For new players, this contains the most critical information necessary to understand the setting.
History: Maga is an island chain, with each island typically being 500 square miles in area (an 8-hour walk from coast to coast). These islands were colonized by the Kelts, Bulgars, Westforts, Vedes, Magafel, Noctfel, and Rubefel, all hailing from the continent of Honstrad in the west. The Magafel took over Maga and established the Magafeli Empire. Many centuries later, a revolution destroyed the empire and replaced it with the Modern Republic, which controls most of Maga but not all of it.
Religion: The only recognized religion is monotheistic, the worship of Gora. There are however cultists that worship Demon Lords, who occupy the realm of Demonia (actually a location deep underground).
Cosmology: There is only one plane of existence, the physical universe that the world of Agreus occupies. There are, however, alternate timelines that can be traversed to some degree. Magic is also a physical force, coming from an individual's life-energy.
Nativists: The natives of the islands include the Orves and some beast races, who will attack Republican towns to reclaim their land. They are not evil, but will generally attack Republican races. Note that Gnomes are an Orven race that is especially attuned to magic.
Mages Guild: Arcane magic is illegal except for members of the Mages Guild. Members are required to report magical findings to the guild in order to maintain membership.
Note that the races of Men, Fel, and Orves are a single species and are fully viable with each other. However, mixing among the races is highly taboo, and therefore there are very few such unions.