tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1.yaml 3.6 KB

  1. Album: 'Tumblrstuck/bent OST: Volume 1'
  2. Directory: tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1
  3. Artists:
  4. - Samm Neiland
  5. Date: February 24, 2012
  6. Date Added: February 2, 2022
  7. URLs:
  8. - https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/album/tumblrstuck-bent-ost-volume-1
  9. Has Track Art: false
  10. Cover Artists:
  11. - Samm Neiland
  12. Color: '#0161ff'
  13. Groups:
  14. - Tumblrstuck/bent
  15. - Fandom
  16. Commentary: |-
  17. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  18. you’ve asked for it, so here it is. the tumblrstuck/bent soundtrack so far. the six songs are the ones used in the conjunction tumblrstuck projects of tumblrbent and glitchedstuck, along with two bonus tracks that were done for friendsies for the fun of it.
  19. best part, its free so you have NO EXCUSE not to download it right this minute.
  20. ---
  21. Group: Main album
  22. ---
  23. Track: Knight of Hope
  24. Duration: '1:55'
  25. URLs:
  26. - https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/knight-of-hope
  27. Cover Artists:
  28. - Reid Slater
  29. Commentary: |-
  30. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  31. For [[artist:reid-slater|Reid's]] character, Reidek
  32. ---
  33. Track: Bane of Life
  34. Duration: '1:37'
  35. URLs:
  36. - https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/bane-of-life
  37. Cover Artists:
  38. - Akirata
  39. Commentary: |-
  40. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  41. For [[artist:akirata|Akirata's]] character, Rhagkna
  42. ---
  43. Track: Thief of Sight
  44. Duration: '1:37'
  45. URLs:
  46. - https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/thief-of-sight
  47. Cover Artists:
  48. - apitoxin
  49. Commentary: |-
  50. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  51. For [[artist:apitoxin|Jenna-Quinn's]] character, Humlah
  52. to be honest, since humlah always seems like a sweetie babby to me, i some how kept thinking like some kind of young link type theme or something.
  53. anyway, hope y'all enjoy
  54. ---
  55. Track: Let's Level Up
  56. Duration: 0:53
  57. URLs:
  58. - https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/lets-level-up
  59. Cover Artists:
  60. - Samm Neiland
  61. Commentary: |-
  62. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  63. another tumblrstuck/tumblrbent related song.
  64. rather than a god tier battle theme thingy, this more like… the song that plays at the end of a battle victory. ie. the same damn song that final fantasy has been using since the first game.
  65. this is not that song though. its a song of my own composition, though its more or less an homage to it i suppose :V
  66. ---
  67. Track: Sylph of Soul
  68. Duration: '2:05'
  69. URLs:
  70. - https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/sylph-of-soul
  71. Cover Artists:
  72. - Reid Slater
  73. Commentary: |-
  74. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  75. For [[artist:reid-slater|Reid's]] character, Garnex
  76. ---
  77. Track: Prince of Mind
  78. Duration: '1:56'
  79. URLs:
  80. - https://sammneiland.bandcamp.com/track/prince-of-mind
  81. Cover Artists:
  82. - Reid Slater
  83. Commentary: |-
  84. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  85. so. i finally did it.
  86. after being sorta without any concept of what to do, i finally made a proper strife/prince of mind theme for myself.
  87. its very hard finding something that encompasses regal tone with intellectual mysteriousness that isn’t totally out there and weird.
  88. also sticking with an instrumentation set fitting for a video game/homestuck.
  89. anyway yeah.
  90. i hope you enjoy it.
  91. ---
  92. Group: Bonus tracks
  93. ---
  94. Track: Muse of Doom
  95. Duration: '1:33'
  96. URLs:
  97. - https://sammneiland.tumblr.com/post/16911918057/god-tier-blahdfsaufb-theme-for-adri-watch-me-as-i
  98. Commentary: |-
  99. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  100. god tier blahdfsaufb theme for adri
  101. watch me as i churn out music like a factory.
  102. ---
  103. Track: Knight of Joy
  104. Duration: '2:15'
  105. URLs:
  106. - https://sammneiland.tumblr.com/post/17694473511/yehyehyehyehyeh-another-god-tier-theme-this-one
  107. Commentary: |-
  108. <i>Samm Neiland:</i>
  109. yehyehyehyehyeh another god tier theme.
  110. this one is for BANA who’s a pretty cool dude who draws and is a bear sometimes.
  111. he’s got ownership on the classy title of knight of joy.
  112. so be joyful.
  113. with this tune.