123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441 |
- ; Loads tile patterns for map's sprites.
- ; For outside maps, it loads one of several fixed sets of sprites.
- ; For inside maps, it loads each sprite picture ID used in the map header.
- ; This is also called after displaying text because loading
- ; text tile patterns overwrites half of the sprite tile pattern data.
- ; Note on notation:
- ; $C1X* and $C2X* are used to denote wSpriteStateData1-wSpriteStateData1 + $ff and wSpriteStateData2 + $00-wSpriteStateData2 + $ff sprite slot
- ; fields, respectively, within loops. The X is the loop index.
- ; If there is an inner loop, Y is the inner loop index, i.e. $C1Y* and $C2Y*
- ; denote fields of the sprite slots iterated over in the inner loop.
- InitMapSprites:
- call InitOutsideMapSprites
- ret c ; return if the map is an outside map (already handled by above call)
- ; if the map is an inside map (i.e. mapID >= $25)
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData1
- ld de, wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
- ; Loop to copy picture ID's from $C1X0 to $C2XD for LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns.
- .copyPictureIDLoop
- ld a, [hl] ; $C1X0 (picture ID)
- ld [de], a ; $C2XD
- ld a, $10
- add e
- ld e, a
- ld a, $10
- add l
- ld l, a
- jr nz, .copyPictureIDLoop
- ; This is used for both inside and outside maps, since it is called by
- ; InitOutsideMapSprites.
- ; Loads tile pattern data for sprites into VRAM.
- LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns:
- ld a, [wNumSprites]
- and a ; are there any sprites?
- jr nz, .spritesExist
- ret
- .spritesExist
- ld c, a ; c = [wNumSprites]
- ld b, $10 ; number of sprite slots
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
- xor a
- ld [hFourTileSpriteCount], a
- .copyPictureIDLoop ; loop to copy picture ID from $C2XD to $C2XE
- ld a, [hli] ; $C2XD (sprite picture ID)
- ld [hld], a ; $C2XE
- ld a, l
- add $10
- ld l, a
- dec b
- jr nz, .copyPictureIDLoop
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 + $1e
- .loadTilePatternLoop
- ld de, wSpriteStateData2 + $1d
- ; Check if the current picture ID has already had its tile patterns loaded.
- ; This done by looping through the previous sprite slots and seeing if any of
- ; their picture ID's match that of the current sprite slot.
- .checkIfAlreadyLoadedLoop
- ld a, e
- and $f0
- ld b, a ; b = offset of the wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot being checked against
- ld a, l
- and $f0 ; a = offset of current wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot
- cp b ; done checking all previous sprite slots?
- jr z, .notAlreadyLoaded
- ld a, [de] ; picture ID of the wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot being checked against
- cp [hl] ; do the picture ID's match?
- jp z, .alreadyLoaded
- ld a, e
- add $10
- ld e, a
- jr .checkIfAlreadyLoadedLoop
- .notAlreadyLoaded
- ld de, wSpriteStateData2 + $0e
- ld b, $01
- ; loop to find the highest tile pattern VRAM slot (among the first 10 slots) used by a previous sprite slot
- ; this is done in order to find the first free VRAM slot available
- .findNextVRAMSlotLoop
- ld a, e
- add $10
- ld e, a
- ld a, l
- cp e ; reached current slot?
- jr z, .foundNextVRAMSlot
- ld a, [de] ; $C2YE (VRAM slot)
- cp 11 ; is it one of the first 10 slots?
- jr nc, .findNextVRAMSlotLoop
- cp b ; compare the slot being checked to the current max
- jr c, .findNextVRAMSlotLoop ; if the slot being checked is less than the current max
- ; if the slot being checked is greater than or equal to the current max
- ld b, a ; store new max VRAM slot
- jr .findNextVRAMSlotLoop
- .foundNextVRAMSlot
- inc b ; increment previous max value to get next VRAM tile pattern slot
- ld a, b ; a = next VRAM tile pattern slot
- push af
- ld a, [hl] ; $C2XE (sprite picture ID)
- ld b, a ; b = current sprite picture ID
- cp SPRITE_BALL ; is it a 4-tile sprite?
- jr c, .notFourTileSprite
- pop af
- ld a, [hFourTileSpriteCount]
- add 11
- jr .storeVRAMSlot
- .notFourTileSprite
- pop af
- .storeVRAMSlot
- ld [hl], a ; store VRAM slot at $C2XE
- ld [hVRAMSlot], a ; used to determine if it's 4-tile sprite later
- ld a, b ; a = current sprite picture ID
- dec a
- add a
- add a
- push bc
- push hl
- ld hl, SpriteSheetPointerTable
- jr nc, .noCarry
- inc h
- .noCarry
- add l
- ld l, a
- jr nc, .noCarry2
- inc h
- .noCarry2
- push hl
- call ReadSpriteSheetData
- push af
- push de
- push bc
- ld hl, vNPCSprites ; VRAM base address
- ld bc, $c0 ; number of bytes per VRAM slot
- ld a, [hVRAMSlot]
- cp 11 ; is it a 4-tile sprite?
