123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511 |
- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # Tool to read various files from the Unicode character database and
- # generate headers containing derived arrays and lookup tables needed
- # by PuTTY.
- #
- # The aim is to have this be a single tool which you can easily re-run
- # against a new version of Unicode, simply by pointing it at an
- # appropriate UCD.zip or a directory containing the same files
- # unpacked.
- import argparse
- import collections
- import io
- import os
- import string
- import sys
- import zipfile
- UCDRecord = collections.namedtuple('UCDRecord', [
- 'c',
- 'General_Category',
- 'Canonical_Combining_Class',
- 'Bidi_Class',
- 'Decomposition_Type',
- 'Decomposition_Mapping',
- ])
- def to_ranges(iterable):
- """Collect together adjacent ranges in a list of (key, value) pairs.
- The input iterable should deliver a sequence of (key, value) pairs
- in which the keys are integers in sorted order. The output is a
- sequence of tuples with structure ((start, end), value), each
- indicating that all the keys [start, start+1, ..., end] go with
- that value.
- """
- start = end = val = None
- for k, v in iterable:
- if (k-1, v) == (end, val):
- end = k
- else:
- if start is not None:
- yield (start, end), val
- start, end, val = k, k, v
- if start is not None:
- yield (start, end), val
- def map_to_ranges(m):
- """Convert an integer-keyed map into a list of (range, value) pairs."""
- yield from to_ranges(sorted(m.items()))
- def set_to_ranges(s):
- """Convert a set into a list of ranges."""
- for r, _ in to_ranges((x, None) for x in sorted(s)):
- yield r
- def lines(iterable, keep_comments=False):
- """Deliver the lines of a Unicode data file.
- The input iterable should yield raw lines of the file: for
- example, it can be the file handle itself. The output values have
- their newlines removed, comments and trailing spaces deleted, and
- blank lines discarded.
- """
- for line in iter(iterable):
- line = line.rstrip("\r\n")
- if not keep_comments:
- line = line.split("#", 1)[0]
- line = line.rstrip(" \t")
- if line == "":
- continue
- yield line
- class Main:
- def run(self):
- "Parse arguments and generate all the output files."
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
- description='Build UCD-derived source files.')
- parser.add_argument("ucd", help="UCD to work from, either UCD.zip or "
- "a directory full of unpacked files.")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if os.path.isdir(args.ucd):
- ucd_dir = args.ucd
- self.open_ucd_file = lambda filename: (
- open(os.path.join(ucd_dir, filename)))
- else:
- ucd_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(args.ucd)
- self.open_ucd_file = lambda filename: (
- io.TextIOWrapper(ucd_zip.open(filename)))
- self.find_unicode_version()
- with open("version.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_version_header(fh)
- with open("bidi_type.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_bidi_type_table(fh)
- with open("bidi_mirror.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_bidi_mirroring_table(fh)
- with open("bidi_brackets.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_bidi_brackets_table(fh)
- with open("nonspacing_chars.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_nonspacing_chars_list(fh)
- with open("wide_chars.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_wide_chars_list(fh)
- with open("ambiguous_wide_chars.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_ambiguous_wide_chars_list(fh)
- with open("known_chars.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_known_chars_table(fh)
- with open("combining_classes.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_combining_class_table(fh)
- with open("canonical_decomp.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_canonical_decomp_table(fh)
- with open("canonical_comp.h", "w") as fh:
- self.write_canonical_comp_table(fh)
- def find_unicode_version(self):
- """Find out the version of Unicode.
- This is read from the top of NamesList.txt, which has the
- closest thing to a machine-readable statement of the version
- number that I found in the whole collection of files.
- """
- with self.open_ucd_file("NamesList.txt") as fh:
- for line in lines(fh):
- if line.startswith("@@@\t"):
- self.unicode_version_full = line[4:]
- self.unicode_version_short = " ".join(
- w for w in self.unicode_version_full.split(" ")
- if any(c in string.digits for c in w))
- return
- @property
- def UnicodeData(self):
- """Records from UnicodeData.txt.
