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- EESchema Schematic File Version 2
- LIBS:GTA04b7
- EELAYER 25 0
- $Descr A3 16535 11700
- encoding utf-8
- Sheet 39 39
- Title "GTA04b7.sch"
- Date "17 JUL 2016"
- Rev ""
- Comp ""
- Comment1 ""
- Comment2 ""
- Comment3 ""
- Comment4 ""
- $EndDescr
- Text Notes -2600 -600 0 200 ~ 0
- Table of Contents
- Text Notes -9100 400 0 70 ~ 0
- (c) 2015 Golden Delicious Computers GmbH&Co. KG. Licensed under CC-BY-SA.
- Text Notes 800 200 0 70 ~ 0
- V2b
- Text Notes -8700 -6200 0 110 ~ 0
- 1. Buttons\n2. OTG port\n3. Charger / OTG booster\n4. Modem Power\n5. Fuel Gauge\n6. 3G/4G Modem + SIM\n7. Dual SIM Switch\n8. Antenna Connections\n9. WLAN + Bluetooth + FM\n10. Sensors\n11. Audio: Codec\n12. Audio: Headset & Microphone\n13. ECI (remote control)\n14. Audio: Handsfree\n15. Misc on Lower Board\n16. RFID/NFC Reader\n17. NFC Controller\n18. Hackerbus\n19. Infrared\n20. B2B connectors lower to upper\n21. ~SD and Flash Breakout Board\n22. B2B connectors upper to lower\n23. Keypad\n24. Display: Peripherals\n25. Display: Panel & Power\n26. CPU + PoP RAM/NAND (placeholder)\n27. eMMC (placeholder)\n28. PMU+Codec (placeholder)\n29. BB-XM: twl4030 dummy\n30. Camera\n31. Control LEDs\n32. Fancy LEDs\n33. BB-XM: Connector to BB\n34. BB-XM: Adapter for CPU\n35. BB-XM: Adapter for Display\n36. BB-XM: Adapter for Camera\n37. Components not soldered\n38. Table of Contents
- $Comp
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- $EndComp
- $Comp
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- F 0 "#FRAME38" H -2750 550 100 0000 L BNN
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- F 3 "" H -2800 500 60 0001 C CNN
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- F 1 "16 Jul 2016 23:57:11" H -2300 549 100 0000 L BNN
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- F 1 "Document Number:" H -2750 950 100 0000 L BNN
- F 2 "" H -2800 500 60 0001 C CNN
- F 3 "" H -2800 500 60 0001 C CNN
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- F 1 "GTA04b7" H -2100 1250 100 0000 L BNN
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