the-recognition-of-human-rights.txt 899 B

  1. The Recognition Of Human Rights
  2. The recognition of [animal] rights may be said to be of [adjective] growth, and even yet they are but very [adverb] understood. Liberty used to be [past verb] as a [noun] bestowed, instead of as an inherent right; rights of [plural noun] have often been claimed: right to [verb], right to [verb], right to [verb], all these have been argued for and maintained by [noun]; but these are not rights, they are only wrongs [past verb] as legal [plural noun]. [male celebrity] struck a new note when he cried: "Men are [past verb] free;" free by birthright was a [adjective] thought, when declared as a universal [noun], and this "gospel of [same male celebrity]" dawned on the world as the sun-rising of a [adjective] day -- a day of human [noun], unrestrained by [noun]. In 1789 the doctrine of the "[plural noun] of Man" received its first European sanction by [noun].