75 KB

  1. #onceagain added stuff in haste at the start, several times. need to tidy up and move these to correct sections some time after meditating and medicating.
  2. #move me
  3. #do me.
  4. # s|||
  5. #for all my yt scripts. or at least duplicate them.
  6. function escapekit
  7. stopnicotine
  8. stopsmoking
  9. startbreathing
  10. end
  11. function startbreathing
  12. # mpv "*"
  13. # mpv "*"
  14. mpv ~/Downloads/ac
  15. mpv ~/Downloads/Allen\ Carr\'s\ -\ The\ Easy\ Way\ To\ Stop\ Smoking\ AudioBook/
  16. end
  17. alias allencarr startbreathing
  18. alias easyway startbreathing
  19. alias ac startbreathing
  20. function stopnicotine
  21. #mpvm ""
  22. mpsm "allen carr stop smoking audiobook"
  23. stopnicotine
  24. end
  25. function stopsmoking
  26. mpvm "" "" ""
  27. mpsm "allen carr stop smoking audiobook"
  28. end
  29. #idk if this should be near start, or end... muh alphabet aliases! n-n
  30. source ~/bin/
  31. #or if shud have it in separate file at all... methinks mibi slowing down fish startup
  32. function helpback
  33. hsetroot -solid "#381919" -center ~/Documents/digboxbinds.png
  34. end
  35. #omigosh more cruft added to the start of my fish config. where oh where is the "start"... and will i ever get this all tidy?
  36. #i didnt like having to choose not to use bedrock. glad to be back. trying to respect choice of friends/family to not hear about it loads. lol. :) "gosh i love bedrock" & "so glad to be back on bedrock" 30 times a day's such a bore.
  37. ## surf astro
  38. function surf-astro-000
  39. surf ""
  40. end
  41. function surf-astro-001
  42. surf ""
  43. end
  44. ## surf weather
  45. function surf-weather
  46. surf ",58.87,3196"
  47. end
  48. function surf-tides
  49. surf ""
  50. end
  51. alias tides surf-tides
  52. alias tide-times surf-tides
  53. alias tide surf-tides
  54. alias tidetimes surf-tides
  55. ##
  56. function surf-search
  57. surf "$argv"
  58. end
  59. alias ss surf-search
  60. alias websearch surf-search
  61. alias search surf-search
  62. alias ws surf-search
  63. alias s surf-search
  64. function surf-search-qwant
  65. surf "$argv"
  66. end
  67. function surf-search-ddg
  68. surf "$argv"
  69. end
  70. function surf-search-sp
  71. surf "$argv"
  72. end
  73. ###meditations
  74. function meditation-7breathmeditaiton
  75. flite -t "breathe in. breathe in to your root chakra, softly filling. And relaxing on exhale."
  76. flite -t "breathe in. breathe in to your sacral chakra, softly filling. And relaxing on exhale."
  77. flite -t "breathe in. breathe in to your solar chakra, softly filling. And relaxing on exhale."
  78. flite -t "breathe in. breathe in to your heart chakra, softly filling. And relaxing on exhale."
  79. flite -t "breathe in. breathe in to your throat chakra, softly filling. And relaxing on exhale."
  80. flite -t "breathe in. breathe in to your mind chakra, softly filling. And relaxing on exhale."
  81. flite -t "breathe in. breathe in to your spirit chakra, softly filling. And relaxing on exhale."
  82. flite -t "breathe in to your fingers and toes, softly filling your whole body. And relax on exhale."
  83. end
  84. ###thunderbrowser ... move me to a new webby section
  85. # " to me, death and rebirth go hand in hand with gratitude and generosity " --thunder (from #spiritscience)
  86. function thunderbrowser
  87. wget --save-headers --user-agent='Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:70.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70.0' -q -c -O - '' | tee -a '/home/digit/.txt/20210115-015359.html' | sed '/^HTTP\/1\./, /^^M$/d' | lynx -stdin -dump -force_html -image_links | less
  88. end
  89. ### colourtest-16c
  90. function colourtest-16c
  91. unbuffer colortest-16 | tail -n 17
  92. end
  93. #alias colortest-16c colourtest-16c
  94. ## sleeptv
  95. function sleeptv
  96. #idk why this wont play with a path, but ok... looks like i gotta cd in to the dir first. :/
  97. ### wat?^ noh, surely i was just typo'ing or something, no? nope, seems not. wtf. idk.
  98. # timeout 90m mpv --shuffle --playlist=~/cinema/sleeptvlist
  99. cd ~/cinema
  100. timeout 90m mpv --shuffle --playlist=sleeptvlist
  101. end
  102. ## time to remake the grand sleepery... cept i'm too sleepy to chain all the sleep things together just now and so instead shall put this windbagging comment about it (to remind my spritely awake self here to do it) and will simply watch sleeptv this time. #20210107 the day my operating system drive died at the same time as one of those inexplicable hangs that need manual rebooting.
  103. # it'll include something like sleeptv ; sleepytime ; sleeper ; sleepkit ;
  104. # or something like sleeptv ; sleepwise ; sleepytime ; sleeper ; sleepkit ; sleep 3h ; radiodrone
  105. # sleepall
  106. function sleepall000
  107. sleeptv ; sleepwise ; sleepytime ; sleeper ; sleepkit ; sleep 3h ; radiodrone
  108. end
  109. function sleepall001
  110. sleeptv ; sleepwise ; sleepytime ; sleeper ; sleepkit
  111. end
  112. alias sleepall sleepall001
  113. #peem
  114. function peem
  115. #peem, the name and default search and install command of digit's new package manager alias/interface wrapper notion.
  116. #by default, search, but extended version will start to install it if it's the one obvious thing that's not installed, unless cancelled in a couple seconds.
  117. #so on this os at time of writing, the simple version is just
  118. apt-cache search $argv
  119. #if i did my fish correctly.
  120. #but peem would properly add a check to see if need of an update if the list was stale, and other package manager specific sprucings.
  121. #peem's a lazy easy one stop command. there's no intermediate "install", "search", "remove", "update" commands, as peem will interpret and toggle as needs. the user can cancel to say no if a toggle about to proceed is wrong. .^\
  122. #so yeah... i'll get coding that... in pseudocode or real fishshellscript{[(is that the correct terminology?)]`> soon...
  123. #that'll be interesting in a bedrocky sort of way.
  124. end
  125. #
  126. function dunebong
  127. flite -t " It is by will alone I set my mind in motion. It is by the smoke of cannabis that thoughts acquire depth, the eyes acquire blood, the blood becomes a warning. It is by will alone I set my mind in motion."
  128. end #gonna redo that, with toilet/figlet, and lolcat, and sleep, to stagger it. ... might even try slip in flite along with.
  129. #
  130. function digmenu
  131. dmenu_run -l 19 -b -i -nb "#000" -fn "merg" -nf "#fda" -sb "#EB3" -sf "#E3B"
  132. end
  133. #moveme too
  134. #do me.
  135. # s|||
  136. #for all my yt scripts. or at least duplicate them.
  137. #and/or make youtube-dl and mpv aliased to sedit out the youtubery automagically. and/or at least make an alt command to do that first. there's a fun geeking project to settle into the present with. :)
  138. #moveme
  139. function checkit
  140. flite -t "check it."
  141. end
  142. #ugh, gotta change all my mpv aliases since --this format is deprecated and dangerous (so they say) and needs be --this=format now.
  143. #attempts (move this section down somewhere sensible) ~ to make urls "Just Work" without "quotation" nor /escaping
  144. #this thnx from vifon in #fish on
  145. alias thisshudnbanaliasthoshudit "xsel | xargs -n1 -I'{}' do-stuff --some-arg='{}' --some-other-arg"
  146. #but added it (and called it thisshudnbanaliasthoshudit) like that in haste to take note just now anyway.
  147. ## oh shit, im gonna paste the whole bloody chat in here messin up my fish config. lol
  148. ##
  149. ##[2019-01-21 06:17:21] <Digit> is there a way to have urls be pasteable n interpreted without quotes nor warnings? is there somewhere i could add a simple "if starts http:// or https:// then autoquote it until the next space"?
  150. ##[2019-01-21 15:18:16] <krobelus> toothe: use `fg` (or `bg`)
  151. ##[2019-01-21 15:21:08] <krobelus> Digit: not really, but I don't think valid URLs have quotes.. the only character that is in the way is ?, though that is deprecated and will hopefully be removed at some point
  152. ##[2019-01-21 15:21:35] <krobelus> Digit: you can always do `your-command (read)` and then just paste the url
  153. ##[2019-01-21 17:42:15] <gregf> When I start to type out a command fish offers suggestions for completion. What's the key combo to accept the current suggestion?
  154. ##[2019-01-21 17:45:38] <vifon> gregf: Right arrow or Ctrl+f.
  155. ##[2019-01-21 23:52:22] <Digit> not sure my query was interpreted as intended. krobelus: valid urls dont have quotes in them, yes. but i'm talking about the need to quote urls. e.g. cant just middle-click paste a video url after mpv, hit enter, and go. needs " around the url. 4 extra keypresses that get irksome around where otherwise just a middle click & enter would do. the only thing i miss from bash. n_n
  156. ##[2019-01-21 23:54:53] <vifon> Digit: Well, you can use '' to cut these 4 keypresses in half. ;)
  157. ##[2019-01-21 23:55:19] <Digit> ... ? i dont get it
  158. ##[2019-01-21 23:55:34] <vifon> You need to press Shift for ".
  159. ##[2019-01-21 23:56:13] <vifon> Well, in Bash it would mysteriously stop working if for some reason you'd have the file named like the URL but with actual characters in place of ?.
  160. ##[2019-01-21 23:56:26] <vifon> Personally I don't like the ? and * handling in Bash.
  161. ##[2019-01-21 23:56:41] <vifon> Especially *. Working until it isn't.
  162. ##[2019-01-21 23:56:47] <Digit> oh, right, yes, of course. is ' dependable for urls? :3 well, that's better. halfed the infinitely more keypresses than i want in that area. n_n
  163. ##[2019-01-21 23:57:01] <vifon> I'd expect it to be, yes.
  164. ##[2019-01-21 23:57:30] <vifon> The hack with (read) looks nice actually.
  165. ##[2019-01-21 23:57:56] <Digit> i didnt quite grok what that was about, how to implement.
  166. ##[2019-01-21 23:58:31] <vifon> You enter "mpv (read)", press enter and then paste. Possible with Enter and C-d afterwards.
  167. ##[2019-01-21 23:58:40] <vifon> It essentially reads from stdin.
  168. ##[2019-01-21 23:58:58] <vifon> *Possibly
  169. ##[2019-01-21 23:59:04] <vifon> No, no C-d necessary.
  170. ##[2019-01-21 23:59:07] <Digit> yeah, so, once mpv's aliased such, it's replaceing the 4 (or 2) extra keypresses with 3.
  171. ##[2019-01-21 23:59:23] <Digit> no C-d, then just 2? :)
  172. ##[2019-01-21 23:59:30] <vifon> You just have one additional enter.
