123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304 |
- PlayerPC:
- ld hl, wd730
- set 6, [hl]
- ld a, ITEM_NAME
- ld [wNameListType], a
- call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1
- xor a
- ld [wBagSavedMenuItem], a
- ld [wParentMenuItem], a
- ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60]
- bit 3, a ; accessing player's PC through another PC?
- jr nz, PlayerPCMenu
- ; accessing it directly
- ld a, SFX_TURN_ON_PC
- call PlaySound
- ld hl, TurnedOnPC2Text
- call PrintText
- PlayerPCMenu:
- ld a, [wParentMenuItem]
- ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a
- ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
- set 5, [hl]
- call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2
- coord hl, 0, 0
- ld b, $8
- ld c, $e
- call TextBoxBorder
- call UpdateSprites
- coord hl, 2, 2
- ld de, PlayersPCMenuEntries
- call PlaceString
- ld hl, wTopMenuItemY
- ld a, 2
- ld [hli], a ; wTopMenuItemY
- dec a
- ld [hli], a ; wTopMenuItemX
- inc hl
- inc hl
- ld a, 3
- ld [hli], a ; wMaxMenuItem
- ld [hli], a ; wMenuWatchedKeys
- xor a
- ld [hl], a
- ld hl, wListScrollOffset
- ld [hli], a ; wListScrollOffset
- ld [hl], a ; wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds
- ld [wPlayerMonNumber], a
- ld hl, WhatDoYouWantText
- call PrintText
- call HandleMenuInput
- bit 1, a
- jp nz, ExitPlayerPC
- call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor
- ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem]
- ld [wParentMenuItem], a
- and a
- jp z, PlayerPCWithdraw
- dec a
- jp z, PlayerPCDeposit
- dec a
- jp z, PlayerPCToss
- ExitPlayerPC:
- ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60]
- bit 3, a ; accessing player's PC through another PC?
- jr nz, .next
- ; accessing it directly
- call PlaySound
- call WaitForSoundToFinish
- .next
- ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60
- res 5, [hl]
- call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2
- xor a
- ld [wListScrollOffset], a
- ld [wBagSavedMenuItem], a
- ld hl, wd730
- res 6, [hl]
- xor a
- ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a
- ret
- PlayerPCDeposit:
- xor a
- ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a
- ld [wListScrollOffset], a
- ld a, [wNumBagItems]
- and a
- jr nz, .loop
- ld hl, NothingToDepositText
- call PrintText
- jp PlayerPCMenu
- .loop
- ld hl, WhatToDepositText
- call PrintText
- ld hl, wNumBagItems
- ld a, l
- ld [wListPointer], a
- ld a, h
- ld [wListPointer + 1], a
- xor a
- ld [wPrintItemPrices], a
- ld [wListMenuID], a
- call DisplayListMenuID
- jp c, PlayerPCMenu
- call IsKeyItem
- ld a, 1
- ld [wItemQuantity], a
- ld a, [wIsKeyItem]
- and a
- jr nz, .next
- ; if it's not a key item, there can be more than one of the item
- ld hl, DepositHowManyText
- call PrintText
- call DisplayChooseQuantityMenu
- cp $ff
- jp z, .loop
- .next
- ld hl, wNumBoxItems
- call AddItemToInventory
- jr c, .roomAvailable
- ld hl, NoRoomToStoreText
- call PrintText
- jp .loop
- .roomAvailable
- ld hl, wNumBagItems
- call RemoveItemFromInventory
- call WaitForSoundToFinish
- call PlaySound
- call WaitForSoundToFinish
- ld hl, ItemWasStoredText
- call PrintText
- jp .loop
- PlayerPCWithdraw:
- xor a
- ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a
- ld [wListScrollOffset], a
- ld a, [wNumBoxItems]
- and a
- jr nz, .loop
- ld hl, NothingStoredText
- call PrintText
- jp PlayerPCMenu
- .loop
- ld hl, WhatToWithdrawText
- call PrintText
- ld hl, wNumBoxItems
- ld a, l
- ld [wListPointer], a
- ld a, h
- ld [wListPointer + 1], a
- xor a
- ld [wPrintItemPrices], a
- ld [wListMenuID], a
- call DisplayListMenuID
- jp c, PlayerPCMenu
- call IsKeyItem
- ld a, 1
- ld [wItemQuantity], a
- ld a, [wIsKeyItem]
- and a
- jr nz, .next
- ; if it's not a key item, there can be more than one of the item
- ld hl, WithdrawHowManyText
- call PrintText
- call DisplayChooseQuantityMenu
- cp $ff
- jp z, .loop
- .next
- ld hl, wNumBagItems
- call AddItemToInventory
- jr c, .roomAvailable
- ld hl, CantCarryMoreText
- call PrintText
- jp .loop
- .roomAvailable
- ld hl, wNumBoxItems
- call RemoveItemFromInventory
- call WaitForSoundToFinish
- call PlaySound
- call WaitForSoundToFinish
- ld hl, WithdrewItemText
- call PrintText
- jp .loop
- PlayerPCToss:
- xor a
- ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a
- ld [wListScrollOffset], a
- ld a, [wNumBoxItems]
- and a
- jr nz, .loop
- ld hl, NothingStoredText
- call PrintText
- jp PlayerPCMenu
- .loop
- ld hl, WhatToTossText
- call PrintText
- ld hl, wNumBoxItems
- ld a, l
- ld [wListPointer], a
- ld a, h
- ld [wListPointer + 1], a
- xor a
- ld [wPrintItemPrices], a
- ld [wListMenuID], a
- push hl
- call DisplayListMenuID
- pop hl
- jp c, PlayerPCMenu
- push hl
- call IsKeyItem
- pop hl
- ld a, 1
- ld [wItemQuantity], a
- ld a, [wIsKeyItem]
- and a
- jr nz, .next
- ld a, [wcf91]
- call IsItemHM
- jr c, .next
- ; if it's not a key item, there can be more than one of the item
- push hl
- ld hl, TossHowManyText
- call PrintText
- call DisplayChooseQuantityMenu
- pop hl
- cp $ff
- jp z, .loop
- .next
- call TossItem ; disallows tossing key items
- jp .loop
- PlayersPCMenuEntries:
- next "TOSS ITEM"
- next "LOG OFF@"
- TurnedOnPC2Text:
- TX_FAR _TurnedOnPC2Text
- db "@"
- WhatDoYouWantText:
- TX_FAR _WhatDoYouWantText
- db "@"
- WhatToDepositText:
- TX_FAR _WhatToDepositText
- db "@"
- DepositHowManyText:
- TX_FAR _DepositHowManyText
- db "@"
- ItemWasStoredText:
- TX_FAR _ItemWasStoredText
- db "@"
- NothingToDepositText:
- TX_FAR _NothingToDepositText
- db "@"
- NoRoomToStoreText:
- TX_FAR _NoRoomToStoreText
- db "@"
- WhatToWithdrawText:
- TX_FAR _WhatToWithdrawText
- db "@"
- WithdrawHowManyText:
- TX_FAR _WithdrawHowManyText
- db "@"
- WithdrewItemText:
- TX_FAR _WithdrewItemText
- db "@"
- NothingStoredText:
- TX_FAR _NothingStoredText
- db "@"
- CantCarryMoreText:
- TX_FAR _CantCarryMoreText
- db "@"
- WhatToTossText:
- TX_FAR _WhatToTossText
- db "@"
- TossHowManyText:
- TX_FAR _TossHowManyText
- db "@"