the-baby-is-you.yaml 14 KB

  1. Album: The Baby is You
  2. Artists:
  3. - Toby Fox
  4. Date: October 13, 2010
  5. Date Added: January 12, 2021
  6. URLs:
  7. -
  8. -
  9. -
  10. Has Track Art: false
  11. Cover Artists:
  12. - Astroliner
  13. Color: '#545fff'
  14. Groups:
  15. - Toby Fox
  16. - Fandom
  17. Art Tags:
  18. - John
  19. - Karkat
  20. - Dave
  21. Commentary: |-
  22. <i>Sanctferum:</i>
  23. (<i>From the Homestuck Sound Test 4/13/2017 Edition release notes:</i>)
  24. Simultaneously the worst fucking thing Toby Fox has ever made and his magnum opus that even Undertale cannot surpass, even mentioning this legendary trash opera on the now-defunct MSPA forums was grounds for a ban. Warning: Contains male pregnancy (mpreg), heavy implications of underage sex, implications of incest, time travel, a clip of Karkat saying "MMMMMMMMMMM" that was used in the Act 6 Act 6 Act 1 opening flash, vore, the answer to the Ultimate Riddle, and other absolutely awful shit that has no business being in the Sound Test, or indeed, anywhere. Listen at your own risk, if you dare...
  25. ---
  26. Track: A History of Babies
  27. Duration: '1:01'
  28. URLs:
  29. -
  30. Lyrics: |-
  31. (Every day, a million babies are born in the United States alone. Many of these babies climb out of... vaginas. Others, the storks bring them. Some are born out of slime in paradox space, thanks to a special video game your momma used to play. But regardless of how these babies may be born, they all come into the world with a special force called... love.
  32. This... is that story.)
  33. ---
  34. Track: Throguh Song
  35. Duration: 0:43
  36. URLs:
  37. -
  38. Referenced Tracks:
  39. - track:showtime-original-mix
  40. Lyrics: |-
  41. (JOHN: Hi I'm John Egbert, and I tell you about my rock opera that's totally like— OH MY GOD DAVE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING ON THE GROUND WRITHING IN PAIN.
  42. DAVE: Nothing- nothing John, just ignore me I'm not <big>PREGNANT</big>!
  43. JOHN: Oh my God Dave what happened to youuuu?
  44. DAVE: I'm- I'm lying I am pregnant.
  45. JOHN: How- how- how is that possible? Who's the father?
  46. DAVE: The father, I can't tell you John.
  47. JOHN: But, but then... who's the baby??
  48. DAVE: The baby, John... is YOU!
  49. JOHN: Noooo Dave, nooooooooo!
  50. DAVE: You're the baby, all of the babies, all of them!
  51. JOHN: We have to get you to a hospit-pital, what are you- what are you saying? What are you saying, Dave?
  52. DAVE: John I guess the only way you can understand... is through song.)
  53. (oooOOOooo, police sirens, police sirens, oooOOOooo, oooOOOooo...)
  54. ---
  55. Track: The Baby is You
  56. Duration: '1:36'
  57. URLs:
  58. -
  59. Referenced Tracks:
  60. - Throguh Song
  61. Lyrics: "I was sittin' around, in the middle of the night\nAll bored with nothin'\
  62. \ to do\nI called up a friend, he put some stuff in my end\nI taught him a hundred\
  63. \ different ways to screw (Oh Dave!)\nI conksunked his boots, touched his imigrants\n\
  64. The chips had just started to fall\nNow after that night, I was given a fright\n\
  65. A babytummy shaped like a ball \n<big>Damn John!</big>\n\nI'm havin' a baby\
  66. \ and the baby is you!\nI'd birth my best friend it's true! (Oh no!)\nI'm havin'\
  67. \ a baby and the baby is you!\nKoalababies up the avenue!\nI'm havin' a baby and\
  68. \ the baby is you!\nMy ovaries are out the wazoo! (Oh no!)\nI'm havin' a baby\
  69. \ and the baby is you!\nYou're gonna come out my hoohoo\n\n(JOHN: But how is that\
  70. \ possible?\nDAVE: I don't know, such is the magic of Skaia! He entered all of\
  71. \ my... seven gates.\nJOHN: Ohh, ohhh...\nDAVE: He touched me John.\nJOHN: Meow\n\
  72. DAVE: He prototyped my Medium.\nJOHN: Ohh...\nDAVE: And now my kernelsprite is...\
  73. \ rich with data... and now.... YOU'RE THE BABYYYYY!\nJOHN: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO\n\
  74. DAVE: OPEN WIIIIDE\nJOHN: OOOOOO—\nWha- what the fuck [???] [laughter])\n\nYou're\
  75. \ havin' a baby and the baby is you! (You're havin' a baby and the baby is me!)\n\
  76. I'd birth my best friend it's true!\nI'm havin' a baby and the baby is you! (You're\
  77. \ havin' a baby and the baby is me!)\nKoalababies up the avenue!\nI'm havin' a\
  78. \ baby and the baby is you! (Havin' a baby and the baby is me!)\nMy ovaries are\
  79. \ out the wazoo!\nI'm havin' a baby and the baby wears shoes!\nBabies, babies,\
  80. \ babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies, babies\
  81. \ [Babeatboxing]\nWahoo!\n\n(oooOOOooo, police sirens, police sirens, oooOOOooo,\
  82. \ oooOOOooo...)"