  173. ##[2019-01-21 23:59:34] <Digit> well, just an extra enter, yeah
  174. ##[2019-01-21 23:59:50] <vifon> That looks pretty reasonable.
  175. ##[2019-01-22 00:00:11] <vifon> Even better, you could use "mpv (xsel)
  176. ##[2019-01-22 00:00:14] <vifon> "
  177. ##[2019-01-22 00:00:26] <vifon> No pasting and no additional enter.
  178. ##[2019-01-22 00:00:57] <vifon> Basically the XY Problem. :)
  179. ##[2019-01-22 00:00:58] <Digit> ... then... ... that's even faster. if i understand correctly... that would initiate right upon middle click? :O
  180. ##[2019-01-22 00:01:10] <vifon> No middle click necessary.
  181. ##[2019-01-22 00:01:25] <Digit> not even! :O :D
  182. ##[2019-01-22 00:01:28] <vifon> You just need to select/copy the URL and run this command.
  183. ##[2019-01-22 00:01:31] <Digit> oh, but yeah, still needs 1 enter
  184. ##[2019-01-22 00:01:36] <Digit> nice
  185. ##[2019-01-22 00:01:39] <vifon> Well, you always need one.
  186. ##[2019-01-22 00:06:15] <Digit> n that'd work great for 1 url. but not if i had a chain of them. right?
  187. ##[2019-01-22 00:07:07] <Digit> yeah, i at first misinterpret the (xsel) as middle-click would paste and initiate.
  188. ##[2019-01-22 00:07:34] <vifon> Digit: If you want each one of them as a separate argument, it'll work if they are newline-separated in your clipboard.
  189. ##[2019-01-22 00:07:58] * Digit nods
  190. ##[2019-01-22 00:08:47] <vifon> If you want more control, you could use "xsel | xargs -n1 -I'{}' do-stuff --some-arg='{}' --some-other-arg"
  191. ##[2019-01-22 04:00:29] <Digit> i still think my dream of function in my .fishrc that allows urls to be invisably/auto quoted/escaped is my optimal target (as expressed^ "if starts http:// or https:// then autoquote it until the next space"). but that("xsel | xargs -n1 -I'{}' do-stuff --some-arg='{}' --some-other-arg")'s a really cool aproach in this area too. *enthused*
  192. ##[2019-01-22 04:10:25] <vifon> Digit: You may want to add sponge(1) from moreutils to the pipeline so that clipboard won't change during the processing. I've seen strange things happen when piping from xsel(1), though I expect it to be "atomic" once the reading begins.
  193. ##[2019-01-22 00:08:47] <vifon> If you want more control, you could use "xsel | xargs -n1 -I'{}' do-stuff --some-arg='{}' --some-other-arg"
  194. ## [2019-01-22 04:10:25] <vifon> Digit: You may want to add sponge(1) from moreutils to the pipeline so that clipboard won't change during the processing. I've seen strange things happen when piping from xsel(1), though I expect it to be "atomic" once the reading begins.
  195. #because you really want that bash feature parity of being able to just paste a url and go. no fangled quotation marks necessary! it's a must have feature. so it's worth mussing up the config with a big chat paste. that'll help remind and motivate and guide and inspire and clue. it's one of the larger inconveniences offputting a larger potential userbase of fish users. n more eyes, make bugs more shallow. ;D
  196. ###
  197. #making aliases(?) for locations like where's huj at now:
  198. #alias huj "~/hujscue/" #### might wanna recheck if wanna bother doing that... works fine so long as not mounting old huj on huj. ###########nohhhhh!####
  199. ## woah woah woah. is that how i ended up getting muddled crap in hujscue instead of huj3?
  200. alias huj "~/huj3/" #### might wanna recheck if wanna bother doing that... works fine so long as not mounting old huj on huj. !!!*ahem*!!!
  201. #huj4 next?
  202. #huj3 is huj5 now. huj4 is the new hujscue. so huj3's the active forward live drive. just backup to huj4.
  203. #i should write what command to do that here... a rsync or a cp,
  204. #cp -p? huj3/* huj4/
  205. #rsync -??? --ignore-existing huj3/* huj4/
  206. #
  207. #yeah, many months later, 20200708, and still havent done that. maybe have that be "the task" of the day. accomplish specifically that.
  208. #
  209. # what's the huj bkp command that preserves the dates n perms n everything...?
  210. #lolcat lc
  211. alias lc lolcat
  212. #changed this from mapscii to mapscii-telnet
  213. #because i did sudo npm install -g mapscii
  214. #to get mapscii installed locally. :)
  215. function mapscii-telnet
  216. telnet
  217. end
  218. ####################################
  219. # #
  220. # WELCOME! TO Digit'S FISH CONFIG #
  221. # #
  222. ####################################
  223. #moveme ~things added in haste here:
  224. alias ytdllf "youtube-dl --list-formats"
  225. alias lf ytdllf
  226. alias curetoothdecay "mpv /home/digit/cinema/_healing/teeth/Cure*"
  227. ####################################
  228. # #
  229. # during an adventure, this config #
  230. # is created, from prior ~/.bashrc #
  231. # and will survive FOREVAAAAAAAAH! #
  232. # #
  233. ####################################
  234. # ################## #
  235. ####################################
  236. # #
  237. ###### expect broken shit ######## # especially now using fish 3.
  238. # #
  239. ####################################
  240. # ################## #
  241. ####################################
  242. # #
  243. # type help. /usr/share/doc/fish/ #
  244. # #
  245. # alias foo "fapfaps -bar '~/bar'" #
  246. # #
  247. # function foobar #
  248. # bar; and fapfaps; or foo #
  249. # end #
  250. # #
  251. ####################################
  252. ####################################### #######################################
  253. ################################################################################
  254. #######bedrock 2020 section... ######## ##
  255. # move me to my own sensible location # #
  256. # somewhere nice with ascii art ####### ##
  257. #moveme mendme bedrock
  258. #function srsly
  259. # echo "mendme"
  260. # sudo strat -r "$arg1" "$argv"
  261. #end
  262. alias srsly "sudo strat -r"
  263. ####################################
  264. ############ weathery ############
  265. ####################################
  266. alias weather curlwttr
  267. function curlwttr
  268. curl
  269. end
  270. function lance
  271. cat /home/digit/huj3/DigitsStuff/digitswritings/ascii/lance
  272. end
  273. ###########################################################
  274. ################# the st cheating section #################
  275. ###########################################################
  276. #for cursor keys n del n things, like when mpv decided cursor keys were impossible key combinations. ~ even tho i "mended" this already in another couple places, i'm sure this wont hurt to include. ... kinda.
  277. switch $TERM
  278. case 'st-*' # suckless' simple terminal
  279. # Enable keypad, do it once before fish_postexec ever fires
  280. tput smkx
  281. function st_smkx --on-event fish_postexec
  282. tput smkx
  283. end
  284. function st_rmkx --on-event fish_preexec
  285. tput rmkx
  286. end
  287. end #and yes, menddel2's got that already too bellow. maybe this is a better way to do it. should mend more than del, and cover more edge cases. leaving it in again though.
  288. #totally cheating for st:
  289. #
  290. # restores del
  291. printf '\033[?1h\033=' >/dev/tty
  292. # or
  293. #tput smkx
  294. #wrapped these in a function to call.
  295. function menddel
  296. printf '\033[?1h\033=' >/dev/tty
  297. end
  298. function menddel2
  299. tput smkx
  300. end
  301. ###########################################################
  302. ################# end st cheating section #################
  303. ###########################################################
  304. ###########################################################
  305. ################# the mushroom section ##################
  306. ###########################################################
  307. function ok
  308. clear
  309. lance
  310. bedrockascii
  311. echo
  312. end
  313. ###########################################################
  314. ################# end mushroom section ##################
  315. ###########################################################
  316. alias stalefish "source ~/.config/fish/"
  317. alias freshfish "source ~/.fishrc"
  318. #is this right to put this here like this?
  319. #export EDITOR="emacs -nw"
  320. #NO. XD that messes up select-editor, /etc/environment, set -xU EDITOR yi, and other methods. good grief that was painful.
  321. #set -xU EDITOR yi
  322. #^ proper way, issue that on command line, not here in fish config. :)
  323. #update:
  324. # except ... idk why, but my crontab -e is back to using emacs -nw... wat... where... how!? not here.
  325. #so i'm setting this here like a cheat again since the other methods are STILL not sticking. whyyyyy
  326. set -e EDITOR #remove
  327. set -xU EDITOR yi
  328. #and if that doesnt work, try
  329. #export EDITOR="yi"
  330. function fish_prompt
  331. echo ""(set_color green)""(date +%Y%m%d)""(set_color cyan)" $PWD "(set_color FF0)"% "
  332. end
  333. ########################
  334. ########################
  335. ####### aliases ########
  336. function matt
  337. echo
  338. echo ""
  339. echo
  340. end
  341. function adereth
  342. mpv ""
  343. end
  344. #see digitclock alias & tarklessclock
  345. #function digitclock
  346. #dclock -bg black -fg orange -led_off "#1f001f" -noutc -fn nztt -noblink -fade -fadeRate 200 -dateup -miltime -nobell
  347. #end
  348. function tarklessclock
  349. dclock -bg "#332414" -fg "#FCAF3E" -led_off "#4D3319" -noutc -fn nztt -noblink -fade -fadeRate 200 -dateup -miltime -nobell -thickness "0.08"
  350. end
  351. alias digitclock tarklessclock
  352. #see digitclockround alias & tarklessclockround
  353. #function digitclockround
  354. #oclock -bg black -fg goldenrod -bd "#421257"
  355. #end
  356. function tarklessclockround
  357. oclock -bg "#332414" -fg "#FCAF3E" -bd "#4D3319"
  358. end
  359. alias digitclockround tarklessclockround
  360. function digiteyes
  361. xeyes -fg "#332414" -outline "#493319" -center "#6B5036"
  362. end
  363. alias tarkeyes digiteyes
  364. function digitwmsun
  365. wmsun -lat 58.81 -lon 2.81
  366. end
  367. ##################################
  368. ####### mounts n locations #######
  369. alias ovh "ssh digit@ovhtoo"
  370. #alias ovhprox "ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080 digit@ovhtoo -M -S /tmp/digit@ovhtoo:22"
  371. #alias ovhprox "ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080 -M -S /tmp/digit@ovhtoo:22"
  372. alias ovhprox "ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080 digit@ovhtoo -M -S /tmp/digit@ovhtoo:22"
  373. alias ovhtorrents "sshfs ovhtoo:/home/digit/torrents/ /media/x3/torrents/otorrents/"
  374. alias orprox "ssh -C2qTnN -D 8080 -M -S /tmp/digit@orsufi:22"
  375. alias ortorrents "sshfs orsufi:/home/digit/rtorrent/ /home/digit/torrents/ortorrents/"
  376. alias othertorrents "sshfs orsufi:/home/digit/rtorrent/ /home/digit/torrents/othertorrents/"
  377. #commented out, because some day, i'm gonna want b for something bedrocky.
