fan_club.asm 2.2 KB

  1. PikachuFanText::
  2. text "Won't you admire"
  3. line "my PIKACHU's"
  4. cont "adorable tail?"
  5. done
  6. PikachuFanBetterText::
  7. text "Humph! My PIKACHU"
  8. line "is twice as cute"
  9. cont "as that one!"
  10. done
  11. SeelFanText::
  12. text "I just love my"
  13. line "SEEL!"
  14. para "It squeals when I"
  15. line "hug it!"
  16. done
  17. SeelFanBetterText::
  18. text "Oh dear!"
  19. para "My SEEL is far"
  20. line "more attractive!"
  21. done
  22. FanClubPikachuText::
  23. text "PIKACHU: Chu!"
  24. line "Pikachu!"
  25. done
  26. FanClubSeelText::
  27. text "SEEL: Kyuoo!"
  28. done
  29. FanClubMeetChairText::
  30. text "I chair the"
  31. line "#MON Fan Club!"
  32. para "I have collected"
  33. line "over 100 #MON!"
  34. para "I'm very fussy"
  35. line "when it comes to"
  36. cont "#MON!"
  37. para "So..."
  38. para "Did you come"
  39. line "visit to hear"
  40. cont "about my #MON?"
  41. done
  42. FanClubChairStoryText::
  43. text "Good!"
  44. line "Then listen up!"
  45. para "My favorite"
  46. line "RAPIDASH..."
  47. para "It...cute..."
  48. line ""
  49. cont "plus...amazing..."
  50. cont "you think so?..."
  51. cont "oh"
  52. cont "stunning..."
  53. cont "kindly..."
  54. cont "love it!"
  55. para "Hug it...when..."
  56. cont "sleeping...warm"
  57. cont "and cuddly..."
  58. cont "spectacular..."
  59. cont "ravishing..."
  60. cont "...Oops! Look at"
  61. cont "the time! I kept"
  62. cont "you too long!"
  63. para "Thanks for hearing"
  64. line "me out! I want"
  65. cont "you to have this!"
  66. prompt
  67. ReceivedBikeVoucherText::
  68. text "<PLAYER> received"
  69. line "a @"
  70. TX_RAM wcf4b
  71. text "!@@"
  72. ExplainBikeVoucherText::
  73. text ""
  74. para "Exchange that for"
  75. line "a BICYCLE!"
  76. para "Don't worry, my"
  77. line "FEAROW will FLY"
  78. cont "me anywhere!"
  79. para "So, I don't need a"
  80. line "BICYCLE!"
  81. para "I hope you like"
  82. line "cycling!"
  83. done
  84. FanClubNoStoryText::
  85. text "Oh. Come back"
  86. line "when you want to"
  87. cont "hear my story!"
  88. done
  89. FanClubChairFinalText::
  90. text "Hello, <PLAYER>!"
  91. para "Did you come see"
  92. line "me about my"
  93. cont "#MON again?"
  94. para "No? Too bad!"
  95. done
  96. FanClubBagFullText::
  97. text "Make room for"
  98. line "this!"
  99. done
  100. _FanClubText6::
  101. text "Our Chairman is"
  102. line "very vocal about"
  103. cont "#MON."
  104. done
  105. _FanClubText7::
  106. text "Let's all listen"
  107. line "politely to other"
  108. cont "trainers!"
  109. done
  110. _FanClubText8::
  111. text "If someone brags,"
  112. line "brag right back!"
  113. done