route_1.asm 793 B

  1. _Route1ViridianMartSampleText::
  2. text "Hi! I work at a"
  3. line "#MON MART."
  4. para "It's a convenient"
  5. line "shop, so please"
  6. cont "visit us in"
  7. cont "VIRIDIAN CITY."
  8. para "I know, I'll give"
  9. line "you a sample!"
  10. cont "Here you go!"
  11. prompt
  12. _Route1Text_1cae8::
  13. text "<PLAYER> got"
  14. line "@"
  15. TX_RAM wcf4b
  16. text "!@@"
  17. _Route1Text_1caee::
  18. text "We also carry"
  19. line "# BALLs for"
  20. cont "catching #MON!"
  21. done
  22. _Route1Text_1caf3::
  23. text "You have too much"
  24. line "stuff with you!"
  25. done
  26. _Route1Text2::
  27. text "See those ledges"
  28. line "along the road?"
  29. para "It's a bit scary,"
  30. line "but you can jump"
  31. cont "from them."
  32. para "You can get back"
  33. line "to PALLET TOWN"
  34. cont "quicker that way."
  35. done
  36. _Route1Text3::
  37. text "ROUTE 1"
  38. line "PALLET TOWN -"
  39. cont "VIRIDIAN CITY"
  40. done