- Each yielded item is a UCDRecord tuple.
- """
- with self.open_ucd_file("UnicodeData.txt") as fh:
- for line in lines(fh):
- # Split up the line into its raw fields.
- (
- codepoint, name, category, cclass, bidiclass, decomp,
- num6, num7, num8, bidimirrored, obsolete_unicode1_name,
- obsolete_comment, uppercase, lowercase, titlecase,
- ) = line.split(";")
- # By default, we expect that this record describes
- # just one code point.
- codepoints = [int(codepoint, 16)]
- # Spot the special markers where consecutive lines say
- # <Foo, First> and <Foo, Last>, indicating that the
- # entire range of code points in between are treated
- # the same. If so, we replace 'codepoints' with a
- # range object.
- if "<" in name:
- assert name.startswith("<") and name.endswith(">"), (
- "Confusing < in character name: {!r}".format(line))
- name_pieces = [piece.strip(" \t") for piece in
- name.lstrip("<").rstrip(">").split(",")]
- if "First" in name_pieces:
- assert isinstance(codepoints, list)
- prev_line_was_first = True
- prev_codepoint = codepoints[0]
- continue
- elif "Last" in name_pieces:
- assert prev_line_was_first
- codepoints = range(prev_codepoint, codepoints[0]+1)
- del prev_codepoint
- prev_line_was_first = False
- # Decode some of the raw fields into more cooked
- # forms.
- cclass = int(cclass)
- # Separate the decomposition field into decomposition
- # type and mapping.
- if decomp == "":
- dtype = decomp = None
- elif "<" not in decomp:
- dtype = 'canonical'
- else:
- assert decomp.startswith("<")
- dtype, decomp = decomp[1:].split(">", 1)
- decomp = decomp.lstrip(" ")
- # And decode the mapping part from hex strings to integers.
- if decomp is not None:
- decomp = [int(w, 16) for w in decomp.split(" ")]
- # And yield a UCDRecord for each code point in our
- # range.
- for codepoint in codepoints:
- yield UCDRecord(
- c=codepoint,
- General_Category=category,
- Canonical_Combining_Class=cclass,
- Bidi_Class=bidiclass,
- Decomposition_Type=dtype,
- Decomposition_Mapping=decomp,
- )
- @property
- def BidiMirroring(self):
- """Parsed character pairs from BidiMirroring.txt.
- Each yielded tuple is a pair of Unicode code points.
- """
- with self.open_ucd_file("BidiMirroring.txt") as fh:
- for line in lines(fh):
- cs1, cs2 = line.split(";")
- c1 = int(cs1, 16)
- c2 = int(cs2, 16)
- yield c1, c2
- @property
- def BidiBrackets(self):
- """Bracket pairs from BidiBrackets.txt.
- Each yielded tuple is a pair of Unicode code points, followed
- by either 'o', 'c' or 'n' to indicate whether the first one is
- an open or closing parenthesis or neither.
- """
- with self.open_ucd_file("BidiBrackets.txt") as fh:
- for line in lines(fh):
- cs1, cs2, kind = line.split(";")
- c1 = int(cs1, 16)
- c2 = int(cs2, 16)
- kind = kind.strip(" \t")
- yield c1, c2, kind
- @property
- def EastAsianWidth(self):
- """East Asian width types from EastAsianWidth.txt.
- Each yielded tuple is (code point, width type).
- """
- with self.open_ucd_file("EastAsianWidth.txt") as fh:
- for line in lines(fh):
- fields = line.split(";")
- if ".." in fields[0]:
- start, end = [int(s, 16) for s in fields[0].split("..")]
- cs = range(start, end+1)
- else:
- cs = [int(fields[0], 16)]
- for c in cs:
- yield c, fields[1].strip()
- @property
- def CompositionExclusions(self):
- """Composition exclusions from CompositionExclusions.txt.
