fuchsia_fishing_house.asm 652 B

  1. _FuchsiaHouse3Text_561bd::
  2. text "I'm the FISHING"
  3. line "GURU's older"
  4. cont "brother!"
  5. para "I simply Looove"
  6. line "fishing!"
  7. para "Do you like to"
  8. line "fish?"
  9. done
  10. _FuchsiaHouse3Text_561c2::
  11. text "Grand! I like"
  12. line "your style!"
  13. para "Take this and"
  14. line "fish, young one!"
  15. para "<PLAYER> received"
  16. line "a @"
  17. TX_RAM wcf4b
  18. text "!@@"
  19. _FuchsiaHouse3Text_56212::
  20. text "Oh... That's so"
  21. line "disappointing..."
  22. done
  23. _FuchsiaHouse3Text_56217::
  24. text "Hello there,"
  25. line "<PLAYER>!"
  26. para "How are the fish"
  27. line "biting?"
  28. done
  29. _FuchsiaHouse3Text_5621c::
  30. text "Oh no!"
  31. para "You have no room"
  32. line "for my gift!"
  33. done