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- .nr chapter 5
- .chapter "Proving an Implementation Correct"
- This chapter is concerned with establishing the correctness of programs that
- implement data abstractions. What we desire is a process which establishes that a
- program correctly implements a concept that exists in someone's mind. To do this
- formally, it is necessary to provide a mathematical description of the concept. This
- can be done by a formal specification technique. The correctness of the program is
- then established by proving that it is equivalent to the specification.
- Here, the homomorphism property will be used in the proofs.
- In general, this involves
- showing the following. Assume there is a class of abstract objects A with abstract
- operations 4w*a1, ..., 4w*an. Furthermore, suppose that x*
- is the concrete representation of an abstract object belonging to A. Hence, in
- general, x* will be a collection or record of concrete variables. Let C be the
- collection of all such x*. Finally, suppose that 4w*c1, ...,
- 4w*c1 are the concrete operations that purport to be implementations of the
- abstract operations 4w*a1, ..., 4w*an. Then, the
- homomorphism property involves defining a representation function, rep, mapping
- from C onto A and showing for each i, 1<_i<_n,
- 4w*ai(rep(x*) = rep(4w*ci(x*)).
- Before attempting such a proof, two steps must be performed. First, the
- concrete representation of a data abstraction must be characterized. This is discussed
- in Section 6.1. Then the representation function must be described. For our purposes,
- this involves showing how to map the collection of concrete objects C onto the state set
- of a state machine specification. Section 6.2 is concerned with this issue.