- Each yielded item is just a code point.
- """
- with self.open_ucd_file("CompositionExclusions.txt") as fh:
- for line in lines(fh):
- yield int(line, 16)
- def write_file_header_comment(self, fh, description):
- print("/*", file=fh)
- print(" * Autogenerated by read_ucd.py from",
- self.unicode_version_full, file=fh)
- print(" *", file=fh)
- for line in description.strip("\n").split("\n"):
- print(" *" + (" " if line != "" else "") + line, file=fh)
- print(" */", file=fh)
- print(file=fh)
- def write_version_header(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- String literals giving the currently supported version of Unicode.
- Useful for error messages and 'about' boxes.
- """)
- assert all(0x20 <= ord(c) < 0x7F and c != '"'
- for c in self.unicode_version_full)
- print("#define UNICODE_VERSION_FULL \"{}\"".format(
- self.unicode_version_full), file=fh)
- print("#define UNICODE_VERSION_SHORT \"{}\"".format(
- self.unicode_version_short), file=fh)
- def write_bidi_type_table(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- Bidirectional type of every Unicode character, excluding those with
- type ON.
- Used by terminal/bidi.c, whose associated lookup function returns ON
- by default for anything not in this list.
- """)
- types = {}
- for rec in self.UnicodeData:
- if rec.Bidi_Class != "ON":
- types[rec.c] = rec.Bidi_Class
- for (start, end), t in map_to_ranges(types):
- print(f"{{0x{start:04x}, 0x{end:04x}, {t}}},", file=fh)
- def write_bidi_mirroring_table(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- Map each Unicode character to its mirrored form when printing right to
- left.
- Used by terminal/bidi.c.
- """)
- bidi_mirror = {}
- for c1, c2 in self.BidiMirroring:
- assert bidi_mirror.get(c1, c2) == c2, f"Clash at {c1:%04X}"
- bidi_mirror[c1] = c2
- assert bidi_mirror.get(c2, c1) == c1, f"Clash at {c2:%04X}"
- bidi_mirror[c2] = c1
- for c1, c2 in sorted(bidi_mirror.items()):
- print("{{0x{:04x}, 0x{:04x}}},".format(c1, c2), file=fh)
- def write_bidi_brackets_table(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- Identify Unicode characters that count as brackets for the purposes of
- bidirectional text layout. For each one, indicate whether it's an open
- or closed bracket, and identify up to two characters that can act as
- its counterpart.
- Used by terminal/bidi.c.
- """)
- bracket_map = {}
- for c1, c2, kind in self.BidiBrackets:
- bracket_map[c1] = kind, c2
- equivalents = {}
- for rec in self.UnicodeData:
- if (rec.Decomposition_Type == 'canonical' and
- len(rec.Decomposition_Mapping) == 1):
- c = rec.c
- c2 = rec.Decomposition_Mapping[0]
- equivalents[c] = c2
- equivalents[c2] = c
- for src, (kind, dst) in sorted(bracket_map.items()):
- dsteq = equivalents.get(dst, 0)
- # UCD claims there's an 'n' kind possible, but as of UCD
- # 14, no instances of it exist
- enumval = {'o': 'BT_OPEN', 'c': 'BT_CLOSE'}[kind]
- print("{{0x{:04x}, {{0x{:04x}, 0x{:04x}, {}}}}},".format(
- src, dst, dsteq, enumval), file=fh)
- def write_nonspacing_chars_list(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- Identify Unicode characters that occupy no character cells of a
- terminal.
- Used by utils/wcwidth.c.
- """)
- cs = set()
- for rec in self.UnicodeData:
- nonspacing = rec.General_Category in {"Me", "Mn", "Cf"}
- if rec.c == 0xAD:
- # In typography this is a SOFT HYPHEN and counts as
- # discardable. But it's also an ISO 8859-1 printing
- # character, and all of those occupy one character
- # cell in a terminal.
