vermilion_house.asm 380 B

  1. _VermilionHouse1Text1::
  2. text "I'm getting my"
  3. line "PIDGEY to fly a"
  4. cont "letter to SAFFRON"
  5. cont "in the north!"
  6. done
  7. _VermilionHouse1Text2::
  8. text "PIDGEY: Kurukkoo!@@"
  9. _VermilionHouse1Text3::
  10. text "Dear PIPPI, I hope"
  11. line "to see you soon."
  12. para "I heard SAFFRON"
  13. line "has problems with"
  14. cont "TEAM ROCKET."
  15. para "VERMILION appears"
  16. line "to be safe."
  17. done