name_rater.asm 932 B

  1. _NameRaterText_1dab3::
  2. text "Hello, hello!"
  3. line "I am the official"
  4. cont "NAME RATER!"
  5. para "Want me to rate"
  6. line "the nicknames of"
  7. cont "your #MON?"
  8. done
  9. _NameRaterText_1dab8::
  10. text "Which #MON"
  11. line "should I look at?"
  12. prompt
  13. _NameRaterText_1dabd::
  14. TX_RAM wcd6d
  15. text ", is it?"
  16. line "That is a decent"
  17. cont "nickname!"
  18. para "But, would you"
  19. line "like me to give"
  20. cont "it a nicer name?"
  21. para "How about it?"
  22. done
  23. _NameRaterText_1dac2::
  24. text "Fine! What should"
  25. line "we name it?"
  26. prompt
  27. _NameRaterText_1dac7::
  28. text "OK! This #MON"
  29. line "has been renamed"
  30. cont "@"
  31. TX_RAM wBuffer
  32. text "!"
  33. para "That's a better"
  34. line "name than before!"
  35. done
  36. _NameRaterText_1dacc::
  37. text "Fine! Come any"
  38. line "time you like!"
  39. done
  40. _NameRaterText_1dad1::
  41. TX_RAM wcd6d
  42. text ", is it?"
  43. line "That is a truly"
  44. cont "impeccable name!"
  45. para "Take good care of"
  46. line "@"
  47. TX_RAM wcd6d
  48. text "!"
  49. done