  378. #alias b "bash"
  379. #wat... this isnt how this works... just returns "usage: flite_time HH:MM"
  380. #alias fime "flite_time `date +%H:%M`"
  381. #did i mean...
  382. #alias fime "flite_time (date +%H:%M)"
  383. #or something?
  384. #that would work if it were not trying to open the wrong/"default" audio device.
  385. #so, instead, lets just make our own... manually, simpler:
  386. function fime
  387. # flite -t "the time is now"
  388. flite -t (date +%H:%M)
  389. end
  390. function fliter
  391. echo "processing ~/flitings to make ~/flitings.wav"
  392. flite -voice slt -f ~/flitings -o ~/flitings.wav
  393. echo "playing ~/flitings.wav in mpv"
  394. mpv ~/flitings.wav
  395. echo "done."
  396. echo "please paste more text over the contents of ~/flitings and re-run this fliter function for next time you want an article read to you"
  397. end
  398. #fish dont want me have &&, but me will, one day.
  399. #alias "&&" "; and"
  400. ########################
  401. #### extracts things ###
  402. # easy extract
  403. #function extract
  404. # if [ -f $1 ] ; then
  405. # case $1 in
  406. # *.tar.bz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
  407. # *.tar.gz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
  408. # *.bz) bunzip2 $1 ;;
  409. # *.bz2) bunzip2 $1 ;;
  410. # *.rar) rar x $1 ;;
  411. # *.gz) gunzip $1 ;;
  412. # *.tar) tar xvf $1 ;;
  413. # *.tbz2) tar xvjf $1 ;;
  414. # *.tgz) tar xvzf $1 ;;
  415. # *.zip) unzip $1 ;;
  416. # *.Z) uncompress $1 ;;
  417. # *.7z) 7z x $1 ;;
  418. # *.xz) tar xvf $1 ;;
  419. # *) echo "don't know how to extract #'$1'..." ;;
  420. # esac
  421. # else
  422. # echo "'$1' is not a valid file!"
  423. # fi
  424. #end
  425. # type seering
  426. function digit
  427. echo "that's your name you ninnie."
  428. end
  429. #sorter. to do all those little tasks i keep having to do because i've not put them in startup files for one reason or another.
  430. function sorter
  431. echo "=== background ==="
  432. feh --bg-scale /home/digit/images/morse.png
  433. echo "=== mountings ==="
  434. ##### 2020 notes, in bedrock now again,
  435. ##### sdb9=huj3 sde1=huj4 sdf1=bb3
  436. ##### (and huj5 = symlink to huj3 (active) and huj4's hujscue (inactive))
  437. ##### check sorter mountings code yet?
  438. df -h
  439. sleep 1
  440. #echo "this went wrong, somehow the sda disapeared, and sdb became sda."
  441. #echo "this is why to use uuid! :D"
  442. #echo "#echo \"sudo mount /dev/sdb8 /media/sdb8\""
  443. #echo "#sudo mount /dev/sdb8 /media/sdb8"
  444. #echo "so instead, lets try that again (albeit still calling it sdb8 for legacy links)"
  445. #echo "sudo mount -U 4720a175-d3fe-495c-bba1-c7254a8f7920 /media/sdb8"
  446. #sudo mount -U 4720a175-d3fe-495c-bba1-c7254a8f7920 /media/sdb8
  447. #echo
  448. #sleep 1
  449. #echo "REMINDER: change the rest to UUID-based mounting too if not already."
  450. #sleep 1
  451. #echo "REMINDER: ... & delete the crufty comments in sorter."
  452. #echo
  453. #sleep 1
  454. #### i really should switch these to use uuid, ffs. or labels or names.
  455. #huj now changed to hujscue, huj is dying.
  456. #echo sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/huj
  457. #sudo mount /dev/sda1 ~/huj
  458. #echo "sudo mount /dev/sdb15 ~/hujscue"
  459. #sudo mount /dev/sdb15 ~/hujscue
  460. #hujscue was crampt. need to find how to safely expand them into one., since they now occupy contiguous space by quirk of chance.
  461. #echo "sudo mount /dev/sde1 ~/huj4"
  462. #sudo mount /dev/sde1 ~/huj4
  463. #cos huj4's the new hujscue, isnt it.
  464. #but you do it with uuid later. :)
  465. #meep. gotta get this all shifted to huj5 at some point. or better yet... TO HUJ!!! (huj, i was just shouting) to huj, so that it's rolling consistent and i dont hit upon these snags anymore when traversing to new hd ever again. :3
  466. ###echo "sudo mount /dev/sdb9 ~/huj3"
  467. #echo "sudo mount -U 14fd2cbb-2fad-46cb-b853-1b74394cb68d ~/huj3"
  468. #echo "was gonna be sudo mount /dev/sdb9 ~/huj3"
  469. #echo "sudo mount /dev/sdb9 ~/huj5"
  470. ###sudo mount /dev/sdb9 ~/huj3
  471. #sudo mount -U 14fd2cbb-2fad-46cb-b853-1b74394cb68d ~/huj3
  472. #sudo mount /dev/sdb9 ~/huj5
  473. #and you'll want your swap drive turned on, surely...
  474. #sudo swapon /dev/sdb3
  475. #and you'll want to change where that is some day.
  476. #echo "sudo swapon -U 82eb4bed-1adc-42ec-9e53-5d87085988d7"
  477. #sudo swapon -U 82eb4bed-1adc-42ec-9e53-5d87085988d7
  478. #sleep 1
  479. #bb3 sometimes sdd1, sometimes sde1, need to do by uuid.
  480. #echo sudo mount /dev/sde1 ~/bb3
  481. #sudo mount /dev/sde1 ~/bb3
  482. #echo "sudo mount -U da62bed0-6d78-44ef-baea-6a29bc84e4b2 ~/bb3 #sde1 or sdd1"
  483. #sudo mount -U da62bed0-6d78-44ef-baea-6a29bc84e4b2 ~/bb3 #sde1 or sdd1
  484. #sleep 1
  485. #echo "sudo mount -U 6aafce0b-0611-47cb-ad5b-4d15ffc0da36 ~/huj4"
  486. #sudo mount -U 6aafce0b-0611-47cb-ad5b-4d15ffc0da36 ~/huj4 #sdh1 that first time with 2 pendrives in at same time... not that this matters much at all. using uuid. :3 just nice to know.
  487. #sleep 4
  488. echo "wait for it"
  489. sleep 3
  490. df -h
  491. echo "=== mountings done ==="
  492. echo "=== (actually doing) X windows settings ==="
  493. echo "setxkbmap gb"
  494. setxkbmap gb
  495. echo "xset s off"
  496. xset s off
  497. echo "xset s noblank"
  498. xset s noblank
  499. #######
  500. #sleep 1
  501. #echo "and a biggie... should maybe be done nearer fist..."
  502. #echo "xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --primary --mode 2560x1600 --pos 1200x0 --rotate left --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1200 --pos 0x0 --rotate left --output DP-1 --off"
  503. #xrandr --output DVI-I-1 --primary --mode 2560x1600 --pos 1200x0 --rotate left --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1200 --pos 0x0 --rotate left --output DP-1 --off
  504. #######
  505. echo "and just give it a few seconds to settle..."
  506. sleep 1
  507. echo -n " . "
  508. sleep 1
  509. echo -n " . "
  510. sleep 1
  511. echo -n " . "
  512. sleep 1
  513. echo -n " . "
  514. sleep 1
  515. echo ""
  516. #echo "=== (!!! SKIPPING) X windows settings ==="
  517. #echo "skipping xrdb -load ~/.Xresources"
  518. xrdb -load ~/.Xresources
  519. #xrandr --dpi 120
  520. #echo xrandr --dpi 96
  521. #xrandr --dpi 96
  522. #echo "skipping xrandr --dpi 100 # because it hangs"
  523. #xrandr --dpi 100
  524. #echo "skipping xset -dpms"
  525. #xset -dpms
  526. #echo "skipping xmobar"
  527. #xmobar &
  528. #idk about adding an xmonad recompile. esp /after/ xmobar, which i dont have it start... idk if wise.
  529. #cd ~/.xmonad ;and xmonad --recompile
  530. #
  531. #echo "=== (!!!) X windows settings (SKIPPED (due to freezes needing debugged)) ==="
  532. #echo
  533. #feh --bg-scale /home/digit/huj3/DigitsStuff/images/dsktpbkgrnds/smplbak2ii-Digitsbelgianblueblondbullbackground-exp001-doublevert.jpg
  534. #echo "feh --bg-scale /home/digit/huj3/DigitsStuff/images/dsktpbkgrnds/smplbak2ii-Digitsbelgianblueblondbullbackground-exp001-doublevert.jpg"
  535. #echo "dev notes - still to add more to sorter."
  536. #echo "dev notes - still much to retest n mend."
  537. #echo "dev notes - check the skippings to restore^"
  538. #echo "dev notes - still to add IF statements to prevent trying redo whats already done, and so on."
  539. #echo "add a xrdb load and a separate xrdb merge for a colours-only config (so can pick between tark and other, without doing all the other things in there.)"
  540. #still more to add
  541. ###
  542. # find a way to add digitclock and digitclockround and digitwmsun
  543. end
  544. function alien
  545. echo "it greeted me with the most elaborate gesture, then another, and another, incrementally getting simpler and simpler, until it all but waved, and i was snapped out of my dumbfoundedness, all i could do was wave back."
