123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527 |
- loc syslo
- nulls$==. ; MUST be at syslo !!!!
- tsrep
- 0
- skippy: twvec+skplen ; This causes GC to skip the next words
- ; global locations for routines to use
- gcon $tyo,tchan+ttyocn ; default tty output
- gcon $tyi,tchan+ttyicn ; default tty input
- gcon $work,trel+work$ ; a page to work with
- gcon $ents,tref+ents$
- define trent name,info,cause
- jsp r0,tracer
- 0
- jrst name+1
- info
- strlit cause
- termin
- tr.jsp==0
- tr.xct==1
- tr.fix==2
- tr.inf==3
- tr.str==4
- tr.nxt==5
- ; Here is the data used to initially clear some memory
- brinit: gclo,,gclo+1 ; when this is clear, all is clear
- memget: setz
- sixbit /corblk/
- movei %cbndw+%cbndr
- movei -1
- move n1
- setzi %jsnew
- trtab: 0 ; the global tracing flag & fixup table
- 0 ; the global trace routine to call
- ; must get fixed specially for GC
- trent set.t, 0,enter
- trent qset.t, 0,enter
- trent exiter, 0,exit
- trent mexit, 0,exit
- trent yield, 0,yield
- trent myield, 0,yield
- trent resume, 0,resume
- trent sigout, 0,signal
- 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0 ? 0
- skplen==.-skippy
- cluster %start,0,0
- proc .base,[]
- $go doit
- start: movei sp,stack+1
- move er,sp ; and the pseudo-frame at bottom
- setzm (er)
- movei mr,.base
- hrlzm mr,-1(er)
- move pr,en.lpr(mr)
- movs lr,pr
- .open ttyicn,1+[twvec+5 ? sixbit / tty/ ? sixbit /tty/ ? sixbit /in/ ? 0 ]
- setz
- .open ttyocn,1+[twvec+5 ? sixbit / 1tty/ ? sixbit /tty/ ? sixbit /out/ ? 0 ]
- setz
- $if skipn br,brinit ; ensure clear gc-mem
- $then movei n1,gclo/pgsize
- hrli n1,-memlen/pgsize
- .call memget ; ask system for initial memory
- croak Can't get initial memory!
- setzm gclo ; clear the first word
- blt br,gchi ; and all others
- setzm brinit ; DON'T do it again!
- $fi
- ; Here we setup the MPV handler.
- movei r0,int.tb
- hrli r0,-int.sz
- movem r0,42 ; set the interrupt vector
- hrrz r1,pr
- movei r0,mpv.su
- hrli r0,-mpv.sx
- .suset r0 ; set the options
- jrst ready ; make us ready to go
- mpv.in: hrrz r0,$memhi ; r0 is highest free addr + 1
- hrrz r1,$memlo ; r1 is lowest free addr
- camge r0,r1 ; if highest < lowest
- jrst mpv.i1 ; then more mem needed
- hrli sp,(tref)
- camge sp,$stkhi ; test for stack error
- pushj sp,mpvout ; not an alloc error or a stack error
- hrrz r0,$stkhi
- aos r0
- caile r0,-4*pgsize(r1); test for collision with free mem
- pushj sp,memout ; collision means death
- idivi r0,pgsize ; page to allocate
- hrro n1,r0 ; allocate one page (-1 in LH)
- .call memget ; call to allocate that page
- pushj sp,memout ; croak on no memory
- move r0,$stkhi
- aos r0
- setzm (r0) ; clear the first word
- movei br,1(r0)
- hrl br,r0
- blt br,pgsize-1(r0) ; clear the stack page
- movei n1,pgsize
- addm n1,$stkhi ; show the new limit
- jrst mpv.ex ; and go back to user
- ; We get here when we know that an alloc failed to get mem.
- ; New pages are required, otherwise we can't continue.