  83. ---
  84. Track: bootes
  85. Duration: '1:47'
  86. URLs:
  87. -
  88. Referenced Tracks:
  89. - Canon in D
  90. Lyrics: |-
  91. (Dave: Oh my God, John... the baby... is a baby... is a baby...
  92. JOHN: Dave you're losing your water break, we can't go to a hospital now!
  93. DAVE: You're right there's no time! We must go to Mount Prospit... where I myself was born.
  94. JOHN: You were born in a lab, Dave, and I'm your lab daddy.
  95. DAVE: Just shut up, Dad! 'Cuz, you're my baby now, and you're the one that's gonna have mantitties in your face!
  96. JOHN: What?
  97. DAVE: Mantitties in your face!
  98. JOHN: No! No, gross!
  99. DAVE: Mantitties in your faaaace!
  100. JOHN: Dave, put your fucking shirt on!
  101. DAVE: Mantitties.
  102. JOHN: I'm not even born yet, that's not fair!
  103. DAVE: Oh my God... someone needs to deliver this baby... right now.
  104. KARKAT: I can do that.
  105. JOHN: Karkat what the fuck are you doing?
  106. KARKAT: Delivering babies... I did it once, I can do it again.
  107. JOHN: Leave it up to me Karkat.
  108. KARKAT: No, no I can't, you're... a baby. I must do this, I must be the... midwife. John, there are some things you can't know.
  109. JOHN: Like what?
  110. DAVE: Please just reach inside me—
  112. Once upon a time on top of a mountain (I'm Karkat, by the way)
  113. A baby was sitting in a water fountain (Karkat, Karkat)
  114. His name was Dave and he was supreme
  115. His booties were covered in peaches and cream
  116. And that story today is, totally, irrelevant
  117. I'm a troll John
  118. I wanna fuck you out of hate
  119. I wanna fuck you out of hate 'cause I'm Karkat
  120. (MMMMM<big>MMMMMMMM</big>MMMM
  121. DAVE: Oh, my God, please stop this singing shit, I have to have this baby now! Ohh!
  122. <big>MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM</big>... MMMMM...)
  123. ---
  124. Track: rose pragnant
  125. Contributors:
  126. - Astroliner (Rose)
  127. Duration: '1:11'
  128. URLs:
  129. -
  130. Referenced Tracks:
  131. - Showdown
  132. Lyrics: |-
  133. (ROSE: Oh my God, I hate Garageband so much.
  134. JOHN: Dave you need to hang in there!
  136. KARKAT: I don't get it, the baby just won't come out.
  137. ROSE: What the fuck? What is this fucking metronome shit?
  138. DAVE: I'm not ready. There's some things I have to clean up first.
  139. It's a car.
  140. Holy crap, it's a car.
  141. ROSE: i came as fast as i could
  142. DAVE: Rose I'm glad you're here. I need to talk to you about... this big baby in my mommytummy.
  143. ROSE: I'm serious. I'm a serious... actor. Voice actor- VA. Indubitably, I will embiggen my words less so you can understand what the fuck I'm- fuck-
  144. DAVE: Let's not talk. Let's... sing, like old times.
  145. Rose is pregnant and she can't sing, okay? It's a problem.
  147. JOHN: Rose!
  148. DAVE: It's only fair...
  149. ROSE: Right. Besides singing is passé for those of a caliber like ours. Let us engage in that ancient art far superior... <big><i>rap</i></big>
  150. ROSE: It happened.
  151. Make it happen Lalonde.
  152. Suck that bitches' dick!
  153. ROSE: I'm go- that's NOT what I'm doing! That's the opposite of what I'm doing. Alright... —fast as- BAH IT'S NOT RECORDING!
