daycare_2.asm 554 B

  1. _DayCareAllRightThenText::
  2. text "All right then,"
  3. line "@@"
  4. _DayCareComeAgainText::
  5. text "come again."
  6. done
  7. _DayCareNoRoomForMonText::
  8. text "You have no room"
  9. line "for this #MON!"
  10. done
  11. _DayCareOnlyHaveOneMonText::
  12. text "You only have one"
  13. line "#MON with you."
  14. done
  15. _DayCareCantAcceptMonWithHMText::
  16. text "I can't accept a"
  17. line "#MON that"
  18. cont "knows an HM move."
  19. done
  20. _DayCareHeresYourMonText::
  21. text "Thank you! Here's"
  22. line "your #MON!"
  23. prompt
  24. _DayCareNotEnoughMoneyText::
  25. text "Hey, you don't"
  26. line "have enough ¥!"
  27. done