lightweight module loading framework for roblox development
пре 5 година | |
lib | пре 5 година | |
test | пре 5 година | |
.luacheckrc | пре 5 година | |
LICENSE | пре 5 година | | | пре 5 година | |
test.project.json | пре 5 година | |
testplace.rbxlx | пре 5 година |
PizzaAlpaca is a lightweight module loading framework designed to help you modularize portions of your game.
print("Starting client.")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
-- define some paths
local lib = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("lib")
local common = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("common")
local client = script.Parent
-- define our module directories
local sidedModules = client:WaitForChild("gameModules")
local commonModules = common:WaitForChild("gameModules")
local PizzaAlpaca = require(lib:WaitForChild("PizzaAlpaca"))
-- create PizzaAlpaca core instance
local clientCore =
-- clientCore._debugPrints = true -- debug prints allow you to see what PizzaAlpaca is doing in the output
-- load sided and common modules
-- start the core
print("Loading complete! Thanks for playing!~")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local lib = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("lib")
local PizzaAlpaca = require(lib:WaitForChild("PizzaAlpaca"))
local TestModule = PizzaAlpaca.GameModule:extend("TestModule")
function TestModule:preInit()
print("testmodule pre-initialized")
function TestModule:init()
print("testmodule initialized")
function TestModule:postInit()
print("testmodule post-initialized")
return TestModule
PizzaAlpaca provides two ways to load modules: registerModule
and registerChildrenAsModules
. registerModule will register an already required module class, wheras registerChildrenAsModules will automatically require and register the module children of a root instance.