  154. ROSE: i came as fast as i could
  155. ROSE: Indubitably. I can- [angry noises])
  156. ---
  157. Track: the rose rap
  158. Contributors:
  159. - Von Fawn (Rose)
  160. - Astroliner (Rose, but from rose pragnant)
  161. Duration: '2:45'
  162. URLs:
  163. -
  164. Referenced Tracks:
  165. - Lose Yourself
  166. - track:miracles-icp
  167. Sampled Tracks:
  168. - rose pragnant
  169. - bootes
  170. Lyrics: |-
  171. (Alright Strider, let's do this thing. Strider, let me break it down like this for ya.)
  172. There once was a violet femme fatale
  173. Whose violent violin sung sweet without
  174. The tables of a boy who turned tricks and treats
  175. Like icy Halloween breeze, so fresh were his beats
  176. But alone they were weak, no revolution
  177. Together, overtime, there was an evolution
  178. They met on the net and there was a fusion
  179. Like Danimals Yogurt Breakfast Frusion
  180. Hearts, and minds
  181. And souls, and hearts
  182. They loved, each other
  183. You bag, of farts
  184. They promised to be each other's baby mommy babies
  185. But now they're caught in their lies
  186. Their fingers in another person's pies
  187. Guilty of another person's scabies
  188. Strider, heart to heart
  189. Don't treat me like a fool
  190. You may have played me
  191. But my heart waylaid me
  192. I wanna be your baby mommy too
  193. Rose I know how you're feeling, I know your emotions
  194. I want you to know I mirror your devotion
  195. You don't see this kind of depravity on the Serengeti
  196. Whoop there goes gravity! Mom's spaghetti
  197. I screwed up, I fucked up, I got screwed and fucked (Oh my God, I hate Garageband so much.)
  198. I'm the baby of bad choices and my little legs are tucked
  199. I wanted to be true, make you a faithful hubby
  200. But you know I can't do, it's too much trubby
  201. We're related Rose, that's the problem not the other
  202. We can't be baby mommy daddies 'cause you're my sis and I'm your brother (Miracles, fuckin' miracles bro!)
  203. These feelings that you're feeling, we share the same idea
  204. I know I screwed up and probably caught gonorrhea
  205. (DAVE: But the truth Rose, is that... we can't have a baby because it would be retarded, and besides, incest is disgusting, and, um, anyone that condones pedophilia or incest is—
  206. Water, fire, air and dirt!
  207. DAVE:, bad and they should see a psychiatrist, and also, will you marry me?
  208. ROSE: Yes Dave!
  209. DAVE: So we can have the baby together.
  210. ROSE: Take me away!)
  211. Strider, heart to heart
  212. I wanna treat you like a fool
  213. You may have played me
  214. But my heart waylaid me
  215. I wanna be your baby mommy
  216. I wanna be your baby mommy
  217. Baby mommy, baby mommy too! (Oh my God, I hate Garageband so much.)
  218. (i came as fast as i could)
  219. (ROSE: Dave, I lied!
  220. DAVE: Rose I- I mean I think we can work through this, you know- even though—
  221. ROSE: No I lied I'm not pregnant!
  222. ROSE: <big>I'M JUST FAT</big>
  223. DAVE: Oh Rose, I don't care... being pregnant might be against the rules of the MSPA Forum...
  224. KARKAT: I'm going to throw up.
  225. DAVE: ...but... shipping us together is not!
  226. JOHN: Gross! Everyone cover your eyes!
  227. (worst makeout sounds ever)
  228. JOHN: The two naked incestuous pregnant teenagers are... KISSING!! GROSS!!
  229. MMMMM<big>MMMMMMMM</big>MMMM
  230. ROSE: That's hot.)
  231. ---
  232. Track: uh oh
  233. Duration: 0:07
  234. URLs:
  235. -
  236. Lyrics: |-
  237. (DAVE: Looks like everything's gonna work out fine after a- oh, holy shit is that—
  238. BRO: Dave I'm gonna eat your baby.)
  239. ---
  240. Track: vs bros
  241. Duration: '1:27'
  242. URLs:
  243. -
  244. Referenced Tracks:
  245. - Versus
  246. Sampled Tracks:
  247. - Can You Feel the Love Tonight
  248. Lyrics: |-
  249. Caaaan you feeeel—
  250. (DAVE: Bro I dont wanna fight you, I just want to have my baby in peace.
