123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310 |
- ;;; POLYTYPE -- A polymorphic type inferencer for Scheme.
- (test-begin "polytype" 1)
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; A polymorphic type inferencer for Scheme
- ;
- ; Marc Feeley (05/16/88)
- ;
- ; Modified by Per Bothner (Febrary 2012) to fit into SRFI-64 test framework
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Error handling.
- (define (fail msg) (error "error:" msg))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; An environment is an object that associates variables to values. They are
- ; represented by association lists.
- (define (env-empty) ; returns an empty environment
- '())
- (define (env-update var val env) ; returns a copy of 'env' but with 'var'
- (cons (cons var val) env)) ; associated to 'val'
- (define (env-join env1 env2) ; return a new environment containing the bindings
- (append env1 env2)) ; in env1 and env2 (env1 has precedence)
- (define (env-bound? var env) ; returns true if the variable is bound in 'env'
- (assq var env))
- (define (env-value var env) ; returns the value associated to 'var' in 'env'
- (cdr (assq var env)))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Variables are symbols starting with a "?" (e.g. ?a)
- (define variable-count #f)
- (define (new-variable)
- (set! variable-count (+ variable-count 1))
- (string->symbol (string-append "?" (number->string variable-count))))
- (define (variable? x)
- (and (symbol? x) (char=? (string-ref (symbol->string x) 0) #\?)))
- (define (variable<? x y)
- (string<? (symbol->string x) (symbol->string y)))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; The unifier.
- (define (unify x y initial-env) ; return the values that must be substituted
- (define (uni x y env) ; for the variables so that x and y unify
- (let ((x* (deref x env))
- (y* (deref y env)))
- (cond ((eq? x* y*)
- env)
- ((and (variable? x*) (or (not (variable? y*)) (variable<? y* x*)))
- (env-update x* y* env))
- ((variable? y*)
- (env-update y* x* env))
- ((and (pair? x*) (pair? y*))
- (uni (cdr x*) (cdr y*) (uni (car x*) (car y*) env)))
- (else
- (fail "can not unify the two structures")))))
- (uni x y initial-env))
- (define (deref var env) ; get the value of a variable
- (if (variable? var)
- (if (env-bound? var env)
- (deref (env-value var env) env)
- var)
- var))
- (define (substitute x env) ; return x, where each variable is substituted for
- (cond ((variable? x) ; the value it is associated to in env
- (let ((y (deref x env)))
- (if (variable? y) y (substitute y env))))
- ((pair? x)
- (cons (substitute (car x) env) (substitute (cdr x) env)))
- (else
- x)))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define (instance x prefix) ; generate an instance of x with new variables
- (define (new x env success) ; in place of the generic variables in prefix
- (cond ((and (variable? x) (generic? x prefix))
- (if (env-bound? x env)
- (success (env-value x env) env)
- (let ((var (new-variable)))
- (success var (env-update x var env)))))
- ((pair? x)
- (new (car x) env
- (lambda (a env)
- (new (cdr x) env
- (lambda (b env)
- (success (cons a b) env))))))
- (else
- (success x env))))
- (new x (env-empty) (lambda (a env) a)))
- (define (generic? var prefix) ; is the variable 'var' generic in the 'prefix'
- (cond ((null? prefix)
- #t)
- ((and (eq? (cadar prefix) var) (not (eq? (caar prefix) 'let)))
- #f)
- (else
- (generic? var (cdr prefix)))))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (define global-var-types
- '(
- (+ . (-> num num num))
- (- . (-> num num num))
- (* . (-> num num num))
- (/ . (-> num num num))
- (< . (-> num num bool))
- (<= . (-> num num bool))
- (= . (-> num num bool))
- (>= . (-> num num bool))
- (char>? . (-> char char bool))
- (char<? . (-> char char bool))
- (char<=? . (-> char char bool))
- (char=? . (-> char char bool))
- (char>=? . (-> char char bool))
- (char>? . (-> char char bool))
- (cons . (-> ?a (list ?a) (list ?a)))
- (car . (-> (list ?a) ?a))
- (cdr . (-> (list ?a) (list ?a)))
- (set-car! . (-> (list ?a) ?a ()))
- (set-cdr! . (-> (list ?a) (list ?a) ()))
- (null? . (-> (list ?a) bool))
- (length . (-> (list ?a) num))
