123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234 |
- SetDefaultNames:
- ld a, [wLetterPrintingDelayFlags]
- push af
- ld a, [wOptions]
- push af
- ld a, [wd732]
- push af
- ld hl, wPlayerName
- ld bc, wBoxDataEnd - wPlayerName
- xor a
- call FillMemory
- ld hl, wSpriteStateData1
- ld bc, $200
- xor a
- call FillMemory
- pop af
- ld [wd732], a
- pop af
- ld [wOptions], a
- pop af
- ld [wLetterPrintingDelayFlags], a
- ld a, [wOptionsInitialized]
- and a
- call z, InitOptions
- ld hl, NintenText
- ld de, wPlayerName
- ld bc, NAME_LENGTH
- call CopyData
- ld hl, SonyText
- ld de, wRivalName
- ld bc, NAME_LENGTH
- jp CopyData
- OakSpeech:
- ld a, $FF
- call PlaySound ; stop music
- ld a, BANK(Music_Routes2)
- ld c, a
- call PlayMusic
- call ClearScreen
- call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
- call SetDefaultNames
- predef InitPlayerData2
- ld hl, wNumBoxItems
- ld a, POTION
- ld [wcf91], a
- ld a, 1
- ld [wItemQuantity], a
- call AddItemToInventory ; give one potion
- ld a, [wDefaultMap]
- ld [wDestinationMap], a
- call SpecialWarpIn
- xor a
- ld [hTilesetType], a
- ld a, [wd732]
- bit 1, a ; possibly a debug mode bit
- jp nz, .skipChoosingNames
- ld de, ProfOakPic
- lb bc, Bank(ProfOakPic), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
- call FadeInIntroPic
- ld hl, OakSpeechText1
- call PrintText
- call GBFadeOutToWhite
- call ClearScreen
- ld a, NIDORINO
- ld [wd0b5], a
- ld [wcf91], a
- call GetMonHeader
- coord hl, 6, 4
- call LoadFlippedFrontSpriteByMonIndex
- call MovePicLeft
- ld hl, OakSpeechText2
- call PrintText
- call GBFadeOutToWhite
- call ClearScreen
- ld de, RedPicFront
- lb bc, Bank(RedPicFront), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
- call MovePicLeft
- ld hl, IntroducePlayerText
- call PrintText
- call ChoosePlayerName
- call GBFadeOutToWhite
- call ClearScreen
- ld de, Rival1Pic
- lb bc, Bank(Rival1Pic), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
- call FadeInIntroPic
- ld hl, IntroduceRivalText
- call PrintText
- call ChooseRivalName
- .skipChoosingNames
- call GBFadeOutToWhite
- call ClearScreen
- ld de, RedPicFront
- lb bc, Bank(RedPicFront), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
- call GBFadeInFromWhite
- ld a, [wd72d]
- and a
- jr nz, .next
- ld hl, OakSpeechText3
- call PrintText
- .next
- push af
- ld a, SFX_SHRINK
- call PlaySound
- pop af
- ld [MBC1RomBank], a
- ld c, 4
- call DelayFrames
- ld de, RedSprite
- ld hl, vSprites
- lb bc, BANK(RedSprite), $0C
- call CopyVideoData
- ld de, ShrinkPic1
- lb bc, BANK(ShrinkPic1), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
- ld c, 4
- call DelayFrames
- ld de, ShrinkPic2
- lb bc, BANK(ShrinkPic2), $00
- call IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight
- call ResetPlayerSpriteData
- push af
- ld a, BANK(Music_PalletTown)
- ld [wAudioROMBank], a
- ld [wAudioSavedROMBank], a
- ld a, 10
- ld [wAudioFadeOutControl], a
- ld a, $FF
- ld [wNewSoundID], a
- call PlaySound ; stop music
- pop af
- ld [MBC1RomBank], a
- ld c, 20
- call DelayFrames
- coord hl, 6, 5
- ld b, 7
- ld c, 7
- call ClearScreenArea
- call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns
- ld a, 1
- ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a
- ld c, 50
- call DelayFrames
- call GBFadeOutToWhite
- jp ClearScreen
- OakSpeechText1:
- TX_FAR _OakSpeechText1
- db "@"
- OakSpeechText2:
- TX_FAR _OakSpeechText2A
- TX_FAR _OakSpeechText2B
- db "@"
- IntroducePlayerText:
- TX_FAR _IntroducePlayerText
- db "@"
- IntroduceRivalText:
- TX_FAR _IntroduceRivalText
- db "@"
- OakSpeechText3:
- TX_FAR _OakSpeechText3
- db "@"
- FadeInIntroPic:
- ld hl, IntroFadePalettes
- ld b, 6
- .next
- ld a, [hli]
- ld [rBGP], a
- ld c, 10
- call DelayFrames
- dec b
- jr nz, .next
- ret
- IntroFadePalettes:
- db %01010100
- db %10101000
- db %11111100
- db %11111000
- db %11110100
- db %11100100
- MovePicLeft:
- ld a, 119
- ld [rWX], a
- call DelayFrame
- ld a, %11100100
- ld [rBGP], a
- .next
- call DelayFrame
- ld a, [rWX]
- sub 8
- cp $FF
- ret z
- ld [rWX], a
- jr .next
- DisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight:
- call GetPredefRegisters
- IntroDisplayPicCenteredOrUpperRight:
- ; b = bank
- ; de = address of compressed pic
- ; c: 0 = centred, non-zero = upper-right
- push bc
- ld a, b
- call UncompressSpriteFromDE
- ld hl, sSpriteBuffer1
- ld de, sSpriteBuffer0
- ld bc, $310
- call CopyData
- ld de, vFrontPic
- call InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers
- pop bc
- ld a, c
- and a
- coord hl, 15, 1
- jr nz, .next
- coord hl, 6, 4
- .next
- xor a
- ld [hStartTileID], a
- predef_jump CopyUncompressedPicToTilemap