Digit's dotfiles.

Digit 266939e93a emacs update after fool add hace 3 años
.config 61964db99b minor update hace 3 años
.xmonad c7e4d28237 add a tabularboonad hace 8 años
.Xdefaults 64bfeb6fbe add .Xdefaults hace 8 años
.bashrc 4eb6d708ae add that scabby bashrc hace 8 años
.emacs 266939e93a emacs update after fool add hace 3 años
.emacs-easyrestore 940c8e7abd add easy restore .emacs, less comments needed hace 3 años
.fish 61964db99b minor update hace 3 años
README.md 74fa2b485c bedrock and gimp loss griping hace 4 años



Digit's dotfiles.



oh, i rly thot thur wuz more i'd add initially. small start. ^_^ might add snapshots of dribble, and tabularboonad, my mpv config, other specific emacs files (like the various erc tweaks, and sauron), move my fools list somewhere else for easier more streamline dotfiling, add dmenu, add an openbox n spectrwm n clfswm configs, n maybe even a fluxbox too, for those rare times i use those, add a fish config, a bashrc, a zsh config, add a .Xresources/.Xdefaults, add various bedrock related configs too, add various strata specific configs and the portions which would have differing configs between strata for same programs (ach, lost before backup), gimp configs (ouch, yeah, lost my gradients), audacity configs (?), tidal files(? (or other repo)), add~deep breath add a script to restore, add a script that lets me chose upon restore whether i want for that system a tabularboonad or a dribble, add a script to repack and re-upload git merge push etc my dotfiles.