- mpv.i1: andi r0,-pgsize
- subi r0,4*pgsize ; alloc 4 more pages than we need
- caige r0,4*pgsize(sp)
- pushj sp,memout ; can't get more memory
- move g0,r0 ; g0 now has future $memlo
- sub r0,r1
- idivi r0,pgsize
- hrl n1,r0 ; length (in pages) to get
- hrrz r0,g0
- idivi r0,pgsize
- hrr n1,r0 ; start page to alloc
- .call memget ; get new pages
- pushj sp,memout
- hrrz r0,g0
- setzm (g0) ; clear out first word
- movei br,1(g0) ; we blt on top of ourselves
- hrl br,g0
- move r1,$memlo ; the top of the new area + 1
- blt br,-1(r1) ; clear the memory
- hrrm g0,$memlo ; and give the new limit
- mpv.ex: .call mpv.di ; dismiss the interrupt & retry the alloc
- pushj sp,memout
- pushj sp,memout
- mpv.di: setz
- sixbit /dismis/
- movsi 20
- setz mpv.sp
- mpv.su: .soption,,1+[twvec+2 ? (optopc+optint)] ; new style interrupts
- .smask,,int.tb+1 ; MPV stuff & pure writes only
- .spirq,,mpv.ze ; forget pending interrupts
- .sifpir,,mpv.ze ; in both words
- .sdf1,,mpv.ze ; clear the defer words
- .sdf2,,mpv.ze
- mpv.sx==.-mpv.su
- mpv.ze: 0
- int.tb: 20,,mpv.sp
- %piwro+%pimpv ; MPV & pure write enable only
- 0
- -1 ; defer everything
- -1
- mpv.in ; the handler
- int.sz==.-int.tb
- mpv.sp: -40,,.+1
- mpv.re: block 40
- mpvout: croak A real MPV! (regs at mpv.re)
- jrst start ; if continued, restart
- ready: croak What do you run on, Rocket Morton? (Say Beans)
- ; Next we go around and around the entry blocks in our
- ; initial system, entering the entry blocks into the
- ; module table (in $mtab). We only do this if there is
- ; no current module table.
- $if skipe $mtab
- $then mcall tb.cr,[]
- movem rr,$mtab
- $for all,rr,mcall loopv,[$ents]
- push sp,(rr)
- mcall pname,[(rr)]
- pop sp,r0
- hrli r0,(tref)
- mcall tb.en,[$mtab,rr,r0]
- $rof all
- slink lnk,clusys;dsk:clusys init
- call xload,1,[lnk(lr)]
- tcheck rr,(tnone)
- $fi
- $label doit
- $loop
- call listen,2,[$tyi,$tyo]
- $pool
- $rtnc $none
- corp %base%,[]
- iter loopy,[addr,incr]
- $loop
- move r0,addr(er)
- $if skipe (r0)
- $then $rtnc $none
- $fi
- move r1,r0
- hrrz n0,incr(er)
- add r1,n0
- movem r1,addr(er)
- $yield r0
- $pool
- reti loopy,[addr,incr]
- iter loopv,[ptr],[p,c],[trel,0]
- move r0,ptr(er)
- move n1,(r0)
- tcheck n1,(tvec)
- hrrm n1,c(er)
- hrroi r0,1(r0)
- $loop
- $if sosle c(er)
- $then $rtnc $none
- $fi
- movem r0,p(er)
- $yield r0
- aos r0,p(er)
- $pool
- reti loopv,[ptr],[p,c]
- proc tr.on,[p]
- move r1,p(er)
- move r0,$trtab
- movem r1,1(r0) ; set the trace routine regardless
- $if skipn (r0) ; if already tracing
- $then $rtnc $none ; then leave now
- $fi
- addi r0,2 ; point at first entry
- hrli r0,(jrst)
- $if skipn tr.xct(r0) ; if already fixed up
- $then aos -2(r0) ; then just bump the trace flag