  546. end
  547. #reminder remember fold for sent. ;)
  548. ####################################
  549. ############## medias ##############
  550. ####################################
  551. # #
  552. ####################################
  553. ####################################
  554. # ##### ############ ##### #
  555. ##### ######## #####
  556. #### ###### ####
  557. ### #### ###
  558. ### #### ###
  559. ## # # ## # # ##
  560. ## ## ##
  561. ## # # ## # # ##
  562. ### #### ###
  563. ### #### ###
  564. #### ###### ####
  565. ##### ######## #####
  566. ####### ############ #######
  567. ####################################
  568. ####################################
  569. ######### wim hof method ###########
  570. function hof
  571. mpv "/home/digit/cinema/_healing/wimhof/Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing-tybOi4hjZFQ.mkv" "/home/digit/cinema/_healing/wimhof/4 rounds advanced Wim Hof guided breathing + OM MANTRA-g_jAjpZz-5Y.mp4"
  572. end
  573. function hollyhof-old
  574. # mpv ~/Videos/hollyhof.mkv
  575. mpv ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4
  576. mp18 ""
  577. mpv /home/digit/cinema/_healing/wimhof/Wellness_Guru_Wim_Hof_Leads_Phillip_Holly_in_Breathing_Masterclass_This_Morning-GoSMm2OHnsk.mp4
  578. end
  579. function hollyhof-loop
  580. # mp18 ""
  581. #mp18 "" --ab-loop-a=<00:07:00>, --ab-loop-b=<00:11:19>
  582. # mpv --start=07:00 --ab-loop-a=07:00 --ab-loop-b=11:19 ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4
  583. mpv --fullscreen --panscan=1.00 --start=07:00 --ab-loop-a=07:00 --ab-loop-b=11:19 ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4
  584. #mpv --start=07:00 --end=11:11 ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4 ; holyhof
  585. end
  586. # mpv --fullscreen --panscan=1.00 --start=07:00 --ab-loop-a=07:00 --ab-loop-b=11:19 ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4
  587. ### hofdev
  588. function hoffinator #good version, checks&dl, fullscreen/panscan, loopedalias hollyhof hoffinator
  589. if test -f ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4
  590. mpv --fullscreen --panscan=1.00 --start=07:00 --ab-loop-a=07:00 --ab-loop-b=11:19 ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4
  591. else
  592. youtube-dl --format=18 "" -o ~/Videos/hollyhoftest.mp4
  593. mpv --fullscreen --panscan=1.00 --start=07:00 --ab-loop-a=07:00 --ab-loop-b=11:19 ~/Videos/hollyhof.mp4
  594. end
  595. end
  596. #set your best "hollyhof" version here:
  597. #alias hollyhof hollyhof-loop
  598. alias hollyhof hoffinator #good version, checks&dl, fullscreen/panscan, loopedalias hollyhof
  599. alias hollyhopdrive hollyhop
  600. function triplehof
  601. #holly hof once
  602. mpv --start=07:00 --end=11:11 /home/digit/cinema/_healing/wimhof/Wellness_Guru_Wim_Hof_Leads_Phillip_Holly_in_Breathing_Masterclass_This_Morning-GoSMm2OHnsk.mp4
  603. #russel hof once
  604. mpv --end=57:19 --start=52:05 /home/digit/cinema/_healing/wimhof/Heal\ Yourself\ with\ The\ Ice\ Shaman\ _\ Wim\ Hof\ \&\ Russell\ Brand-JPPlicAEFec.mp4
  605. #russel hof again once
  606. mpv --end=56:00 --start=51:11 /home/digit/cinema/_healing/wimhof/Corona\ Survival\ Guide\ with\ Wim\ Hof\ \&\ Russell\ Brand\ _\ Full\ Length\ Podcast-YfAgSusi6t0.mp4
  607. end
  608. function fiddyhof
  609. #50 breaths. 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00
  610. mp18 ""
  611. end
  612. function sevenhof
  613. triplehof
  614. fiddyhof
  615. end
  616. function hofalong
  617. mpv --start=06:00 --end=25:33 /home/digit/cinema/_healing/wimhof/Breathe\ Along\ with\ Wim\ Hof\ _\ Guided\ Breathing-fLIoSNKaruA.mp4
  618. end
  619. function megahof
  620. # following this, 5 rounds hofalong, 3 round triplehof, 4 rounds fiddyhof = a dozen rounds!
  621. # stop early if u want.
  622. # just relax. follow the breath. no straining. listen to your body. present, now.
  623. hofalong
  624. triplehof
  625. fiddyhof
  626. end
  627. # hofmore
  628. #function hofmore
  629. function hofmore_function
  630. # # # #!/usr/bin/fish
  631. mpv --ytdl-format=18 "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
  632. # sort this one out to just the correct start and end time, and add to ^
  633. mpv --ytdl-format=18 ""
  634. # is that cool new one with the layered nature music by that guy guiding it. nicely done. :)
  635. end
  636. #/hofmore.
  637. ############## asmr ##############
  638. function asmr
  639. mpv --shuffle "/home/digit/cinema/_asmr/"
  640. end
  641. function sleepytime
  642. mpv --start=02:25 "/home/digit/cinema/_asmr/bedtime.mkv" "/home/digit/cinema/_asmr/deepsleep.mkv"
  643. end
  644. alias asmrsleepytime sleepytime
  645. function sleeper
  646. timeout 4h mpv --playlist=/home/digit/cinema/_healing/healingtones/sleeplist
  647. end
  648. alias sleepnow sleeper
  649. #^############^ asmr ^############^#
  650. #v##########v not asmr v##########v#
  651. # but still sleepy #
  652. function sleepkit
  653. mp18 --no-video "" "" ;and mpv ~/cinema/_healing/healingtones/Sleep\ Fast\ _\ Sleep\ Meditation-6RAkklWOyQg.opus ;and timeout 4h mpv --shuffle --playlist ~/cinema/_healing/healingtones/sleeplist --volume=57
  654. end
  655. ####################################
  656. #for audiobooks
  657. #as suggested here:
  658. alias book "mpv --save-position-on-quit"
  659. #gimmie all the vids from a chan
  660. #youtube-dl -f best -citw -v <url-of-channel>
  661. alias ytcdl "ytcdl-best" #preferred
  662. function ytcdl-best
  663. youtube-dl -f best -citw -v $argv
  664. end
  665. #now i need make the 43 version, and the user (best&43) version too, lazy digit.
  666. #function ytcdl-43
  667. #alias ytudl
  668. #function ytudl-best
  669. #function ytudl-43
  670. #what formats are available
  671. alias yf "youtube-dl -F $argv"
  672. #andwatch and mwatch. idea of a playlist cache file sorta thing.
  673. function andwatch
  674. echo $argv >> ~/cinema/watch
  675. end
  676. alias addwatch "andwatch"
  677. alias aw "andwatch"
  678. function mwatch
  679. mpv -playlist ~/cinema/watch
  680. end
  681. alias morewatch "mwatch"
  682. alias mw "mwatch"
  683. #seems to me like there should be a remove first line. for andwatch and mwatch to work
  684. #also... could use actual command watch, to use as prompt to play next when new are added...
  685. #same pitch at speed
  686. alias mpv "mpv --af=scaletempo"
  687. #just music
  688. alias mpvm "mpv --no-video $1"
  689. alias mpf "mpv --ytdl-format=$argv"
  690. #gonna wanna make more of these and/or improve this one.
  691. alias choons "mp18" # Thunderdome "Whisper of dead" Album 2020 (Early Hardcore/Gabber 90s) #fuckbags, it went private, just as i was making it an alias as my go-to choons.
  692. #youtubers
  693. ##sights
  694. alias mplease "mpv --ytdl-format=160"
  695. alias mp160 "mpv --ytdl-format=160"
  696. ##freedom sounds
  697. alias mpleep "mpv --ytdl-format=171"
  698. alias mp171 "mpv --ytdl-format=171"
  699. ##freedom sights
  700. alias mp242 "mpv --ytdl-format=242"
  701. alias mp278 "mpv --ytdl-format=278"
  702. ##freedom faves
  703. alias mp43 "mpv --ytdl-format=43"
  704. #bandwidthsalvs
  705. alias mp5 "mpv --ytdl-format=5"
  706. alias mp36 "mpv --ytdl-format=36"
  707. alias mp17 "mpv --ytdl-format=17"
  708. #more of em
  709. #alias mp "mpv --ytdl-format="
  710. #tazys format choice
  711. alias mptazy "mpv --ytdl-format=18"
  712. alias mp18 "mpv --ytdl-format=18"
  713. #master builder
  714. alias mp22 "mpv --ytdl-format=22"
  715. #youtube watch things about...
  716. #tazy format
  717. function mps18
  718. mpv --ytdl-format=18 ytdl://ytsearch10:"$argv"
  719. end
  720. #blind music search
  721. function mpvms
  722. mpv --no-video ytdl://ytsearch10:"$argv"
  723. end
  724. alias mpsm mpvms
  725. #digit format
  726. function mps43
  727. mpv --ytdl-format=43 ytdl://ytsearch10:"$argv"
  728. end
  729. #plain search play, no specified format
  730. function mps
  731. mpv ytdl://ytsearch10:"$argv"
  732. end
  733. #search by date
  734. #
  735. #
  736. # attempt to expedite downloading n watching of torrents
  737. function getsome
  738. rsync -Prav --bwlimit=700 --ignore-existing ~/torrents/progress/$argv/$argv.mkv ./$argv.mkv ;and mpv $argv.mkv
  739. end
  740. # prep to make getsome work.
  741. function getready
  742. echo "umount ~/torrents"
  743. umount ~/torrents
  744. echo "sshfs ovhtoo:/home/digit/torrents ~/torrents"
  745. sshfs ovhtoo:/home/digit/torrents ~/torrents
  746. end
  747. #}
  748. #`
  749. #`
  750. #`
  751. #`
  752. #############################
  753. #####I## ## # # #
  754. ##TV#I## ### # # ########
  755. #####I## # # # ## # # #
  756. ## #I## # # # # ########
  757. #####I## ## # # #
  758. #############################
  759. #reminder, write "seen-ator" script to help manage frequent common youtube searches. and/or just have some use sort by upload date. :P
  760. ### "Local T.V."
  761. function tv
  762. tree -if ~/cinema/ | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/tvplaylist
  763. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/tvplaylist
  764. end
  765. function tv-ffs
  766. mpv -playlist (find "~/linema" -type f | psub)
  767. end
  768. alias tvclassic "mpv -shuffle -playlist <(find /home/digit/c -type f)"
  769. # populate with tvplaylistupdate script
  770. alias tv_play_shuffled_cachedlist "mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/.tvplaylist"
  771. function tvfunction
  772. mpv -shuffle -playlist <(find $PWD -type f)
  773. end
  774. function comedy
  775. tree -if ~/cinema/_Comedy | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/_Comedy/comedyplaylist
  776. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/_Comedy/comedyplaylist
  777. end
  778. function rd
  779. tree -if ~/cinema/_Comedy/reddwarf | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/_Comedy/reddwarfplaylist
  780. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/_Comedy/reddwarfplaylist
  781. end
  782. function rd3
  783. tree -if ~/cinema/_Comedy/reddwarf | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/_Comedy/reddwarfplaylist
  784. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/_Comedy/reddwarfplaylist
  785. # tried to have this one do -playlist-count=3, but it kept complaining it didnt know wtf.
  786. end
  787. function scifi
  788. tree -if ~/cinema/_scifiseries | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/_scifiseries/scifiplaylist
  789. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/_scifiseries/scifiplaylist
  790. end
  791. alias sciencefiction "scifi"
  792. function trek
  793. tree -if ~/cinema/_scifiseries/st | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/_scifiseries/trekplaylist
  794. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/_scifiseries/trekplaylist
  795. end
  796. function docu
  797. tree -if ~/cinema/_docu | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/_docu/docuplaylist
  798. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/_docu/docuplaylist
  799. end
  800. function pbs
  801. tree -if ~/cinema/_docu/pbs | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/_docu/pbs/pbsplaylist
  802. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/_docu/pbs/pbsplaylist
  803. end
  804. function cannabistv1 --description 'play latest yt cannabis vids (minus crap)'
  805. mpv "" --load-unsafe-playlists
  806. end
  807. function cannabiswalk --description 'black the ripper from the dank of england taking his plants for a walk.'
