viridian_gym.asm 3.9 KB

  1. _ViridianGymText_74ace::
  2. text "Fwahahaha! This is"
  3. line "my hideout!"
  4. para "I planned to"
  5. line "resurrect TEAM"
  6. cont "ROCKET here!"
  7. para "But, you have"
  8. line "caught me again!"
  9. cont "So be it! This"
  10. cont "time, I'm not"
  11. cont "holding back!"
  12. para "Once more, you"
  13. line "shall face"
  14. cont "GIOVANNI, the"
  15. cont "greatest trainer!"
  16. done
  17. _ViridianGymText_74ad3::
  18. text "Ha!"
  19. line "That was a truly"
  20. cont "intense fight!"
  21. cont "You have won!"
  22. cont "As proof, here is"
  23. cont "the EARTHBADGE!@@"
  24. _ViridianGymText_74ad9::
  25. text "Having lost, I"
  26. line "cannot face my"
  27. cont "underlings!"
  28. cont "TEAM ROCKET is"
  29. cont "finished forever!"
  30. para "I will dedicate my"
  31. line "life to the study"
  32. cont "of #MON!"
  33. para "Let us meet again"
  34. line "some day!"
  35. cont "Farewell!@@"
  36. _ViridianGymText12::
  37. text "The EARTHBADGE"
  38. line "makes #MON of"
  39. cont "any level obey!"
  40. para "It is evidence of"
  41. line "your mastery as a"
  42. cont "#MON trainer!"
  43. para "With it, you can"
  44. line "enter the #MON"
  45. cont "LEAGUE!"
  46. para "It is my gift for"
  47. line "your #MON"
  48. cont "LEAGUE challenge!"
  49. done
  50. _ReceivedTM27Text::
  51. text "<PLAYER> received"
  52. line "TM27!@@"
  53. _TM27ExplanationText::
  54. db $0
  55. para "TM27 is FISSURE!"
  56. line "It will take out"
  57. cont "#MON with just"
  58. cont "one hit!"
  59. para "I made it when I"
  60. line "ran the GYM here,"
  61. cont "too long ago..."
  62. done
  63. _TM27NoRoomText::
  64. text "You do not have"
  65. line "space for this!"
  66. done
  67. _ViridianGymBattleText1::
  68. text "Heh! You must be"
  69. line "running out of"
  70. cont "steam by now!"
  71. done
  72. _ViridianGymEndBattleText1::
  73. text "I"
  74. line "ran out of gas!"
  75. prompt
  76. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText1::
  77. text "You need power to"
  78. line "keep up with our"
  79. cont "GYM LEADER!"
  80. done
  81. _ViridianGymBattleText2::
  82. text "Rrrroar! I'm"
  83. line "working myself"
  84. cont "into a rage!"
  85. done
  86. _ViridianGymEndBattleText2::
  87. text "Wargh!"
  88. prompt
  89. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText2::
  90. text "I'm still not"
  91. line "worthy!"
  92. done
  93. _ViridianGymBattleText3::
  94. text "#MON and I, we"
  95. line "make wonderful"
  96. cont "music together!"
  97. done
  98. _ViridianGymEndBattleText3::
  99. text "You are in"
  100. line "perfect harmony!"
  101. prompt
  102. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText3::
  103. text "Do you know the"
  104. line "identity of our"
  105. cont "GYM LEADER?"
  106. done
  107. _ViridianGymBattleText4::
  108. text "Karate is the"
  109. line "ultimate form of"
  110. cont "martial arts!"
  111. done
  112. _ViridianGymEndBattleText4::
  113. text "Atcho!"
  114. prompt
  115. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText4::
  116. text "If my #MON"
  117. line "were as good at"
  118. cont "Karate as I..."
  119. done
  120. _ViridianGymBattleText5::
  121. text "The truly talented"
  122. line "win with style!"
  123. done
  124. _ViridianGymEndBattleText5::
  125. text "I"
  126. line "lost my grip!"
  127. prompt
  128. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText5::
  129. text "The LEADER will"
  130. line "scold me!"
  131. done
  132. _ViridianGymBattleText6::
  133. text "I'm the KARATE"
  134. line "KING! Your fate"
  135. cont "rests with me!"
  136. done
  137. _ViridianGymEndBattleText6::
  138. text "Ayah!"
  139. prompt
  140. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText6::
  141. text "#MON LEAGUE?"
  142. line "You? Don't get"
  143. cont "cocky!"
  144. done
  145. _ViridianGymBattleText7::
  146. text "Your #MON will"
  147. line "cower at the"
  148. cont "crack of my whip!"
  149. done
  150. _ViridianGymEndBattleText7::
  151. text "Yowch!"
  152. line "Whiplash!"
  153. prompt
  154. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText7::
  155. text "Wait! I was just"
  156. line "careless!"
  157. done
  158. _ViridianGymBattleText8::
  159. text "VIRIDIAN GYM was"
  160. line "closed for a long"
  161. cont "time, but now our"
  162. cont "LEADER is back!"
  163. done
  164. _ViridianGymEndBattleText8::
  165. text "I"
  166. line "was beaten?"
  167. prompt
  168. _ViridianGymAfterBattleText8::
  169. text "You can go onto"
  170. line "#MON LEAGUE"
  171. cont "only by defeating"
  172. cont "our GYM LEADER!"
  173. done
  174. _ViridianGymText_74bd4::
  175. text "Yo! Champ in"
  176. line "making!"
  177. para "Even I don't know"
  178. line "VIRIDIAN LEADER's"
  179. cont "identity!"
  180. para "This will be the"
  181. line "toughest of all"
  182. cont "the GYM LEADERs!"
  183. para "I heard that the"
  184. line "trainers here"
  185. cont "like ground-type"
  186. cont "#MON!"
  187. done
  188. _ViridianGymText_74bd9::
  189. text "Blow me away!"
  190. line "GIOVANNI was the"
  191. cont "GYM LEADER here?"
  192. done