- $rtnc $none ; and exit
- $fi
- $loop
- $if skipe r1,tr.fix(r0) ; test for end of table
- $then move r0,$trtab ; if the end, then
- aos (r0) ; turn the trace flag on
- $rtnc $none ; and exit
- $fi
- move n1,-1(r1) ; grab the normal contents
- movem n1,tr.xct(r0) ; save it to execute later
- movem r0,-1(r1) ; hit the instruction with a jump
- addi r0,tr.nxt ; move to next item
- $pool
- corp trace_on,[p]
- proc tr.of
- move r0,$trtab
- setzm (r0) ; turn trace flag off
- $rtnc $none
- corp trace_off
- proc tr.fl
- move r0,$trtab
- setzm (r0) ; turn the trace flag off
- setzm 1(r0) ; clear out the trace routine
- addi r0,2 ; move ptr to first entry
- $loop
- $if skipe r1,tr.fix(r0) ; test for end of table
- skipn n1,tr.xct(r0) ; or for no fix to make
- $then movem n1,-1(r1) ; and restore normal contents
- setzm tr.xct(r0) ; clear out the table
- addi r0,tr.nxt ; move to next item
- $else $for all,rr,call %table$values,1,[$mtab]
- setzm en.tr(rr) ; clear each proc's trace flags
- $rof all
- $rtnc $none
- $fi
- $pool
- corp trace_flush
- proc xfind,[s]
- mcall tb.va,[$mtab,s(er)]
- $rtn rr
- corp xfind,[s]
- proc pfind,[s]
- mcall tb.va,[$mtab,s(er)]
- $if came rr,$none
- $then $rtn rr
- $fi
- hrrz r0,en.lpr(rr) ; get the pure part
- $if skipe r0
- $then $rtnc $none
- $fi
- tcheck pr.cod(r0),tprep
- $rtn rr
- corp pfind,[s]
- proc plist,[]
- call crlf,1,[$tyo]
- $for all,rr,call %table$names,1,[$mtab]
- call chan$writes,2,[$tyo,rr]
- call crlf,1,[$tyo]
- $rof all
- $rtnc $none
- corp plist,[]
- proc xlist,[]
- mcall crlf,[$tyo]
- $for all,rr,mcall tb.in,[$mtab]
- mcall ch.ws,[$tyo,rr]
- mcall crlf,[$tyo]
- $rof all
- $rtnc $none
- corp xlist,[]
- ; all_procs is an iterator that yields all currently known
- ; procedures.
- proc allpr,[]
- $for all,rr,call %table$values,1,[$mtab]
- $yield rr
- $rof all
- $rtnc $none
- corp all_procs,[]
- proc crlf,[chan]
- link cr,tchar+12
- mcall ch.wc,[chan(er),cr(lr)]
- $rtnc $none
- corp crlf,[chan]
- proc siggy,[nargs,eblk],[name],[0]
- move r0,eblk(er)
- assn name(er),td.nam(r0)
- $loop
- mcall crlf,[$tyo]
- slink lnk,signal:
- mcall ch.ws,[$tyo,lnk(lr)]
- mcall ch.ws,[$tyo,name(er)]
- mcall crlf,[$tyo]
- croak signal not yet implemented.
- $pool
- $rtnc $none
- corp siggy,[nargs,eblk],[name]
- proc pname,[p]
- hrrz r1,p(er) ; grab the entry block
- $if cail r1,pgsize
- cail r1,gchi
- $then
- hrrz r0,en.lpr(r1) ; get the procedure in it
- $if skipe r0
- $then hlrz r0,en.lpr(r1) ; not a procedure, get the linkage sect
- move rr,1(r0) ; name is first string in linkage sect
- $else add r0,pr.nam(r0) ; point at the proc name
- move rr,(r0) ; get the name of the procedure
- $fi
- tcheck rr,tstr ; make sure that it is a string !
- $else
- slink lnk,?proc?
