message": "ব্রাউজ করছে স্প্রেডশিটগুলো"
  17. },
  18. "google docs.editingDoc": {
  19. "description": "Displayed when the user is editing a Google Document",
  20. "message": "একটি ডকুমেন্ট এডিট করছে"
  21. },
  22. "google docs.editingForm": {
  23. "description": "Displayed when the user is editing a Google Form",
  24. "message": "একটি ফর্ম এডিট করছে"
  25. },
  26. "google docs.editingPresentation": {
  27. "description": "Displayed when the user is editing a Google presentation",
  28. "message": "একটি প্রেজেন্টেশন এডিট করছে"
  29. },
  30. "google docs.editingSheet": {
  31. "description": "Displayed when the user is eiditng a Google Sheet",
  32. "message": "একটি স্প্রেডশিট এডিট করছে"
  33. },
  34. "google docs.viewingDoc": {
  35. "description": "Displayed when the user is viewing a Google Document",
  36. "message": "একটি ডকুমেন্ট দেখছে"
  37. },
  38. "google docs.viewingForm": {
  39. "description": "Displayed when the user is viewing a Google Form",
  40. "message": "একটি ফর্ম দেখছে"
  41. },
  42. "google docs.viewingPresentation": {
  43. "description": "Displayed when the user is viewing a Google presentation",
  44. "message": "একটি প্রেজেন্টেশন দেখছে"
  45. },
  46. "google docs.viewingSheet": {
  47. "description": "Displayed when the user is viewing a Google Sheet",
  48. "message": "একটি স্প্রেডশিট দেখছে"
  49. }
  50. }