- (append . (-> (list ?a) (list ?a) (list ?a)))
- (reverse . (-> (list ?a) (list ?a)))
- (map . (-> (-> ?a ?b) (list ?a) (list ?b)))
- (not . (-> bool bool))
- (call/cc . (-> (-> (-> ?a ?b) ?c) ?a))
- (apply . (-> (-> ?a ?b) (list ?a) ?b)) ; works for monadic procs only
- (write . (-> ?a ()))
- )
- )
- (define (constant-type x)
- (cond ((number? x) 'num)
- ((char? x) 'char)
- ((or (eq? x #t) (eq? x #f)) 'bool)
- ((null? x) '(list ?a))
- ((pair? x)
- (let ((element-type (constant-type (car x))))
- (for-each (lambda (y)
- (if (not (equal? (constant-type y) element-type))
- (fail "list is not homogenous")))
- (cdr x))
- (list 'list element-type)))
- (else (fail "unknown constant type"))))
- (define (quoted-constant-type x)
- (if (eq? x '())
- '(list ?a) ; patch because #f = ()
- (constant-type x)))
- (define (map-left-right f lst)
- (let loop ((lst lst))
- (if (pair? lst)
- (let ((x (f (car lst))))
- (cons x (loop (cdr lst))))
- '())))
- (define (map-left-right2 f lst1 lst2)
- (let loop ((lst1 lst1) (lst2 lst2))
- (if (pair? lst1)
- (let ((x (f (car lst1) (car lst2))))
- (cons x (loop (cdr lst1) (cdr lst2))))
- '())))
- (define (type f) ; return the type of expression 'f'
- (define e (env-empty))
- (define (j p f) ; algorithm 'j' from Robin Milner's paper
- (cond ((symbol? f)
- (if (env-bound? f p)
- (let ((x (env-value f p)))
- (let ((kind (car x))
- (type (cadr x)))
- (if (eq? kind 'let) (instance type p) type)))
- (instance (cdr (assq f global-var-types)) (env-empty))))
- ((not (pair? f))
- (instance (constant-type f) (env-empty)))
- ((eq? (car f) 'quote)
- (instance (quoted-constant-type (cadr f)) (env-empty)))
- ((eq? (car f) 'if)
- (let* ((pre (j p (cadr f)))
- (con (j p (caddr f)))
- (alt (j p (cadddr f))))
- (set! e (unify con alt (unify pre 'bool e)))
- con))
- ((eq? (car f) 'lambda)
- (let ((parms (map-left-right (lambda (x) (new-variable)) (cadr f))))
- (let ((body
- (j (env-join (map-left-right2
- (lambda (x y) (list x 'lambda y))
- (cadr f)
- parms)
- p)
- (caddr f))))
- (cons '-> (append parms (list body))))))
- ((eq? (car f) 'let)
- (j (env-join (map-left-right
- (lambda (x) (list (car x) 'let (j p (cadr x))))
- (cadr f))
- p)
- (caddr f)))
- ((eq? (car f) 'letrec)
- (let ((p* (env-join (map-left-right
- (lambda (x)
- (list (car x) 'letrec (new-variable)))
- (cadr f))
- p)))
- (for-each
- (lambda (x)
- (let ((val (j p* (cadr x))))
- (set! e (unify (cadr (env-value (car x) p*)) val e))))
- (cadr f))
- (j p* (caddr f))))
- ((and (pair? (car f)) (eq? (caar f) 'lambda))
- (j p (list 'let
- (map-left-right2 list (cadar f) (cdr f))
- (caddar f))))
- (else
- (let* ((result (new-variable))
- (oper (j p (car f)))
- (args (map-left-right (lambda (x) (j p x)) (cdr f))))
- (set! e (unify oper (cons '-> (append args (list result))) e))
- result))))
- (let ((t (j (env-empty) f)))
- (substitute t e)))
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Some examples:
- (define example1
- '(cdr '(1 2 3)))
- (define example2
- '(lambda (x y) (if (car x) (car y) (length y))))
- (define example3
- '(letrec ((fact (lambda (x) (if (< x 2) 1 (* x (fact (- x 1)))))))
- fact))
- (define example4
- '(let ((ident (lambda (x) x))) (ident ident)))
- (define example5
- '(letrec ((length (lambda (l) (if (null? l) 0 (+ 1 (length (cdr l)))))))
- length))
- (define example6
- '(letrec ((map (lambda (f l)
- (if (null? l) '() (cons (f (car l)) (map f (cdr l)))))))
- map))
- (define example7
- '(lambda (x)
- (+ 4 (call/cc (lambda (exit)
- (if (null? x) (exit 0) (length x)))))))
- (define (run)
- (set! variable-count 0)
- (let* ((e1 (type example1))
- (e2 (type example2))
- (e3 (type example3))
- (e4 (type example4))
- (e5 (type example5))
- (e6 (type example6))
- (e7 (type example7)))
- (list e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7)))
- (define expected
- '((list num)
- (-> (list bool) (list num) num)
- (-> num num)
- (-> ?20 ?20)
- (-> (list ?24) num)
- (-> (-> ?33 ?34) (list ?33) (list ?34))
- (-> (list ?51) num)))
- ;(define (main . args)
- ; (run-benchmark
- ; "polytype"
- ; polytype-iters
- ; (lambda () (run))
- ; (lambda (result) (equal? result expected))))
- (test-equal expected (run))
- (test-end)