annotations1-bytecode.expected 2.3 KB

  1. Reading .class from annotations1$MyClass.class.
  2. Access flags: public super
  3. This class: annotations1$MyClass super: java.lang.Object
  4. Interfaces (count: 0):
  5. Fields (count: 2):
  6. Field name: x public Signature: gnu.math.IntNum
  7. Attribute "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", length:0, number of entries: 1
  8. @MyAnnotType
  9. svalue => 4324
  10. name => "myName"
  11. bvalue => 2
  12. ivalue => 112
  13. blvalue => false
  14. chvalue => B
  15. etype => enum[java.lang.annotation.ElementType PACKAGE]
  16. Field name: y public Signature: gnu.math.IntNum
  17. Attribute "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", length:0, number of entries: 1
  18. @javax.annotation.Resource
  19. authenticationType => enum[javax.annotation.Resource$AuthenticationType CONTAINER]
  20. type => java.util.ArrayList
  21. Methods (count: 2):
  22. Method name:"toString" public Signature: ()java.lang.String
  23. Attribute "Code", length:74, max_stack:5, max_locals:1, code_length:28
  24. 0: iconst_0
  25. 1: iconst_3
  26. 2: anewarray <Class java.lang.Object>
  27. 5: dup
  28. 6: iconst_0
  29. 7: ldc <String "MyClass[x:~s y:~s]">
  30. 9: aastore
  31. 10: dup
  32. 11: iconst_1
  33. 12: aload_0
  34. 13: getfield <Field annotations1$MyClass.x gnu.math.IntNum>
  35. 16: aastore
  36. 17: dup
  37. 18: iconst_2
  38. 19: aload_0
  39. 20: getfield <Field annotations1$MyClass.y gnu.math.IntNum>
  40. 23: aastore
  41. 24: invokestatic <Method gnu.kawa.functions.Format.formatToString (int,java.lang.Object[])java.lang.String>
  42. 27: areturn
  43. Attribute "LineNumberTable", length:10, count: 2
  44. line: 30 at pc: 0
  45. line: 35 at pc: 0
  46. Attribute "LocalVariableTable", length:12, count: 1
  47. slot#0: name: this, type: annotations1$MyClass (pc: 0 length: 28)
  48. Attribute "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", length:0, number of entries: 1
  49. @MyAnnotType
  50. names => array length:2
  51. 0: "x"
  52. 1: "y"
  53. clvalue =>
  54. Method name:"<init>" public Signature: ()void
  55. Attribute "Code", length:17, max_stack:1, max_locals:1, code_length:5
  56. 0: aload_0
  57. 1: invokespecial <Method java.lang.Object.<init> ()void>
  58. 4: return
  59. Attributes (count: 4):
  60. Attribute "InnerClasses", length:10, count: 1
  61. public MyClass = annotations1$MyClass; member of annotations1
  62. Attribute "RuntimeVisibleAnnotations", length:0, number of entries: 1
  63. @MyAnnotType
  64. name => "MyClassName"
  65. Attribute "SourceFile", length:2, "annotations1.scm"
  66. Attribute "SourceDebugExtension", length:77
  67. SMAP
  68. annotations1.scm
  69. Scheme
  70. *S Scheme
  71. *F
  72. 1 annotations1.scm
  73. *L
  74. 30#1,6:30
  75. *E