  808. mpv ""
  809. end
  810. alias walk cannabiswalk
  811. function pron
  812. tree -if ~/cinema/.prawn | egrep 'mkv|avi|m4a|mp4' > ~/cinema/.prawn/pronlist
  813. mpv -shuffle -playlist ~/cinema/.prawn/pronlist
  814. end
  815. #function prawn
  816. #mpv -shuffle ~/bb3/cinema/.prawn/*
  817. #end
  818. alias tvhere "mpv -shuffle -playlist <(find /home/digit/c -type f)"
  819. alias scorpion "mpv ~/c/tv/scorpion/*"
  820. alias scorpionshuffle "mpv -shuffle ~/c/tv/scorpion/*"
  821. #alias tv "mpv -shuffle ~/c/tv/*/*"
  822. #thnx Zanchey from #fish on
  823. function ztv
  824. mpv -playlist (find $PWD -type f | psub)
  825. end
  826. function ztv2
  827. mpv -playlist (find "$PWD" -type f | psub)
  828. end
  829. function mpvsp
  830. find ./ -type f > playlist ;and mpv -shuffle -playlist playlist
  831. end
  832. #-iregex ".*\.\(flac\|mp3\|ogg\|wav\|avi\|mkv\|mp4\|ogm\|webm\)$"
  833. #do you have a fascbook?
  834. #fascbook(){ mp43 "" ; facebook ; }
  835. #facebook(){ mp43 "" ; fascbook ; }
  836. #formats list
  837. #140 m4a audio only DASH audio 131k , m4a_dash container, aac @128k (44100Hz), 52.45MiB
  838. #171 webm audio only DASH audio 149k , audio@128k (44100Hz), 45.90MiB
  839. #141 m4a audio only DASH audio 258k , m4a_dash container, aac @256k (44100Hz), 105.30MiB
  840. #160 mp4 254x144 DASH video 122k , 15fps, video only, 45.56MiB
  841. #242 webm 424x240 DASH video 217k , 1fps, video only, 78.30MiB
  842. #133 mp4 424x240 DASH video 256k , 25fps, video only, 100.82MiB
  843. #243 webm 636x360 DASH video 418k , 1fps, video only, 145.27MiB
  844. #134 mp4 636x360 DASH video 615k , 25fps, video only, 221.03MiB
  845. #244 webm 848x480 DASH video 844k , 1fps, video only, 290.09MiB
  846. #135 mp4 848x480 DASH video 1119k , 25fps, video only, 424.25MiB
  847. #247 webm 1270x720 DASH video 1429k , 1fps, video only, 500.26MiB
  848. #136 mp4 1270x720 DASH video 2245k , 25fps, video only, 806.59MiB
  849. #248 webm 1906x1080 DASH video 2849k , 1fps, video only, 1.01GiB
  850. #137 mp4 1906x1080 DASH video 4257k , 25fps, video only, 1.37GiB
  851. #17 3gp 176x144
  852. #36 3gp 320x240
  853. #5 flv 400x240
  854. #43 webm 640x360
  855. #18 mp4 640x360
  856. #22 mp4 1280x720 (best)
  857. # space n stuff
  858. function nasalive1
  859. mp43 ""
  860. end
  861. # add these, u lazy bum.
  862. # rt live
  863. #ok
  864. function rt
  865. mpv ""
  866. end
  867. #something inteligent and interesting and potentially worthy to watch from youtube
  868. function intrigueme
  869. mpv -shuffle --playlist /home/digit/bb3/images/webpagesaves/IntelligentYouTubeChannelsPlaylist
  870. end
  871. #and add this u lazy...
  872. # dave live
  873. # more medias
  874. #probably could do with moving somewhere more appropriate
  875. function moderat
  876. mpv ~/cinema/moderatanewerror.mkv
  877. end
  878. function spinningplates
  879. mpv /home/digit/bb3/musicilove/other/Radiohead-LikeSpinningPlates.mkv
  880. end
  881. function cbd
  882. mpv "" ""
  883. end
  884. function ubi
  885. mpv --ytdl-format=43 ""
  886. end
  887. ### ####### ####### #####
  888. ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
  889. ### ####### ####### ###
  890. ### ### ### ### ### ### ###
  891. ### ####### ####### #####
  892. ### BBC
  893. #template
  894. #function bbc
  895. #mpv --ytdl-format="" "$argv"
  896. #end
  897. function bbc13 #tryin t get a universal een
  898. mpv --ytdl-format="stream-uk-iptv_streaming_concrete_combined_hd_mf_bidi_uk_hls-1013" "$argv"
  899. end
  900. function bbc13-0 #tryin t get a universal een
  901. mpv --ytdl-format="stream-uk-iptv_streaming_concrete_combined_hd_mf_bidi_uk_hls-1013-0" "$argv"
  902. end
  903. function bbc13-2021-0
  904. mpv --ytdl-format="mf_akamai-1013-0" "$argv"
  905. end
  906. function bbc13-2021-1
  907. mpv --ytdl-format="mf_akamai-1013-1" "$argv"
  908. end
  909. #alias bbc bbc13-0
  910. #alias bbc bbc13
  911. alias bbc bbc13-2021-0
  912. # and re-do these, so can chain em... ? for in do... make playlist?
  913. function bbc13-1 #tryin t get a universal een
  914. mpv --ytdl-format="stream-uk-iptv_streaming_concrete_combined_hd_mf_bidi_uk_hls-1013-1" "$argv"
  915. end
  916. function bbc1498c
  917. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1498" "$argv"
  918. end
  919. function bbc1640
  920. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1640" "$argv"
  921. end
  922. function bbc1680
  923. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1680" "$argv"
  924. end
  925. function bbc1681
  926. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1681" "$argv"
  927. end
  928. function bbc1677
  929. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1677" "$argv"
  930. end
  931. function bbc1497
  932. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_hd_akamai_hls_open-1497" "$argv"
  933. end
  934. function bbc1497b
  935. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1497" "$argv"
  936. end
  937. function bbc1497c
  938. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1497" "$argv"
  939. end
  940. function beeb1496
  941. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_hd_akamai_hls_open_https-1496" "$argv"
  942. end
  943. function bbc1496b
  944. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_hd_akamai_hls_open-1496" "$argv"
  945. end
  946. function bbc1496c
  947. mpv --ytdl-format="iptv_streaming_1500_akamai_hls_open-1496" "$argv"
  948. end
  949. function bbc143
  950. mpv --ytdl-format="stream-uk-iptv_streaming_concrete_combined_hd_mf_akamai_uk_hls-143" "$argv"
  951. end
  952. function bbc1496
  953. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_hd_akamai_hls_open-1496" "$argv"
  954. end
  955. function bbc796
  956. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_sd_akamai_hls_open-796" "$argv"
  957. end
  958. function bbc797
  959. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_sd_akamai_hls_open-797" "$argv"
  960. end
  961. function bbc802
  962. mpv --ytdl-format="stream-uk-iptv_streaming_concrete_combined_hd_mf_bidi_uk_hls-802" "$argv"
  963. end
  964. function bbc888
  965. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_sd_akamai_hls_open-888" "$argv"
  966. end
  967. function bbc891
  968. mpv --ytdl-format="iplayer_stb_streaming_sd_akamai_hls_open-891" "$argv"
  969. end
  970. #################################
  971. ### LEARNINGS
  972. function learnportuguese
  973. mpv "" "" "" "" ""
  974. end
  975. #################################
  976. ## ###
  977. # # ##
  978. # # # #
  979. # # # # #
  980. # # # # # #
  981. # # # # #
  982. # # # #
  983. # # ##
  984. ## ###
  985. #################################
  986. ### RADIO GA GA ### RADIO GOO GOO
  987. #radio gabberdisco
  988. function radiogabberdisco
  989. mpv --shuffle /home/digit/cinema/auditorium/dancefloor/Gabberdisco*
  990. end
  991. function radiogabberdisco-online
  992. mpv --no-video --shuffle ""
  993. end
  994. function gabberdisco
  995. #kinda redundant test anyway. if it's not there, it'll move on to next. n_n
  996. if test -d /home/digit/cinema/auditorium/dancefloor/
  997. mpv --shuffle /home/digit/cinema/auditorium/dancefloor/Gabberdisco*
  998. else
  999. mpv --no-video --shuffle ""
  1000. end
  1001. end
  1002. #ganymede
  1003. function ganymede
  1004. mp18 ""
  1005. end
  1006. #reiki
  1007. function reiki-chakras-nice-000
  1008. mp18 ""
  1009. end
  1010. #alias reiki "mpv --shuffle ~/cinema/healingtones/reiki"
  1011. function madireiki-000
  1012. mp18 ""
  1013. end
  1014. alias reiki reiki-chakras-nice
  1015. #hard house
  1016. alias radiohardhouse "mpv ~/c/radio/hhuk.ogg.m3u"
  1017. #soundscape
  1018. alias radiodrone "mpv"
  1019. #trance
  1020. #alias radiotrance "mpv ~/c/radio/thetrip.pls"
  1021. alias radiotrance "mpv"
  1022. #radioraznitzantrance
  1023. alias radioraznitzantranceuploads "mpv --no-video"
  1024. alias radioraznitzantrancechan "mpv --no-video" #idk, it lagged b4 startn, so ^
  1025. #dizzie
  1026. #alias radiodizzieold "mpv"
  1027. #alias radiodizzie "mpv"
  1028. #alias radiodizzieserenity "mpv"
  1029. #alias radiodizzietrance "mpv"
  1030. alias radiodizziepsy "mpv"
  1031. alias radiodizzietechno "mpv"
  1032. alias radiodizziehardstyle "mpv"
  1033. alias radiodizziereggae "mpv"
  1034. #old radiodizzie
  1035. alias radiodizzie "mpv"
  1036. #alias radiodizzielive "mpv"
  1037. alias radiodizzielive "mpv"
  1038. alias radiodizzierock "mpv"
  1039. alias radiodizzieserenity "mpv"
  1040. #alias radiodizzietrance "mpv"
  1041. #spacestation soma
  1042. alias radiosoma "mpv"
  1043. alias radiocliq "mpv"
  1044. alias radiodubstepbeyond "mpv"
  1045. alias radiodubstepbeyond256 "mpv"
  1046. alias radiodubstepbeyond128 "mpv"
  1047. alias radiodfm "mpv"
  1048. #elite
  1049. #alias radioelite="mpv"
  1050. alias radioelite "mpv ~/c/radio/radio-sidewinder.m3u"
  1051. # cembi muhod ######################
  1052. function cembi
  1053. # mpv "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - semble/*"
  1054. # mpv "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/All\ In\ Progress/soffmi\ muhod/________001postcounterpart/*embi*flac" "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/All In Progress/cembi muhod/*flac"
  1055. mpv /home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/All\ In\ Progress/soffmi\ muhod/________001postcounterpart/cembimuhod*flac /home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/All\ In\ Progress/cembi\ muhod/cembimuhod*flac
  1056. end
  1057. # soffmi muhod ######################
  1058. function semble