- jr nc, .fourTileSpriteVRAMAddr
- ld d, a
- dec d
- ; Equivalent to multiplying $C0 (number of bytes in 12 tiles) times the VRAM
- ; slot and adding the result to $8000 (the VRAM base address).
- .calculateVRAMAddrLoop
- add hl, bc
- dec d
- jr nz, .calculateVRAMAddrLoop
- jr .loadStillTilePattern
- .fourTileSpriteVRAMAddr
- ld hl, vSprites + $7c0 ; address for second 4-tile sprite
- ld a, [hFourTileSpriteCount]
- and a
- jr nz, .loadStillTilePattern
- ; if it's the first 4-tile sprite
- ld hl, vSprites + $780 ; address for first 4-tile sprite
- inc a
- ld [hFourTileSpriteCount], a
- .loadStillTilePattern
- pop bc
- pop de
- pop af
- push hl
- push hl
- ld h, d
- ld l, e
- pop de
- ld b, a
- ld a, [wFontLoaded]
- bit 0, a ; reloading upper half of tile patterns after displaying text?
- jr nz, .skipFirstLoad ; if so, skip loading data into the lower half
- ld a, b
- ld b, 0
- call FarCopyData2 ; load tile pattern data for sprite when standing still
- .skipFirstLoad
- pop de
- pop hl
- ld a, [hVRAMSlot]
- cp 11 ; is it a 4-tile sprite?
- jr nc, .skipSecondLoad ; if so, there is no second block
- push de
- call ReadSpriteSheetData
- push af
- ld a, $c0
- add e
- ld e, a
- jr nc, .noCarry3
- inc d
- .noCarry3
- ld a, [wFontLoaded]
- bit 0, a ; reloading upper half of tile patterns after displaying text?
- jr nz, .loadWhileLCDOn
- pop af
- pop hl
- set 3, h ; add $800 to hl
- push hl
- ld h, d
- ld l, e
- pop de
- call FarCopyData2 ; load tile pattern data for sprite when walking
- jr .skipSecondLoad
- ; When reloading the upper half of tile patterns after displaying text, the LCD
- ; will be on, so CopyVideoData (which writes to VRAM only during V-blank) must
- ; be used instead of FarCopyData2.
- .loadWhileLCDOn
- pop af
- pop hl
- set 3, h ; add $800 to hl
- ld b, a
- swap c
- call CopyVideoData ; load tile pattern data for sprite when walking
- .skipSecondLoad
- pop hl
- pop bc
- jr .nextSpriteSlot
- .alreadyLoaded ; if the current picture ID has already had its tile patterns loaded
- inc de
- ld a, [de] ; a = VRAM slot for the current picture ID (from $C2YE)
- ld [hl], a ; store VRAM slot in current wSpriteStateData2 sprite slot (at $C2XE)
- .nextSpriteSlot
- ld a, l
- add $10
- ld l, a
- dec c
- jp nz, .loadTilePatternLoop
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
- ld b, $10
- ; the pictures ID's stored at $C2XD are no longer needed, so zero them
- .zeroStoredPictureIDLoop
- xor a
- ld [hl], a ; $C2XD
- ld a, $10
- add l
- ld l, a
- dec b
- jr nz, .zeroStoredPictureIDLoop
- ret
- ; reads data from SpriteSheetPointerTable
- ; INPUT:
- ; hl = address of sprite sheet entry
- ; de = pointer to sprite sheet
- ; bc = length in bytes
- ; a = ROM bank
- ReadSpriteSheetData:
- ld a, [hli]
- ld e, a
- ld a, [hli]
- ld d, a
- ld a, [hli]
- ld c, a
- xor a
- ld b, a
- ld a, [hli]
- ret
- ; Loads sprite set for outside maps (cities and routes) and sets VRAM slots.
- ; sets carry if the map is a city or route, unsets carry if not
- InitOutsideMapSprites:
- ld a, [wCurMap]
- cp REDS_HOUSE_1F ; is the map a city or a route (map ID less than $25)?
- ret nc ; if not, return
- ld hl, MapSpriteSets
- add l
- ld l, a
- jr nc, .noCarry
- inc h
- .noCarry
- ld a, [hl] ; a = spriteSetID
- cp $f0 ; does the map have 2 sprite sets?
- call nc, GetSplitMapSpriteSetID ; if so, choose the appropriate one
- ld b, a ; b = spriteSetID
- ld a, [wFontLoaded]
- bit 0, a ; reloading upper half of tile patterns after displaying text?
- jr nz, .loadSpriteSet ; if so, forcibly reload the sprite set
- ld a, [wSpriteSetID]
- cp b ; has the sprite set ID changed?
