END.gd 499 B

  1. extends Spatial
  2. export var ending_name = "free"
  3. var texts = {
  4. "free": "[path 1.1.1: freeee!!!]",
  5. "free_dna": "[path 1.1.2: kinda freee... but she has your dna.]",
  6. "along": "[path 1.2: come along with me]",
  7. "family": "[path 2: warm family]",
  8. "agi": "[path 3.1: war of good]",
  9. "dna": "[path 3.2: war of good. but she has your dna]",
  10. "biodeath": "[path 0: Live free or die. The last part.]",
  11. }
  12. func _ready():
  13. var sub = find_node("Subtitle")
  14. sub.text = texts[ending_name]
  15. sub.make_text()