  1059. # mpv "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - semble/*"
  1060. mpv "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - semble/"
  1061. end
  1062. function ripoonjadi
  1063. # mpv --no-audio-display "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - ripoonjadi/"
  1064. # mpv --no-audio-display "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - ripoonjadi/*flac"
  1065. mpv --no-audio-display "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - ripoonjadi/ripoonjadioutput.wav"
  1066. mpv --no-audio-display "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - ripoonjadi/reetroughdahghihnnoutput.wav"
  1067. mpv --no-audio-display "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - ripoonjadi/hadarizeoutput.wav"
  1068. end
  1069. alias ripoonjaddi ripoonjadi
  1070. function radiosoffmimuhod
  1071. mpv -shuffle ~/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi\ muhod/*/*flac
  1072. end
  1073. function sleepwise
  1074. mpv "/home/digit/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi muhod/soffmi muhod - lojg mucg/soffmi muhod - lojg mucg - 06 sleepwise.flac"
  1075. end
  1076. ##ominator
  1077. function ominator
  1078. mpv ~/huj3/digitsaudio/Released/soffmi\ muhod/soffmi\ muhod\ -\ ominator-PREVIEW2.flac
  1079. end
  1080. #havabong
  1081. alias havabong "mpv ~/huj3/digitsaudio/Audio\ Samples\ Dump/havabong.flac"
  1082. #other artists
  1083. ##aimee mann
  1084. ###the moth (les deux love orchestra cover)
  1085. ##mpvm ""
  1086. #alias moth "mpv ~/bb3/cinema/library/auditorium/moth.opus"
  1087. ##alias moth "echo playing The Moth (Les Deux Love Orchestra Cover), aquired from" ; mpv ~/bb3/cinema/library/auditorium/moth.opus"
  1088. function moth
  1089. echo "playing The Moth (Les Deux Love Orchestra Cover) Aimee Mann"
  1090. echo "aquired from"
  1091. echo "tho a more direct original source would be"
  1092. mpv ~/bb3/cinema/library/auditorium/moth.opus
  1093. end
  1094. function orgone
  1095. #hawkwind - orgone accumulator
  1096. mpv ""
  1097. end
  1098. function notimeforcaution
  1099. mpv ~/cinema/_healing/'Oscar Movie Interstellar (2014) Docking Full Scene [No Time for Caution] [HD]-TV1767i8X4Q.mkv' --volume=150
  1100. end
  1101. function makeitamiracle
  1102. mpv '/home/digit/bb3/musicilove/dance/Marc Korn & Jaycee Madoxx - Miracle (Steve Modana Remix)-ghTn1Ey2vbs.opus' '/home/digit/bb3/musicilove/dance/Marc Korn & Jaycee Madoxx – Miracle (Withard & Quickdrop Remix)-7jWcdq9Tq0g.opus'
  1103. end
  1104. #
  1105. function slowthisbirddown-web
  1106. mpvm ""
  1107. end
  1108. function boc
  1109. mpv ~/bb3/musicilove/boc/* --shuffle
  1110. end
  1111. function maq
  1112. mpv ~/bb3/musicilove/boc/Boards\ of\ Canada\ -\ Macquarie\ Ridge\ \(Aurora\ Borealis,\ Northern\ Lights\)\ HD,\ Salten\ -\ Norway-ZKSM-jyQh3o.opus
  1113. end
  1114. alias mac maq
  1115. function slowthisbirddown
  1116. #if file exists, play
  1117. if test -f "/home/digit/bb3/musicilove/boc/Slow This Bird Down-wgbyID-Plqo.webm"
  1118. mpv "/home/digit/bb3/musicilove/boc/Slow This Bird Down-wgbyID-Plqo.webm"
  1119. else #use
  1120. mpvm ""
  1121. end
  1122. end
  1123. #
  1124. function amomentofclarity-web
  1125. mpvm ""
  1126. end
  1127. function amomentofclarity
  1128. #if file exists, play
  1129. if test -f /home/digit/cinema/readingmusic/amomentofclarity-boc.m4a
  1130. mpv /home/digit/cinema/readingmusic/amomentofclarity-boc.m4a
  1131. else #use
  1132. mpvm ""
  1133. end
  1134. end
  1135. function severalmomentsofclarity
  1136. #if file exists, play
  1137. if test -f /home/digit/cinema/readingmusic/amomentofclarity-boc.m4a
  1138. mpv --speed="0.12" /home/digit/cinema/readingmusic/amomentofclarity-boc.m4a
  1139. else #use
  1140. mpvm --speed="0.12" ""
  1141. end
  1142. end
  1143. function ytdlmpv
  1144. #thanks for this tip. ~ i hope i refactored it for fish syntax correctly;
  1145. #original: alias ytdl='/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl --exec='\''mpv {} && rm {}'\'''
  1146. echo "this downloads the whole video first, then plays, and deletes after."
  1147. '/usr/local/bin/youtube-dl --exec='\''mpv {} && rm {}'\'''
  1148. # echo.... nope where's the rest... failed copy, or already copied and not shown in diff?
  1149. end
  1150. function chigung
  1151. mpv "" ""
  1152. end
  1153. alias qigong "chigung"
  1154. function rttv
  1155. echo "this is probably still broken. rt moved the goal posts n made their streams utterly shit."
  1156. mpv ""
  1157. end
  1158. function rtuk
  1159. mpv ""
  1160. end
  1161. function rtuk43
  1162. mp43 ""
  1163. end
  1164. function rtuk92
  1165. mpv --ytdl-format=92 ""
  1166. end
  1167. #mend manifesting
  1168. function mend-audio
  1169. flite "Already, mended, now. Mended, now. Mendwards. Mending. Mended. Already mended now."
  1170. end
  1171. function mend-text
  1172. echo "Already,
  1173. mended,
  1174. now.
  1175. Mended, now.
  1176. Mendwards.
  1177. Mending.
  1178. Mended.
  1179. AlreadyMendedNow"
  1180. end
  1181. function mend
  1182. # 20210321 seems i have the wrong lolcat. -v gives the version on the wrong one. not the vertical rate. ...
  1183. # mend-text | figlet -f small | lolcat -v 3 -h 7
  1184. # mend-text | toilet -f small | lolcat -v 0.81 -h 0 # iz gud
  1185. # mend-text | toilet -f small | lolcat -p 3 -F 0.02 # for that ruby version of lolcat
  1186. mend-text | toilet -f future | lolcat -p 3 -F 0.02 # for that ruby version of lolcat
  1187. end
  1188. function paulflynn
  1189. # mpv ""
  1190. echo "playing Paul Flynn's call to take cannabis in westminster"
  1191. echo "aquired from"
  1192. mpv ~/bb3/cinema/library/auditorium/speeches/paulflynn1.m4a
  1193. end
  1194. function kylie
  1195. # mp18 "" "" ""
  1196. mp18 "" ""
  1197. end
  1198. ####################################################### games
  1200. #GGG aaa aaa MM MM EEE SSSS
  1202. #GGG GGG aaaaaaaaaaa MMM M MMM EEE SSSS
  1204. alias terminalphase "raco terminal-phase"
  1205. ###############################################################################PACKAGERY
  1206. #pppppp AAA Ccccc kkk kkk AAA ggggg EEEEEEEEE RRRRRRR YYY YYY
  1207. #pp ppp aaAaa Ccc ccc kkk kkk aaAaa ggg EEE RRR RRR YYY YYY
  1208. #pppppp aaa aaa Ccc kkkkkkk aaa aaa ggg GGGG EEEEEEEEE RRRRRRR YYYYYYY
  1209. #pp aaaaaaaaa Ccc ccc kkk kkk aaaaaaaaa ggg GGG EEE RRR RRR YYY
  1210. #pp AAA AAA Ccccc kkk kkk AAA AAA gggg/GG EEEEEEEEE RRR RRR YYY
  1211. # ( see bedrockery section for more packagery )
  1212. # Portage
  1213. #this makes eix searches not limit to 200 results
  1214. set -x EIX_LIMIT_COMPACT 0
  1215. # Apt
  1216. alias apt-search "apt-cache search"
  1217. ########
  1218. # omnipackagemanager
  1219. # jis. just-install-stuff.
  1220. # idk^ thought i'd try name it.
  1221. ######
  1222. # rspm
  1223. # yes, gona re-write some rspm in my fish config. -- Digit.
  1224. #flatset example, with voidlinux.
  1225. alias canhaz "sudo xbps-query -Rs"
  1226. alias whatsnew "sudo xbps-install -S"
  1227. alias sup "sudo xbps-install -Su"
  1228. alias gimmie "sudo xbps-install "
  1229. alias getrido "sudo xbps-remove"
  1230. #a simple implementation of rspm, fishfig style
  1231. ######################################
  1232. ##### rspm command name configuration:
  1233. # packagesearch
  1234. #set ps $packagesearch
  1235. #set $packagesearch canhaz
  1236. # package list update. refreshes the list of what can be installed.
  1237. #set plu $packagelistupdate
  1238. #set $packagelistupdate whatsnew
  1239. # all package upgrade. upgrades all installed software to newest.
  1240. #set apu $allpackageupgrade
  1241. #set $allpackageupgrade sup
  1242. # install these packages (and their dependencies)
  1243. #set itp $installthesepackages
  1244. #set $installthesepackages gimmie
  1245. # uninstall these packages (and their dependencies? ~ varies per distro)
  1246. #set utp $uninstallthesepackages
  1247. #set $uninstallthesepackages getrido
  1248. ######################################
  1249. #a simple implementation of rspm fishfig style
  1250. #if egrep 'devuan|debian|ubuntu' /etc/os-release
  1251. # alias $ps "apt-cache search $argv"
  1252. #else
  1253. # grep void /etc/os-release
  1254. # alias $ps "sudo xbps-query -Rs"
  1255. #else
  1256. # grep gentoo /etc/os-release
  1257. # if ls /usr/bin/eix
  1258. # alias $plu "eix"
  1259. # else
  1260. # alias $plu "emerge --search"
  1261. # end
  1262. #else
  1263. # grep witch /etc/os-release
  1264. # alias $ps "magic whatever"
  1265. #end
  1266. ##end
  1267. ### ^^^^^ commentted out that cos it borked fishfig loadin. wut i do? it no like nested if statements?
  1268. ##############################################
  1269. ####### nixos/ package manager aliases #######
  1270. # install package
  1271. #alias nei='nix-env -i'
  1272. # uninstall package
  1273. #alias nee='nix-env -e'
  1274. # search
  1275. #alias neqag='nix-env -qa \* | grep'
  1276. #alias neaqg='nix-env -qa \* | grep'
  1277. # list all available
  1278. #alias neqa='nix-env -qa \*'
  1279. #alias neaq='nix-env -qa \*'
  1280. # list installed
  1281. #alias neq='nix-env -q \*'
  1282. # search installed
  1283. #alias neq='nix-env -q \* | grep'
  1284. # update available packages list ( i think )
  1285. #alias ncu='nix-channel --update'
  1286. # upgrade --dry-run
  1287. #alias neup='nix-env -u --dry-run'
  1288. #alias neudr='nix-env -u --dry-run'
  1289. # upgrade (wait! only run as root at / ... or some warning like that iirc)
  1290. #alias neu='nix-env -u'
  1291. # undooooooo!