- move rr,lnk(lr)
- $fi
- $rtn rr ; return the name
- corp pname,[p]
- proc print,[chan,x]
- hlrz n1,x(er)
- $if caie n1,(tstr)
- $then link lnk,tstr+""
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),x(er)]
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- $elf caie n1,(tnone)
- $then
- $elf caie n1,(tchar)
- $then slink lnk,'
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- mcall ch.wc,[chan(er),x(er)]
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- $elf caie n1,(tnull)
- $then slink lnk,null
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- $elf caie n1,(tint)
- $then call int$i2s,1,[x(er)]
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),rr]
- $elf caie n1,(tbool)
- $then hrrz n1,x(er)
- slink lnk,true
- move rr,lnk(lr)
- caie n1,true
- slink lnk,false
- move rr,lnk(lr)
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),rr]
- $elf caie n1,(tpcb)
- $then slink lnk,pcb#
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- mcall octal,[x(er)]
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),rr]
- slink lnk, :
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- move r0,x(er)
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),pc.str(r0)]
- slink lnk,,
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- move r0,x(er)
- move n1,pc.num(r0)
- hrli n1,(tint)
- mcall print,[chan(er),n1]
- $else $if movei rr,0
- cail n1,typlo
- caile n1,typhi
- $then move rr,(n1)
- $fi
- $if hlrz n2,rr
- caie n2,(tstr)
- $then
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),(n1)]
- $else
- mcall octal,[n1]
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),rr]
- $fi
- slink lnk,#
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),lnk(lr)]
- mcall octal,[x(er)]
- mcall ch.ws,[chan(er),rr]
- $fi
- $rtnc $none
- corp print,[chan,x]
- proc octal,[x]
- hrlz n3,x(er)
- movei n1,6
- hrro r1,sp
- .here octal1
- movei n2,0
- rotc n2,3
- addi n2,"0
- push sp,n2
- sojg n1,octal1(pr)
- movei n1,6
- movei n2,(wsize)
- mcall tp2s,[r1,n1,n2]
- $rtn rr
- corp octal,[x]
- proc restrt
- jrst start
- $rtnc $none
- corp restart
- proc dtyi
- $rtnc $tyi
- corp dtyi
- proc dtyo
- $rtnc $tyo
- corp dtyo
- ; the following routine displays a stack frame,
- ; giving name of procedure and arguments.
- proc framp,[tyo,frm],[p,n,lonam,loarg],[trel,0,trel,trel]
- tcheck frm(er),trel
- mcall crlf,[tyo(er)]
- move g0,frm(er) ; g0 points to frame
- hlrz r0,-1(g0)
- hrrm r0,p(er) ; r0 has ptr to procedure entry
- mcall pname,[p(er)] ; call to get proc name & check validity
- mcall ch.ws,[tyo(er),rr]
- slink lnk, has a frame at
- mcall ch.ws,[tyo(er),lnk(lr)]
- mcall octal,[frm(er)]
- mcall ch.ws,[tyo(er),rr] ; print frame address
- mcall crlf,[tyo(er)]
- move g0,p(er) ; entry block for procedure
- $if trnn g0,-pgsize
- $then
- hrrz r0,en.lpr(g0) ; pure part of procedure (the pr)
- hrre n0,pr.cut(r0) ; number of arguments in n0
- subi n0,2 ; must be adjusted by 2
- movem n0,n(er)
- add r0,pr.nam(r0) ; ptr to one less than argument names
- hrrm r0,lonam(er) ; gets saved
- hrrz r1,frm(er) ; get the frame back again
- subi r1,2 ; point at the arguments
- sub r1,n0 ; ptr to one less than lowest arg
- hrrm r1,loarg(er) ; & save that ptr
- $loop
- $if sosl n(er)
- $then $rtnc $none
- $fi
- link lnk,tchar+11
- mcall ch.wc,[tyo(er),lnk(lr)] ; print a tab
- aos r0,lonam(er) ; advance the name ptr
- mcall ch.ws,[tyo(er),(r0)] ; print a name
- slink lnk,:
- mcall ch.ws,[tyo(er),lnk(lr)] ; print ":\11"
- aos r0,loarg(er) ; advance the arg ptr
- mcall print,[tyo(er),(r0)] ; print the argument
- mcall crlf,[tyo(er)] ; end-of-the-line
- $pool
- $fi
- $rtnc $none
- corp framp,[tyo,frm],[p,n,lonam,loarg]
- proc frall,[tyo],[frm],[trel]
- hrrm er,frm(er)
- $loop
- hrrz r0,frm(er)
- hrrz r0,(r0)
- $if trne r0,-lolim
- $then $rtnc $none
- $fi
- hrrm r0,frm(er)
- mcall framp,[tyo(er),frm(er)]
- $pool
- corp frall,[tyo],[frm]
- ; This is a fake entry for the linker
- proc %linkf
- croak How the hell did you get to %linkf ?
- $rtnc $none
- corp %linker
- retsulc start