man-pscp.but 6.1 KB

  1. \cfg{man-identity}{pscp}{1}{2004-03-24}{PuTTY tool suite}{PuTTY tool suite}
  2. \H{pscp-manpage} Man page for PSCP
  3. \S{pscp-manpage-name} NAME
  4. \cw{pscp} \- command-line SCP (secure copy) / SFTP client
  5. \S{pscp-manpage-synopsis} SYNOPSIS
  6. \c pscp [options] [user@]host:source target
  7. \e bbbb iiiiiii iiiib iiiibiiiiii iiiiii
  8. \c pscp [options] source [source...] [user@]host:target
  9. \e bbbb iiiiiii iiiiii iiiiii iiiib iiiibiiiiii
  10. \c pscp [options] -ls [user@]host:filespec
  11. \e bbbb iiiiiii bbb iiiib iiiibiiiiiiii
  12. \S{pscp-manpage-description} DESCRIPTION
  13. \cw{pscp} is a command-line client for the SSH-based SCP (secure
  14. copy) and SFTP (secure file transfer protocol) protocols.
  15. \S{pscp-manpage-options} OPTIONS
  16. The command-line options supported by \e{pscp} are:
  17. \dt \cw{-V}
  18. \dd Show version information and exit.
  19. \dt \cw{-pgpfp}
  20. \dd Display the fingerprints of the PuTTY PGP Master Keys and exit,
  21. to aid in verifying new files released by the PuTTY team.
  22. \dt \cw{-ls}
  23. \dd Remote directory listing.
  24. \dt \cw{-p}
  25. \dd Preserve file attributes.
  26. \dt \cw{-q}
  27. \dd Quiet, don't show statistics.
  28. \dt \cw{-r}
  29. \dd Copy directories recursively.
  30. \dt \cw{-unsafe}
  31. \dd Allow server-side wildcards (DANGEROUS).
  32. \dt \cw{-v}
  33. \dd Show verbose messages.
  34. \dt \cw{-load} \e{session}
  35. \dd Load settings from saved session.
  36. \dt \cw{-P} \e{port}
  37. \dd Connect to port \e{port}.
  38. \dt \cw{\-proxycmd} \e{command}
  39. \dd Instead of making a TCP connection, use \e{command} as a proxy;
  40. network traffic will be redirected to the standard input and output
  41. of \e{command}. \e{command} must be a single word, so is likely to
  42. need quoting by the shell.
  43. \lcont{
  44. The special strings \cw{%host} and \cw{%port} in \e{command} will be
  45. replaced by the hostname and port number you want to connect to; to get
  46. a literal \c{%} sign, enter \c{%%}.
  47. Backslash escapes are also supported, such as sequences like \c{\\n}
  48. being replaced by a literal newline; to get a literal backslash,
  49. enter \c{\\\\}. (Further escaping may be required by the shell.)
  50. (See the main PuTTY manual for full details of the supported \cw{%}-
  51. and backslash-delimited tokens, although most of them are probably not
  52. very useful in this context.)
  53. }
  54. \dt \cw{-l} \e{user}
  55. \dd Set remote username to \e{user}.
  56. \dt \cw{-batch}
  57. \dd Disable interactive prompts.
  58. \dt \cw{-no-sanitise-stderr}
  59. \dd By default, PSCP will filter control characters from the standard error
  60. channel from the server, to prevent remote processes sending confusing
  61. escape sequences. This option forces the standard error channel to not be
  62. filtered.
  63. \dt \cw{-pwfile} \e{filename}
  64. \dd Open the specified file, and use the first line of text read from
  65. it as the remote password.
  66. \dt \cw{-pw} \e{password}
  67. \dd Set remote password to \e{password}. \e{CAUTION:} this will likely
  68. make the password visible to other users of the local machine (via
  69. commands such as \q{\c{ps}} or \q{\c{w}}). Use \cw{-pwfile} instead.