  1292. #alias nerb='nix-env --rollback'
  1293. # roll back to $n
  1294. #alias nesg='nix-env --switch-generation '
  1295. # list available rollbacks
  1296. #alias nelg='nix-env --list-generations'
  1297. #another search
  1298. #neps(){ nix-env -qa \* -P | fgrep -i "$1"; }
  1299. ##### digit's new alternate nixos package search model
  1300. ### update package list
  1301. #alias dpu='nix-env -qa > ~/packages'
  1302. ### list package
  1303. #alias dpl='cat ~/packages'
  1304. #alias dpl='less ~/packages'
  1305. ### search package
  1306. #dps(){ cat ~/packages | grep "$1"; }
  1307. ### install package
  1308. #dpi(){ nix-env -i "$1"; }
  1309. ############################
  1310. ####### fayels xfers #######
  1311. ####### da functions #######
  1312. ### this digsync, its idea is to make my fave rsync ops aliased
  1313. #function digsync
  1314. # echo "digsync appends. ssh. preserves. progress. "
  1315. # echo "you can choose what bw limit"
  1316. # BWL='$1'
  1317. # rsync -avP --append --bwlimit=$BWL -e ssh $2 $3
  1318. #end
  1319. # fed up of doing cd after mkdir? now there's mkcd
  1320. function mkcd --description 'mkdir and cd'
  1321. mkdir $argv[1]
  1322. and cd $argv[1]
  1323. and ls $argv[1]
  1324. end
  1325. #for amusement, i added ls too...
  1326. #just becuase i have that weird reflex to ls in freshly created dirs.
  1327. #... wtf do i expect to find in there??? XD XD XD
  1328. ############################
  1329. ####### XBPS ALIASES #######
  1330. ####### & FUNCTIONS. #######
  1331. #alias xbps-list "xbps-list-packages-ypnosestyle"
  1332. alias xbps-list "xbps-list-packages-domstyle"
  1333. function xbps-flatlist
  1334. xbps-list-packages-ypnosestyle > xqlotmp
  1335. sed 's/$/ /g' xqlotmp | tr -d '\n' ; echo
  1336. rm xqlotmp
  1337. end
  1338. ######################################################################
  1339. # this one did not translate so easily to fish
  1340. #
  1341. # fish: The “$” character begins a variable name.
  1342. # The character “{”, which directly followed a “$”,
  1343. # is not allowed as a part of a variable name,
  1344. # and variable names may not be zero characters long.
  1345. # To learn more about variable expansion in fish,
  1346. # type “help expand-variable”.
  1347. #
  1348. #
  1349. #
  1350. #function xbps-list-packages-ypnosestyle
  1351. # xbps-query -m | while IFS=$'\n' read -r PKG; do echo "${PKG%-*}"; #done
  1352. #end
  1353. #
  1354. ######################################################################
  1355. function xbps-list-packages-domstyle
  1356. xbps-query -m | rev | cut -d"-" -f2- | rev
  1357. end
  1358. ###########################
  1359. ####################
  1360. ########################
  1361. ########################\
  1362. ####### ####### |
  1363. #### # #### |
  1364. ## # ## |
  1365. # # # |
  1366. # #### # |
  1367. # # |
  1368. ## ## |
  1369. #### #### |
  1370. ####### ####### |
  1371. ######################## | Time n stuff.
  1372. ######################## |
  1373. #_______________________\|
  1374. alias day today
  1375. function today
  1376. date +%A
  1377. end
  1378. #comment this one out if it irritates
  1379. #alias date nowthen
  1380. # noooo dinnae do dat, it complains.
  1381. #wanna get emacs calendar/diary to recognise this format. it looks good: 2018-06-21_18:21:50
  1382. function nowthen
  1383. date +%F_%T
  1384. end
  1385. ##########################
  1386. ##########################
  1387. ##########################
  1388. ##########################
  1389. ##########################
  1390. #### special one!
  1391. ### as seen on archwiki for skype.
  1392. #alias fyafox='xhost +local: && su fox -c firefox'
  1393. #second version, after wheel trick
  1394. #alias ffox='xhost +local: && sudo -u fox /nix/store/w53y2zxglxpswfnl8y3y93jm11cr4jfx-firefox-35.0/bin/firefox'
  1395. #easy clear
  1396. alias l "clear"
  1397. #shortcut
  1398. #LOADINGBAY='ovhtoo:/home/digit/stuff/ninudeskia/ryverdyak/loadingbay'
  1399. ## funky functions
  1400. #orbea's slackware package searchery
  1401. # slackpkgsearch(){
  1402. #( cd /var/log/packages/ ; grep -x 'U.*M' * ) | awk -F: '{print $3 "\t" $1}' | sort -n
  1403. #}
  1404. ############################################################
  1405. ################ the bedrocklinux section ################
  1406. ############################################################
  1407. #
  1408. # bedrockery
  1409. # __ __ __
  1410. # \ \_________\ \____________\ \___ ___ _ _ _ _
  1411. # \ _ \ _\ _ \ _\ __ \ __\ / / -_) '_| || |
  1412. # \___/\__/\__/ \_\ \___/\__/\_\_\\___|_| \_, |
  1413. # |__/
  1414. #
  1415. function neofetches
  1416. neofetch
  1417. for i in (brl list | egrep -v bedrock); strat -r $i neofetch; end
  1418. end
  1419. function brlwhiches
  1420. for i in (brl list | egrep -v bedrock); strat -r $i brl which $argv; end
  1421. end
  1422. alias brlw brlwhiches
  1423. alias brlo brlwhiches # for the phonetic lols
  1424. ##################################################
  1425. #__ __ __
  1426. #\\ \\_________\\ \\____________\\ \\___
  1427. # \\ _ \\ _\\ _ \\ _\\ __ \\ __\\ /
  1428. # \\___/\\__/\\__/ \\_\\ \\___/\\__/\\_\\_\\
  1429. # Bedrock Linux 0.7 Poki"
  1430. function bedrockascii
  1431. echo "__ __ __
  1432. \\ \\_________\\ \\____________\\ \\___
  1433. \\ _ \\ _\\ _ \\ _\\ __ \\ __\\ /
  1434. \\___/\\__/\\__/ \\_\\ \\___/\\__/\\_\\_\\"
  1435. end
  1436. alias brlascii bedrockascii
  1437. alias brl-ascii bedrockascii
  1438. alias bedrock-ascii bedrockascii
  1439. #forthestonks (lol, i must stop saying that.)
  1440. function bedrockascii-shadey
  1441. set_color "#EEEEEE" ; echo "__ __ __ "
  1442. set_color "#BBBBBB" ; echo "\\ \\_________\\ \\____________\\ \\___ "
  1443. set_color "#999999" ; echo " \\ _ \\ _\\ _ \\ _\\ __ \\ __\\ / "
  1444. set_color "#777777" ; echo " \\___/\\__/\\__/ \\_\\ \\___/\\__/\\_\\_\\" # stonks. #rrly must stop.
  1445. set_color normal
  1446. end
  1447. alias brl-ascii-shadey bedrockascii-shadey
  1448. alias bedrock-ascii-shadey bedrockascii-shadey
  1449. #mortimer probably needs renamed. just added this today. hehe.
  1450. function mortimer
  1451. cd ;and clear ;and fish_greeting ;and sleep 2 ;and mortimer
  1452. end
  1453. #### idea
  1454. # brl-robust
  1455. # like brl-provides is the plural of brl which
  1456. # brl-robust (initial working name) is plural
  1457. # of rspmi. as in, it installs the package in every distro it can. :D
  1458. # or, rspmi=pmmi or whatever pmm's install is.
  1459. #######
  1460. # proto package manager manager
  1461. #
  1462. # ... it's a bedrock thing. calm down.
  1463. alias ppmm "protopackagemanagermanager"
  1464. #alias protopackagemanagermanager "protopmm"
  1465. alias protopackagemanagermanager "pmm"
  1466. #function protopmm
  1467. function pmmm
  1468. echo "this is just pseudocode so far"
  1469. echo "if update/up then"
  1470. echo "
  1471. strat -r genx emerge --sync --quiet ;and strat -r gentoo emerge --sync --quiet ;and strat -r ceres apt-get update ;and strat -r devgaktest apt-get update ;and strat -r devuan apt-get update ;and strat -r trentoo emerge --sync --quiet ;and strat -r void xbps-install -S
  1472. "
  1473. echo
  1474. echo "if search/-s $thing then"
  1475. echo "genx eix -c $thing ;and xbps-query -Rs $thing ;and apt-cache search $thing"
  1476. echo
  1477. echo "that kind of thing, but variablised."
  1478. echo "that means you sleepy developer"
  1479. sleep 1
  1480. echo "(who only seems to touch this late at night)"
  1481. sleep 1
  1482. echo "so this is your reminder, Digit. code this up when awake. go on... run pmm one more time... i dare you. i double dare you. run pmm."
  1483. echo
  1484. sleep 3
  1485. echo "and see burps and bu , so far. ;) proto proto proto pmm. ;)"
  1486. end
  1487. #dev notes. brl which. can haz brl which n have its output in place, n use its output to determine which package manager to use. could create a list with asignments of which package manager to use with it. and/or a list explaining which strata are which type of distro (and therefor which type (from the other list) of package manager to use with that type of distro. but lets just start see if i can do something useful with "(brl which)", in a command. ... i'll probably not get to this stuff before paradigm makes pmm. but it's good to think about. perchance i'll fullfill my own need, scratch my own itch, n get the joyous feels of empowerment, and the rich rewards of education. ... my fish-fu gonna be gud. gonna hafta be.
  1488. #okleme just see if i can at least first make a rudimentary search
  1489. function burps
  1490. #idk, do i need this? :3 for line? :3
  1491. #for i in $argv;
  1492. #nohhh, it'd be more like:
  1493. #for i in brl list
  1494. #or something. will work that out later.
  1495. echo " ======== void ======== "
  1496. xbps-query -Rs "$argv"
  1497. echo " ======== gentoo ======== "
  1498. eix -c "$argv"
  1499. echo " ======== devuan ======== "
  1500. #can cut/awk/sed/grep my way to have "packagename packageversion", maybe from "apt-cache show" output easier than from "apt search"
  1501. #apt-cache show bc | cut -d" " -f2 | head -n 2 | paste -d " " - -
  1502. #apt-cache show teeworlds | egrep '^Version|^Package' | paste -d " " - - | sed 's/Package: //g' | sed 's/Version: //g'
  1503. #both ^ get it right for 1 result, but doesnt search for packages with partial names. should sed/grep/awk/paste/cut/etc from "apt search" output or from "apt-cache search -f" output instead? :3
  1504. #apt-cache search "$argv"
  1505. apt-cache search -f "$argv" | egrep '^Version|^Package' | paste -d " " - - | sed 's/Package: //g' | sed 's/Version: //g'
  1506. echo " ======== ceres ======== "
  1507. strat ceres apt-cache search -f "$argv" | egrep '^Version|^Package' | paste -d "
  1508. " - - | sed 's/Package: //g' | sed 's/Version: //g'
  1509. echo " ======== ubuntu ======== "
  1510. strat ubuntu apt-cache search -f "$argv" | egrep '^Version|^Package' | paste -d " " - - | sed 's/Package: //g' | sed 's/Version: //g'
  1511. echo " ======== arch ======== "
  1512. #gonna wanna clean up pacman's output too... since it's 2 line too
  1513. pacman -Ss "$argv"
  1514. echo " ======== AUR ======== " #depends on which aur wrapper
  1515. # yay -Q "$argv" ### idk where i got that wrongness from
  1516. yay -Ss -a "$argv"
  1517. echo " ======== crux ======== "
  1518. # pkginfo "$argv"
  1519. prt-get search "$argv"
  1520. end
  1521. #
  1522. function pmms
  1523. pmm search $argv
  1524. end
  1525. function pmmsi
  1526. pmm list --installed | grep $argv
  1527. end
  1528. #pasted this to /root/.fishrc, where it makes sense
  1529. # bu
  1530. function bu
  1531. if test (id -u) -eq 0
  1532. echo " ======== void ======== "
  1533. sudo xbps-install -S
  1534. echo " ======== gentoo ======== "
  1535. # emerge --quiet --sync
  1536. sudo premerg #if you have it (see mergence).
