123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142 |
- _DaisyInitialText::
- text "Hi <PLAYER>!"
- line "<RIVAL> is out at"
- cont "Grandpa's lab."
- done
- _DaisyOfferMapText::
- text "Grandpa asked you"
- line "to run an errand?"
- cont "Here, this will"
- cont "help you!"
- prompt
- _GotMapText::
- text "<PLAYER> got a"
- line "@"
- TX_RAM wcf4b
- text "!@@"
- _DaisyBagFullText::
- text "You have too much"
- line "stuff with you."
- done
- _DaisyUseMapText::
- text "Use the TOWN MAP"
- line "to find out where"
- cont "you are."
- done
- _BluesHouseText2::
- text "#MON are living"
- line "things! If they"
- cont "get tired, give"
- cont "them a rest!"
- done
- _BluesHouseText3::
- text "It's a big map!"
- line "This is useful!"
- done