- jr z, .skipLoadingSpriteSet ; if not, don't load it again
- .loadSpriteSet
- ld a, b
- ld [wSpriteSetID], a
- dec a
- ld b, a
- sla a
- ld c, a
- sla a
- sla a
- add c
- add b ; a = (spriteSetID - 1) * 11
- ld de, SpriteSets
- ; add a to de to get offset of sprite set
- add e
- ld e, a
- jr nc, .noCarry2
- inc d
- .noCarry2
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 + $0d
- ld a, SPRITE_RED
- ld [hl], a
- ld bc, wSpriteSet
- ; Load the sprite set into RAM.
- ; This loop also fills $C2XD (sprite picture ID) where X is from $0 to $A
- ; with picture ID's. This is done so that LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns will
- ; load tile patterns for all sprite pictures in the sprite set.
- .loadSpriteSetLoop
- ld a, $10
- add l
- ld l, a
- ld a, [de] ; sprite picture ID from sprite set
- ld [hl], a ; $C2XD (sprite picture ID)
- ld [bc], a
- inc de
- inc bc
- ld a, l
- cp $bd ; reached 11th sprite slot?
- jr nz, .loadSpriteSetLoop
- ld b, 4 ; 4 remaining sprite slots
- .zeroRemainingSlotsLoop ; loop to zero the picture ID's of the remaining sprite slots
- ld a, $10
- add l
- ld l, a
- xor a
- ld [hl], a ; $C2XD (sprite picture ID)
- dec b
- jr nz, .zeroRemainingSlotsLoop
- ld a, [wNumSprites]
- push af ; save number of sprites
- ld a, 11 ; 11 sprites in sprite set
- ld [wNumSprites], a
- call LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns
- pop af
- ld [wNumSprites], a ; restore number of sprites
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 + $1e
- ld b, $0f
- ; The VRAM tile pattern slots that LoadMapSpriteTilePatterns set are in the
- ; order of the map's sprite set, not the order of the actual sprites loaded
- ; for the current map. So, they are not needed and are zeroed by this loop.
- .zeroVRAMSlotsLoop
- xor a
- ld [hl], a ; $C2XE (VRAM slot)
- ld a, $10
- add l
- ld l, a
- dec b
- jr nz, .zeroVRAMSlotsLoop
- .skipLoadingSpriteSet
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData1 + $10
- ; This loop stores the correct VRAM tile pattern slots according the sprite
- ; data from the map's header. Since the VRAM tile pattern slots are filled in
- ; the order of the sprite set, in order to find the VRAM tile pattern slot
- ; for a sprite slot, the picture ID for the sprite is looked up within the
- ; sprite set. The index of the picture ID within the sprite set plus one
- ; (since the Red sprite always has the first VRAM tile pattern slot) is the
- ; VRAM tile pattern slot.
- .storeVRAMSlotsLoop
- ld c, 0
- ld a, [hl] ; $C1X0 (picture ID) (zero if sprite slot is not used)
- and a ; is the sprite slot used?
- jr z, .skipGettingPictureIndex ; if the sprite slot is not used
- ld b, a ; b = picture ID
- ld de, wSpriteSet
- ; Loop to find the index of the sprite's picture ID within the sprite set.
- .getPictureIndexLoop
- inc c
- ld a, [de]
- inc de
- cp b ; does the picture ID match?
- jr nz, .getPictureIndexLoop
- inc c
- .skipGettingPictureIndex
- push hl
- inc h
- ld a, $0e
- add l
- ld l, a
- ld a, c ; a = VRAM slot (zero if sprite slot is not used)
- ld [hl], a ; $C2XE (VRAM slot)
- pop hl
- ld a, $10
- add l
- ld l, a
- and a
- jr nz, .storeVRAMSlotsLoop
- scf
- ret
- ; Chooses the correct sprite set ID depending on the player's position within
- ; the map for maps with two sprite sets.
- GetSplitMapSpriteSetID:
- cp $f8
- jr z, .route20
- ld hl, SplitMapSpriteSets
- and $0f
- dec a
- sla a
- sla a
- add l
- ld l, a
- jr nc, .noCarry
- inc h
- .noCarry
- ld a, [hli] ; determines whether the map is split East/West or North/South
- cp $01
- ld a, [hli] ; position of dividing line
- ld b, a
- jr z, .eastWestDivide
- .northSouthDivide
- ld a, [wYCoord]
- jr .compareCoord
- .eastWestDivide
- ld a, [wXCoord]
- .compareCoord
- cp b
- jr c, .loadSpriteSetID
- ; if in the East side or South side
- inc hl
- .loadSpriteSetID
- ld a, [hl]
- ret
- ; Uses sprite set $01 for West side and $0A for East side.
- ; Route 20 is a special case because the two map sections have a more complex
- ; shape instead of the map simply being split horizontally or vertically.
- .route20
- ld hl, wXCoord
- ld a, [hl]
- cp $2b
- ld a, $01
- ret c
- ld a, [hl]
- cp $3e
- ld a, $0a
- ret nc
- ld a, [hl]
- cp $37
- ld b, $08
- jr nc, .next
- ld b, $0d
- .next
- ld a, [wYCoord]
- cp b
- ld a, $0a
- ret c
- ld a, $01
- ret
- INCLUDE "data/sprite_sets.asm"