  1537. echo " ======== devuan ======== "
  1538. sudo strat devuan apt-get update
  1539. echo " ======== ceres ======== "
  1540. sudo strat ceres apt-get update
  1541. echo " ======== ubuntu ======== "
  1542. sudo strat ubuntu apt-get update
  1543. echo " ======== pacman ======== "
  1544. sudo pacman -Sy --quiet
  1545. echo " ======== AUR ======== "
  1546. sudo yay -Sy --quiet
  1547. echo " ======== crux ======== "
  1548. sudo ports -u
  1549. #add alpine
  1550. #add ubuntu
  1551. else
  1552. echo "gotta be root user to update the available packages list"
  1553. end
  1554. end
  1555. ######### brl whichs
  1556. ########### brl universal which
  1557. ############# buw <- i like this. i did think of bruw first, but this is nice too. unlike halfnotions of which+bedrock=whibh or something).
  1558. ### this needs work.
  1559. ##### like
  1560. ####### s|/usr/share/|PATH| or something, and s/openttd/$argv/ or something.
  1561. function brother
  1562. echo "this is not correct yet. beyond pseudocode, but a janky copypasta from a specific use case, yet to be editited and generalised."
  1563. # for i in (brl list); strat -r $i ls /usr/share/ | grep openttd ;end
  1564. for i in (brl list); strat -r $i whereis $argv ;end # nrly...? kinda works, but need to get it show which it's from.
  1565. # for i in (brl list); strat -r $i {for e in echo $PATH; ls $e | grep $argv} ;end #how did that one when tested swappipng $argv for openttd end up in needing to exit 15 shells to get back to fish? n_n shud make this when not sleepy.
  1566. end
  1567. #dangit, i had the brlwhichs^ working before, in some piece of code somewhere, and even spoke of it in irc, or on the forum or redit or somewhere? *shrug*
  1568. ###it's ok. paradigm made this
  1569. ###!/bedrock/libexec/busybox sh
  1570. ##cmd="${1}"
  1571. ##for s in $(/bedrock/bin/brl list); do
  1572. ## if p="$(/bedrock/bin/strat -r "${s}" /bedrock/libexec/busybox which "${cmd}")"; then
  1573. ## echo "${s}: ${p}"
  1574. ## fi
  1575. ##done
  1576. ###i'm welcome to try remake it in fish if i like, but i just pasted it to that filename in path n chmod'd it. brl-provides provides what my brl whichs was sposa, and it's a better word for it.
  1577. ######^^^ end of (now since edited n still not moved) copy pastas from old prior sdb4 bedrock.
  1578. #terminal
  1579. ## preferred terminal
  1580. #st
  1581. #alias terminal sts
  1582. ## preferred st
  1583. #alias sts ~/gitting/sts/st004/st/st
  1584. #rrr, that didnt work... try it simply like:
  1585. function terminal4
  1586. ~/gittings/sts/st004/st/st
  1587. end
  1588. #lolmeh, i'll also just add it to
  1589. ## ln -s /home/digit/gittings/sts/st004/st/st st
  1590. #notes
  1591. #some day i will
  1592. # get
  1593. # key locations variablised
  1594. # like
  1595. # digitsaudio
  1596. # latest audio dev dir
  1597. # images
  1598. # cinema
  1599. # specific cinema dirs
  1600. #
  1601. # so if/when they change,
  1602. # i just need change location once
  1603. # (in the variable definition)
  1604. # n not change each n all instances
  1605. #set -gx PATH $PATH /home/digit/xiki-master/bin /home/digit/bin /media/x3/software/sources/flite-2.0.0-release/bin /home/digit/.cabal/bin/ /home/digit/.guix-profile/bin /usr/games/bin
  1606. #nope, this is not the way to do it either. every fresh fish re-adds this.
  1607. #set -gx PATH $PATH /home/digit/bin /usr/games/bin /usr/games
  1608. #######################another old static path setting################################
  1609. #i'm just gonna set the whole thing straight, static, right here. no $PATH in PATH. ~! wtf man this is no right on devuan... why u confuse me with this bedrock in my path.
  1610. ##set -gx PATH /bedrock/cross/pin/bin /bedrock/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/bin /opt/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin /snap/bin /bedrock/cross/bin /home/digit/bin /usr/games/bin /usr/games
  1611. ### why was that^ getting set idk. dont edit configs when sleepy with crazy ideas to test. brl when, not b4
  1612. set -gx PATH /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/bin /opt/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin /snap/bin /home/digit/bin /usr/games/bin /usr/games
  1613. #lets hope my meddling with up next doesnt mess things up. ... hrm, yup, dmenu_run,
  1614. #######################################################################################
  1615. #######################################################################################
  1616. ################# static path mend attempt 20200815 ###################################
  1617. #######################################################################################
  1618. #i'm just gonna set the whole thing straight, static, right here.
  1619. #set -gx PATH /bedrock/cross/pin/bin /bedrock/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/bin /opt/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin /snap/bin /bedrock/cross/bin
  1620. set -gx PATH /bedrock/cross/pin/bin /bedrock/bin /usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/bin /opt/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin /snap/bin /home/digit/bin /usr/games/bin /usr/games /bedrock/cross/bin
  1621. #/usr/local/bin /usr/local/sbin /opt/bin /opt/sbin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin /snap/bin /home/digit/bin /usr/games/bin /usr/games
  1622. #lets hope my meddling with up next doesnt mess things up. ... hrm, yup, dmenu_run,
  1623. #######################################################################################
  1624. ################# static path mend attempt 20200815 ###################################
  1625. #######################################################################################
  1626. #another PATH attempt... lets see if this works the magic -- oops, no, yes, of course this wont work until fish is my login manager. reverting back to prior static version. ... until i get fish set as my login shell.
  1627. #if status --is-login #
  1628. # set -gx PATH $PATH /home/digit/bin /usr/games/bin /usr/games
  1629. # set -gx PATH (printf '%s\n' $PATH | sort -u) #
  1630. #end
  1631. #function fish_greeting
  1632. # status --is-login
  1633. # if [ $status != 0 ]
  1634. # dynmotd
  1635. # end
  1636. #end
  1637. # simplified... too simple?
  1638. # see /usr/local/bin/dynmotd
  1639. ### if status --is-login; dynmotd; end
  1640. ### if status --is-login; cat /etc/motd; end
  1641. #where did i ever get this from... there's no dynmotd in void.
  1642. # if status --is-login; dynmotd; end
  1643. #fish greeting
  1644. #cat /etc/motd
  1645. #fish greeting fo rlz
  1646. function fish_greeting
  1647. #and why not? :) mend! :) mend stonks. :)
  1648. mend
  1649. #clear #why (maybe fine with an "if login")
  1650. #cat /etc/motd #noh
  1651. #thanks krobelus
  1652. #yeah, but it's annoying when wanting to see scrollback and switching to fish. disabling. just make the keybind ok.
  1653. # string repeat -n (math "$LINES - 2") \n #bind to ctrl+shift+l
  1654. echo
  1655. #plain
  1656. # bedrock-ascii
  1657. #stonks
  1658. bedrock-ascii-shadey
  1659. #lolcat
  1660. # bedrock-ascii | lolcat -v 3 -h 0.8 -r
  1661. echo " Bedrock Linux"
  1662. echo
  1663. end
  1664. function realc
  1665. string repeat -n (math "$LINES - 2") \n #bind to ctrl+shift+l
  1666. end
  1667. # binding bottom align
  1668. #bind \c\sl string repeat -n (math "$LINES - 2") \n #bind to ctrl+shift+l
  1669. # as one line as i made it
  1670. # clear ; echo ; bedrock-ascii | lolcat -v 3 -h 0.8 -r ; echo " Bedrock Linux" ; echo
  1671. #fix the grep bug, alegedly.
  1672. alias grep "/usr/bin/grep $GREP_OPTIONS"
  1673. #unset GREP_OPTIONS
  1674. #despacer
  1675. #function despacerish
  1676. #for file in **/*\ * ; mv "$file" "${file// /_}" ; end
  1677. ####################################################################
  1678. # __ _ __ _ __ _ #
  1679. # / _|___ _ _| |_ ___ / _|___ _ _| |_ ___ / _|___ _ _| |_ ___ #
  1680. # | _/ _ \ ' \ _(_-< | _/ _ \ ' \ _(_-< | _/ _ \ ' \ _(_-< #
  1681. # |_| \___/_||_\__/__/ |_| \___/_||_\__/__/ |_| \___/_||_\__/__/ #
  1682. # #
  1683. # fonts fonts fonts
  1684. #wheremybitchesat=wheremyfontsat (see alias beneath)
  1685. function wheremybitchesat
  1686. #if fonts
  1687. echo "fonts:"
  1688. #default
  1689. #if ttf
  1690. echo " ls ~/.fonts | grep ttf | sed s/.ttf//"
  1691. ls ~/.fonts | grep ttf | sed s/.ttf//
  1692. #if otb
  1693. #
  1694. echo " ls ~/.fonts | grep otb | sed s/.otb//"
  1695. ls ~/.fonts | grep otb | sed s/.otb//
  1696. #if all
  1697. end
  1698. #until i augment wheremybitchesat with its multi option features, still just fonts, this digitsfonts alias just points to wheremybitchesat without options.
  1699. alias digitsfonts wheremybitchesat
  1700. #speaking of options... see ~/bin/fishyoptionstest* for latest progress i've made on figuring out how to get fish to take n parse --options/-o. at time of writing, stumped on "argparse" in fishyoptionstest2
  1701. #list monospace bitmap fonts
  1702. #as seen:
  1703. function fontslist-mono-bitmap
  1704. fc-list ":spacing=mono:scalable=false" family pixelsize
  1705. end
  1706. function fontslist-mono-scalable
  1707. fc-list ":spacing=mono:scalable=true" family pixelsize
  1708. end
  1709. function fontslist-nonmono-bitmap
  1710. fc-list ":spacing=proportional:scalable=false" family pixelsize
  1711. end
  1712. # __ __ _
  1713. # / / / _|___ _ _| |_ ___
  1714. # / / | _/ _ \ ' \ _(_-<
  1715. #/_/ |_| \___/_||_\__/__/ / fonts
  1716. ##############################################################