  70. \dt \cw{-1}
  71. \dd Force use of SSH protocol version 1.
  72. \dt \cw{-2}
  73. \dd Force use of SSH protocol version 2.
  74. \dt \cw{-ssh-connection}
  75. \dd Force use of the \q{bare \cw{ssh-connection}} protocol. This is
  76. only likely to be useful when connecting to a \cw{psusan}(\e{1})
  77. server, most likely with an absolute path to a Unix-domain socket in
  78. place of \e{host}.
  79. \dt \cw{-ssh}
  80. \dd Force use of the SSH protocol. (This is usually not needed; it's
  81. only likely to be useful if you need to override some other
  82. configuration of the \q{bare \cw{ssh-connection}} protocol.)
  83. \dt \cw{-4}, \cw{-6}
  84. \dd Force use of IPv4 or IPv6 for network connections.
  85. \dt \cw{-C}
  86. \dd Enable SSH compression.
  87. \dt \cw{-i} \e{keyfile}
  88. \dd Private key file for user authentication. For SSH-2 keys, this key
  89. file must be in PuTTY's PPK format, not OpenSSH's format or anyone
  90. else's.
  91. \lcont{ If you are using an authentication agent, you can also specify
  92. a \e{public} key here (in RFC 4716 or OpenSSH format), to identify
  93. which of the agent's keys to use. }
  94. \dt \cw{\-noagent}
  95. \dd Don't try to use an authentication agent.
  96. \dt \cw{\-agent}
  97. \dd Allow use of an authentication agent. (This option is only necessary
  98. to override a setting in a saved session.)
  99. \dt \cw{\-no\-trivial\-auth}
  100. \dd Disconnect from any SSH server which accepts authentication without
  101. ever having asked for any kind of password or signature or token. (You
  102. might want to enable this for a server you always expect to challenge
  103. you, for instance to ensure you don't accidentally type your key file's
  104. passphrase into a compromised server spoofing PSCP's passphrase prompt.)
  105. \dt \cw{\-hostkey} \e{key}
  106. \dd Specify an acceptable host public key. This option may be specified
  107. multiple times; each key can be either a fingerprint (\cw{SHA256:AbCdE...},
  108. \cw{99:aa:bb:...}, etc) or a base64-encoded blob in OpenSSH's one-line
  109. format.
  110. \lcont{ Specifying this option overrides automated host key
  111. management; \e{only} the key(s) specified on the command-line will be
  112. accepted (unless a saved session also overrides host keys, in which
  113. case those will be added to), and the host key cache will not be
  114. written. }
  115. \dt \cw{-scp}
  116. \dd Force use of SCP protocol.
  117. \dt \cw{-sftp}
  118. \dd Force use of SFTP protocol.
  119. \dt \cw{\-sshlog} \e{logfile}
  120. \dt \cw{\-sshrawlog} \e{logfile}
  121. \dd These options make \cw{pscp} log protocol details to a file.
  122. (Some of these may be sensitive, although by default an effort is made
  123. to suppress obvious passwords.)
  124. \lcont{
  125. \cw{\-sshlog} logs decoded SSH packets and other events (those that
  126. \cw{\-v} would print). \cw{\-sshrawlog} additionally logs the raw
  127. encrypted packet data.
  128. }
  129. \dt \cw{\-logoverwrite}
  130. \dd If PSCP is configured to write to a log file that already exists,
  131. discard the existing file.
  132. \dt \cw{\-logappend}
  133. \dd If PSCP is configured to write to a log file that already exists,
  134. append new log data to the existing file.
  135. \S{pscp-manpage-more-information} MORE INFORMATION
  136. For more information on \cw{pscp} it's probably best to go and look at
  137. the manual on the PuTTY web page:
  138. \W{}\cw{}
  139. \S{pscp-manpage-bugs} BUGS
  140. This man page isn't terribly complete. See the above web link for
  141. better documentation.