celadon_dept_store_3f.asm 1.5 KB

  1. _TM18PreReceiveText::
  2. text "Oh, hi! I finally"
  3. line "finished #MON!"
  4. para "Not done yet?"
  5. line "This might be"
  6. cont "useful!"
  7. prompt
  8. _ReceivedTM18Text::
  9. text "<PLAYER> received"
  10. line "@"
  11. TX_RAM wcf4b
  12. text "!@@"
  13. _TM18ExplanationText::
  14. text "TM18 is COUNTER!"
  15. line "Not like the one"
  16. cont "I'm leaning on,"
  17. cont "mind you!"
  18. done
  19. _TM18NoRoomText::
  20. text "Your pack is full"
  21. line "of items!"
  22. done
  23. _CeladonMart3Text2::
  24. text "Captured #MON"
  25. line "are registered"
  26. cont "with an ID No."
  27. cont "and OT, the name"
  28. cont "of the Original"
  29. cont "Trainer that"
  30. cont "caught it!"
  31. done
  32. _CeladonMart3Text3::
  33. text "All right!"
  34. para "My buddy's going"
  35. line "to trade me his"
  36. cont "KANGASKHAN for my"
  37. cont "GRAVELER!"
  38. done
  39. _CeladonMart3Text4::
  40. text "Come on GRAVELER!"
  41. para "I love GRAVELER!"
  42. line "I collect them!"
  43. para "Huh?"
  44. para "GRAVELER turned"
  45. line "into a different"
  46. cont "#MON!"
  47. done
  48. _CeladonMart3Text5::
  49. text "You can identify"
  50. line "#MON you got"
  51. cont "in trades by"
  52. cont "their ID Numbers!"
  53. done
  54. _CeladonMart3Text6::
  55. text "It's an SNES!"
  56. done
  57. _CeladonMart3Text7::
  58. text "An RPG! There's"
  59. line "no time for that!"
  60. done
  61. _CeladonMart3Text9::
  62. text "A sports game!"
  63. line "Dad'll like that!"
  64. done
  65. _CeladonMart3Text11::
  66. text "A puzzle game!"
  67. line "Looks addictive!"
  68. done
  69. _CeladonMart3Text13::
  70. text "A fighting game!"
  71. line "Looks tough!"
  72. done
  73. _CeladonMart3Text14::
  74. text "3F: TV GAME SHOP"
  75. done
  76. _CeladonMart3Text15::
  77. text "Red and Blue!"
  78. line "Both are #MON!"
  79. done