902 B

  1. Commands to ZORK are simple sentences: <verb>, <verb> <object>,
  2. and <verb> <object> <indirect object> are examples. Only the first five
  3. characters of a word are looked at. Simple line editing commands include
  4. <rubout> to delete the last character, <ctrl-U,X,or@> to delete the
  5. entire buffer, and <ctrl-D> to redisplay the buffer. Commands terminate
  6. with <cr> or <altmode>. Long typeouts can be flushed with <ctrl-S>.
  7. Some useful commands are:
  8. <direction> Walk in that direction. Common directions
  9. are N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW, U(p), and D(own)
  10. L(ook) Describe the surroundings.
  11. I(nventory) Describe your possessions.
  12. Diagnose Describe your state of health
  13. Score Print your score & number of moves
  14. Q(uit) Leave the game
  15. Save/Restore Directory owners only - save/restore state of game
  16. Bug Report a bug
  17. Info Describe the goals of the game
  18. Doc Game documentation (complete)