- nonspacing = False
- if 0x1160 <= rec.c <= 0x11FF:
- # Medial (vowel) and final (consonant) jamo for
- # decomposed Hangul characters. These are regarded as
- # non-spacing on the grounds that they compose with
- # the preceding initial consonant.
- nonspacing = True
- if nonspacing:
- cs.add(rec.c)
- for start, end in set_to_ranges(cs):
- print(f"{{0x{start:04x}, 0x{end:04x}}},", file=fh)
- def write_width_table(self, fh, accept):
- cs = set()
- for c, wid in self.EastAsianWidth:
- if wid in accept:
- cs.add(c)
- for start, end in set_to_ranges(cs):
- print(f"{{0x{start:04x}, 0x{end:04x}}},", file=fh)
- def write_wide_chars_list(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- Identify Unicode characters that occupy two adjacent character cells
- in a terminal.
- Used by utils/wcwidth.c.
- """)
- self.write_width_table(fh, {'W', 'F'})
- def write_ambiguous_wide_chars_list(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- Identify Unicode characters that are width-ambiguous: some regimes
- regard them as occupying two adjacent character cells in a terminal,
- and others do not.
- Used by utils/wcwidth.c.
- """)
- self.write_width_table(fh, {'A'})
- def write_known_chars_table(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- List the Unicode code points that are known to this version of the
- standard at all.
- Used by utils/unicode-known.c.
- """)
- chars = set(rec.c for rec in self.UnicodeData)
- for start, end in set_to_ranges(chars):
- print(f"{{0x{start:04x}, 0x{end:04x}}},", file=fh)
- def write_combining_class_table(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- List the canonical combining class of each Unicode character, if it is
- not zero. This controls how combining marks can be reordered by the
- Unicode normalisation algorithms.
- Used by utils/unicode-norm.c.
- """)
- cclasses = {}
- for rec in self.UnicodeData:
- cc = rec.Canonical_Combining_Class
- if cc != 0:
- cclasses[rec.c] = cc
- for (start, end), cclass in map_to_ranges(cclasses):
- print(f"{{0x{start:04x}, 0x{end:04x}, {cclass:d}}},", file=fh)
- def write_canonical_decomp_table(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- List the canonical decomposition of every Unicode character that has
- one. This consists of up to two characters, but those may need
- decomposition in turn.
- Used by utils/unicode-norm.c.
- """)
- decomps = {}
- for rec in self.UnicodeData:
- if rec.Decomposition_Type != 'canonical':
- continue
- # Fill in a zero code point as the second character, if
- # it's only one character long
- decomps[rec.c] = (rec.Decomposition_Mapping + [0])[:2]
- for c, (d1, d2) in sorted(decomps.items()):
- d2s = f"0x{d2:04x}" if d2 else "0"
- print(f"{{0x{c:04x}, 0x{d1:04x}, {d2s}}},", file=fh)
- def write_canonical_comp_table(self, fh):
- self.write_file_header_comment(fh, """
- List the pairs of Unicode characters that canonically recompose to a
- single character in NFC.
- Used by utils/unicode-norm.c.
- """)
- exclusions = set(self.CompositionExclusions)
- nonstarters = set(rec.c for rec in self.UnicodeData
- if rec.Canonical_Combining_Class != 0)
- decomps = {}
- for rec in self.UnicodeData:
- if rec.Decomposition_Type != 'canonical':
- continue # we don't want compatibility decompositions
- if len(rec.Decomposition_Mapping) != 2:
- continue # we don't want singletons either
- if rec.c in exclusions:
- continue # we don't want anything explicitly excluded
- if (rec.c in nonstarters or
- rec.Decomposition_Mapping[0] in nonstarters):
- continue # we don't want non-starter decompositions
- decomps[tuple(rec.Decomposition_Mapping)] = rec.c
- for (d0, d1), c in sorted(decomps.items()):
- print(f"{{0x{d0:04x}, 0x{d1:04x}, 0x{c:04x}}},", file=fh)
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- Main().run()