  251. BRO: Hah! Too bad, Ash Ketchum! I'm Gary motherfucking Oak, I'm hungry for babies so get goddamn shoveling!)
  252. I'm the king of everything under the sun
  253. I'm just like Parappa except I like hot dog buns
  254. I'm gonna [[track:beatdown-strider-style|Beatdown]] your butt, I'll [[track:contention-vol4]] your face
  255. I'll eat all the babies in the human race
  256. (JOHN: Why would Bro say something like that?
  257. DAVE: I don't know, he's never tried to eat my babies before!)
  258. Shut up your face dad, I'm totally me
  259. Eatin' apple jacks is the way to be!
  260. (BRO: How does it feel to be shut down by my superior rapping techniques? I will show you the power of the forbidden rhyme... words that rhyme with THEMSELVES!)
  261. Hat, hat
  262. Cat, cat
  263. Bat, bat
  264. Bat, bat (He's gonna run out of words sometime!)
  265. Oops, I said something wrong 'cuz I'm stupid
  266. Uh, uh, uh, uh
  267. I don't, I didn't even write anything for this part
  268. So, yeah...
  269. (Actually, a fight sequence was entirely unnecessary. So, it was deleted aaaand what happens is that in the end: it turns out Bro's a robot. I mean... it was just complex given the fact that this is a normally simple story about, um uh, you know like a... thirteen-year-old boy giving birth to his brea- best friend, I- It- It didn't fit the archetypes. So, I'm going to uh... move on to the next song and you can, just... chillax a little bit.)
  270. ---
  271. Track: a baby is born
  272. Contributors:
  273. - Artemis251 (Kid, Luigi, Sweet Bro, Hella Jeff, background vocals)
  274. - Astroliner (Rose)
  275. Duration: '1:30'
  276. URLs:
  277. -
  278. Sampled Tracks:
  279. - rose pragnant
  280. Lyrics: |-
  281. (KC GREEN: Hey kids! This is KC Green!
  282. KID: Yay!
  283. KC GREEN: And it's time for the Gunshow singalong show!
  284. KID: The singalong, yay!
  285. KC GREEN: I hope you all got your faces ready!
  286. KID: My face is ready!
  287. KC GREEN: To sing a little tune here!
  288. KID: Let's sing!
  289. KC GREEN: Let's go!)
  290. I'm havin' a baby and the baby is you!
  291. I'm havin' a baby and the baby is true!
  292. Greetings Andrew Hussie this is Radiation
  293. How high do you have to be?
  294. Pretty goddamn high
  295. Havin' a baby and the baby is you (Havin' a baby) (Is you)
  296. Havin' a baby and the baby is true (Is trueeee)
  297. Ohhhh, I'm having a baby (Havin' a baby, dogs!)
  298. And it's gonna be awesome when I have a baby (???)
  299. (DAVE: Oh my God! It's happening!
  300. KID: Oh my, push!
  301. DAVE: I'm having a baby! I'm having this baby right now!
  302. JOHN: Having a baby!
  303. KC GREEN: Oh it's so beautiful!
  304. DAVE: All over your face!
  305. KID: Push, push, push!
  306. DAVE: Greuh, baby, baby—
  307. JOHN: It's me! I'm the baby!
  308. LUIGI: That's actually kinda really gross!
  309. DAVE: Blblblblblblblbl...
  310. KID: ???
  311. JOHN: It's me! Wah!
  312. DAVE: Oh, John!
  313. ROSE: i came
  314. DAVE: It's beautiful!
  315. JOHN: [baby noises]
  316. DAVE: It's beautiful John, you're a beautiful baaaaby!
  317. JOHN: Thanks Dave!
  318. DAVE: You're a beautiful baby!
  319. JOHN: I love being your baby!
  321. ROSE: i came
  322. ROSE: i came as fast as i could
  323. Brought to you by the rules of the MSPA Forums.
  324. SWEET BRO AND HELLA JEFF: Who would even write this conksuck song anyway?
  325. SWEET BRO AND HELLA JEFF: Imigrants??)