.flake8 729 B

  1. # vim: ft=dosini
  2. # https://flake8.pycqa.org/en/latest/user/configuration.html
  3. [flake8]
  4. # E131: continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
  5. # E301: when method is after a commented line + one blank line
  6. # E302: expected 2 blank lines, found 1 when using @dataclass
  7. # E303: more than one blank line between methods
  8. # W504: when line breaks occur after a binary operator
  9. # A003: when class attribute name is the same as a builtin
  10. # E402: when a module import isn't at the start of the file
  11. ignore = E131, E221, E241, E251, E301, E302, E303, W504, A003, E402
  12. max-complexity = 99
  13. inline-quotes = "
  14. format = ${cyan}%(path)s${reset}:${yellow_bold}%(row)d${reset}:${green_bold}%(col)d${reset}: ${red_bold}%(code)s${reset} %(text)s