route_25.asm 2.4 KB

  1. _Route25BattleText1::
  2. text "Local trainers"
  3. line "come here to"
  4. cont "practice!"
  5. done
  6. _Route25EndBattleText1::
  7. text "You're"
  8. line "decent."
  9. prompt
  10. _Route25AfterBattleText1::
  11. text "All #MON have"
  12. line "weaknesses. It's"
  13. cont "best to raise"
  14. cont "different kinds."
  15. done
  16. _Route25BattleText2::
  17. text "Dad took me to a"
  18. line "great party on"
  19. cont "S.S.ANNE at"
  20. cont "VERMILION CITY!"
  21. done
  22. _Route25EndBattleText2::
  23. text "I'm"
  24. line "not mad!"
  25. prompt
  26. _Route25AfterBattleText2::
  27. text "On S.S.ANNE, I"
  28. line "saw trainers from"
  29. cont "around the world."
  30. done
  31. _Route25BattleText3::
  32. text "I'm a cool guy."
  33. line "I've got a girl"
  34. cont "friend!"
  35. done
  36. _Route25EndBattleText3::
  37. text "Aww,"
  38. line "darn..."
  39. prompt
  40. _Route25AfterBattleText3::
  41. text "Oh well. My girl"
  42. line "will cheer me up."
  43. done
  44. _Route25BattleText4::
  45. text "Hi! My boy"
  46. line "friend is cool!"
  47. done
  48. _Route25EndBattleText4::
  49. text "I was in"
  50. line "bad condition!"
  51. prompt
  52. _Route25AfterBattleText4::
  53. text "I wish my guy was"
  54. line "as good as you!"
  55. done
  56. _Route25BattleText5::
  57. text "I knew I had to"
  58. line "fight you!"
  59. done
  60. _Route25EndBattleText5::
  61. text "I knew"
  62. line "I'd lose too!"
  63. prompt
  64. _Route25AfterBattleText5::
  65. text "If your #MON"
  66. line "gets confused or"
  67. cont "falls asleep,"
  68. cont "switch it!"
  69. done
  70. _Route25BattleText6::
  71. text "My friend has a"
  72. line "cute #MON."
  73. cont "I'm so jealous!"
  74. done
  75. _Route25EndBattleText6::
  76. text "I'm"
  77. line "not so jealous!"
  78. prompt
  79. _Route25AfterBattleText6::
  80. text "You came from MT."
  81. line "MOON? May I have"
  82. cont "a CLEFAIRY?"
  83. done
  84. _Route25BattleText7::
  85. text "I just got down"
  86. line "from MT.MOON,"
  87. cont "but I'm ready!"
  88. done
  89. _Route25EndBattleText7::
  90. text "You"
  91. line "worked hard!"
  92. prompt
  93. _Route25AfterBattleText7::
  94. text "Drat!"
  95. line "A ZUBAT bit me"
  96. cont "back in there."
  97. done
  98. _Route25BattleText8::
  99. text "I'm off to see a"
  100. line "#MON collector"
  101. cont "at the cape!"
  102. done
  103. _Route25EndBattleText8::
  104. text "You"
  105. line "got me."
  106. prompt
  107. _Route25AfterBattleText8::
  108. text "The collector has"
  109. line "many rare kinds"
  110. cont "of #MON."
  111. done
  112. _Route25BattleText9::
  113. text "You're going to"
  114. line "see BILL? First,"
  115. cont "let's fight!"
  116. done
  117. _Route25EndBattleText9::
  118. text "You're"
  119. line "something."
  120. prompt
  121. _Route25AfterBattleText9::
  122. text "The trail below"
  123. line "is a shortcut to"
  124. cont "CERULEAN CITY."
  125. done
  126. _Route25Text11::
  127. text "SEA COTTAGE"
  128. line "BILL lives here!"
  129. done