1. _
  2. __| | _____ _____ _ _ ___
  3. / _` |/ _ \ \ / / __| | | / __|
  4. | (_| | __/\ V /\__ \ |_| \__ \
  5. \__,_|\___| \_/ |___/\__,_|___/
  6. Overview
  7. ========
  8. Devsus is a script that builds bootable, libre Devuan (
  9. images for the Asus C201 Chromebook, one of the few laptops able to boot and run
  10. without any non-free software, all the way down to the firmware level. The C201
  11. is supported by Libreboot (
  12. The images produced by Devsus contain the latest Chrome OS kernel, deblobbed
  13. using the Linux-libre ( scripts and tuned for
  14. smaller size, better performance and shorter boot times.
  15. In addition, the images contain the latest firmware for the freedom-friendly,
  16. Atheros AR9271 based WiFi dongles.
  17. Moreover, the Devuan installation is very minimal and consists of a barebones
  18. Devuan base, plus crucial command-line tools, like those required to connect to
  19. a WiFi network.
  20. Dependencies
  21. ============
  22. Devsus has been tested on Devuan 1 (Jessie) on x86_64, with the following
  23. packages installed:
  24. apt install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \
  25. parted cgpt \
  26. git gawk device-tree-compiler vboot-kernel-utils gcc-arm-none-eabi \
  27. u-boot-tools \
  28. gcc make libc-dev wget g++ cmake m4 patch \
  29. binfmt-support qemu-user-static debootstrap
  30. Building
  31. ========
  32. # ./
  33. This produces two Devuan disk images:
  34. 1) devuan-jessie-c201-libre-16GB.img, a 16 GB image suitable for persistent
  35. installation; its size should be exactly the size of the internal SSD
  36. 2) devuan-jessie-c201-libre-2GB.img, a 2 GB image suitable for booting the
  37. laptop off USB
  38. Usage
  39. =====
  40. To produce a bootable media, write the 2 GB image to a flash drive (of at least
  41. 2 GB):
  42. # dd if=$SOMEWHERE/devuan-jessie-c201-libre-2GB.img of=/dev/$DEVICE bs=50M
  43. The root password is blank.
  44. The 2 GB image (yes, the smaller one) contains the larger, 16 GB one under /.
  45. This way, it is possible to boot the laptop through USB, then install Devuan
  46. persistently without having to download or store the large image separately.
  47. Persistent installation is performed using dd, too:
  48. # dd if=/devuan-jessie-c201-libre-16GB.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=50M
  49. Modifications
  50. =============
  51. The images produced by Devsus are very close to stock Devuan:
  52. - Many redundant drivers were removed from the kernel
  53. - Several responsiveness or performance vs. power consumption kernel
  54. configuration choices have been changed
  55. - APT has been configured not to install "recommended" packages by default
  56. - Some critical (like udev) or useful (like iw) packages have been added
  57. - unscd has been added, to cache DNS
  58. - The number of virtual consoles has been reduced from 6 to 2
  59. Credits and Legal Information
  60. =============================
  61. Devsus' kernel building procedure is based on the linux-veyron package of Arch
  62. Linux ARM (
  63. Devsus is free and unencumbered software released under the terms of the GNU
  64. General Public License, version 2; see COPYING for the license text. For a list
  65. of its authors and contributors, see AUTHORS.
  66. The ASCII art logo at the top was made using FIGlet (