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- dist: bionic
- jobs:
- include:
- - stage: build
- # TODO: Shallowly clone again once the .git folder is no longer required for building
- git:
- depth: false
- language: crystal
- crystal: latest
- before_install:
- - shards update
- - shards install
- install:
- - crystal build --warnings all --error-on-warnings src/invidious.cr
- script:
- - crystal tool format --check
- - crystal spec
- - stage: build_docker
- # TODO: Shallowly clone again once the .git folder is no longer required for building
- git:
- depth: false
- language: minimal
- services:
- - docker
- install:
- - docker-compose build
- script:
- - docker-compose up -d
- - while curl -Isf http://localhost:3000; do sleep 1; done