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  5. <title>The JakeOnline Weekly Newsletter</title>
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  24. <h1>The JakeOnline Weekly Newsletter</h1>
  25. <p>
  26. <i><tt>Also see <a href="hot_garbage_newsletter.html">The Hot Garbage Newsletter</a>, and <a href="owlmail.html">OwlMail</a></tt></i>
  27. <p>
  28. <i>The JakeOnline Weekly Newsletter</i> (also known simply as "TJOWNL"), was known as "The JakeOnline Monthly Weekly Newsletter") was an online newsletter written and published by JakeOnline in late September 2017. The newsletter covered a wide array of issues, including current events on Neocities, fan mail, and website of the week.
  29. <p>
  30. <h2>Issue #1 from 22nd of September 2017</h2>
  31. <p>
  32. In this first issue of the newsletter (that can be found via <a href="https://owlman.neocities.org/junk/newsletter/9-22-17.html">the OwlMan archive</a>), Jake mostly covers private messages between a number of people. At the end of the newsletter Jake uses a quote from OwlMan;
  33. <p>
  34. <tt><blockquote>
  35. "So do you want your eggs to just role around on the palate?"</br>
  36. -OwlMan (2017)
  37. </tt></blockquote>
  38. <p>
  39. In this quote, OwlMan (a Brit) is talking about his <a href="https://metro.co.uk/2017/07/10/confused-brits-are-so-angry-with-americans-for-not-having-egg-cups-6768081/">surprise that eggcups are uncommon in America</A>.
  40. <p>
  41. <h2>Issue #2 from 30th of September 2017</h2>
  42. <p>
  43. In the second issue (available via <a href="https://owlman.neocities.org/junk/newsletter/9-30-17.html">the OwlMan archive</a>), Jake talks about <a href="webring.html#Hyperlink">Hyperlink</a> (a webring he was apart of at the time but would leave sometime later), fan mail he got from Tomato Hentai, and he made <a href="neo404.html#OpenBooks">openbooks.neocities.org</a> the website for the week (the site at the time was owned by Hosma)
  44. <P>
  45. <hr></hr>
  46. <tt>
  47. References
  48. <P>
  49. I. The original URL, now down</br>
  50. <a href="https://jakeonline.neocities.org/news/">https://jakeonline.neocities.org/news/</a> [<a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20170930010312/https://jakeonline.neocities.org/news/">Internet Archive</a>]
  51. <P>
  52. II. The second URL, also down</br>
  53. <a href="https://jakeonline.neocities.org/misc/newsletter/">https://jakeonline.neocities.org/misc/newsletter/</a> [<a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20171112030045/https://jakeonline.neocities.org/misc/newsletter/">Internet Archive</a>]
  54. <P>
  55. III. OwlMan archive of the newsletter</br>
  56. <a href="https://owlman.neocities.org/junk/newsletter/">https://owlman.neocities.org/junk/newsletter/</a> [<a href="http://web.archive.org/web/20180626234107/https://owlman.neocities.org/junk/newsletter/">Internet Archive</a>]
  57. <p>
  58. This page was last updated: 27/06/2018 @ 01:01
  59. <p>
  60. In total this page has had 0 updates since it was uploaded.
  61. <P></tt>
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