appveyor.yml 1.6 KB

  1. platform:
  2. - x86
  3. image: Visual Studio 2015
  4. environment:
  5. GOPATH: C:\gopath
  6. GOROOT: C:\go110-x86
  7. nodejs_version: '10.13.0'
  8. stack: go 1.10
  9. branches:
  10. only:
  11. - client-build
  12. install:
  13. # Software we need - provided by Appveyor's VS2015 image:
  14. # Node 10.13.0
  15. # Yarn 1.9.4
  16. # Go 1.10.8
  17. # InnoSetup 5.x Unicode
  18. # MinGW 32-bit
  19. - ps: |
  20. $fileContent = "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----`n"
  21. $fileContent += $env:SSH_KEY.Replace(' ', "`n")
  22. $fileContent += "`n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----`n"
  23. Set-Content C:\Users\appveyor\.ssh\id_rsa $fileContent
  24. - ps: Install-Product node $env:nodejs_version
  25. # Enable VS2015 toolset
  26. - call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" x86
  27. - git submodule update --init --recursive
  28. # Get code signing cert
  29. - ps: |
  30. Set-Content $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\gulp\tasks\client\certs\cert.pfx.b64 $env:GJ_CERT
  31. CertUtil -Decode $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\gulp\tasks\client\certs\cert.pfx.b64 $env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER\gulp\tasks\client\certs\cert.pfx
  32. # Make InnoSetup and MinGW tools accessible from path
  33. - set PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Inno Setup 5;C:\MinGW\bin;%GOROOT%\bin;%GOPATH%\bin;%PATH%
  34. - echo %PATH%
  35. - node --version
  36. - yarn --version
  37. - go version
  38. - gcc -v
  39. build_script:
  40. - yarn install --ignore-engines
  41. - yarn run client-build-win
  42. # To make a test package, comment out the previous line and uncomment this line.
  43. # - yarn run client-build-win --useTestPackage
  44. test: off
  45. artifacts:
  46. - path: build\prod-client-build\GameJoltClientSetup.exe
  47. - path: build\prod-client-build\win32-package.tar.gz