route_23.asm 590 B

  1. _VictoryRoadGuardText1::
  2. text "You can pass here"
  3. line "only if you have"
  4. cont "the @"
  5. TX_RAM wcd6d
  6. text "!"
  7. para "You don't have the"
  8. line "@"
  9. TX_RAM wcd6d
  10. text " yet!"
  11. para "You have to have"
  12. line "it to get to"
  13. cont "#MON LEAGUE!@@"
  14. _VictoryRoadGuardText2::
  15. text "You can pass here"
  16. line "only if you have"
  17. cont "the @"
  18. TX_RAM wcd6d
  19. text "!"
  20. para "Oh! That is the"
  21. line "@"
  22. TX_RAM wcd6d
  23. text "!@@"
  24. _VictoryRoadGuardText_513a3::
  25. db $0
  26. para "OK then! Please,"
  27. line "go right ahead!"
  28. done
  29. _Route23Text8::
  30. text "VICTORY ROAD GATE"
  31. line "- #MON LEAGUE"
  32. done