psftp.but 22 KB

  1. \C{psftp} Using \i{PSFTP} to transfer files securely
  2. \i{PSFTP}, the PuTTY SFTP client, is a tool for \i{transferring files}
  3. securely between computers using an SSH connection.
  4. PSFTP differs from PSCP in the following ways:
  5. \b PSCP should work on virtually every SSH server. PSFTP uses the
  6. new \i{SFTP} protocol, which is a feature of SSH-2 only. (PSCP will also
  7. use this protocol if it can, but there is an SSH-1 equivalent it can
  8. fall back to if it cannot.)
  9. \b PSFTP allows you to run an interactive file transfer session,
  10. much like the Windows \i\c{ftp} program. You can list the contents of
  11. directories, browse around the file system, issue multiple \c{get}
  12. and \c{put} commands, and eventually log out. By contrast, PSCP is
  13. designed to do a single file transfer operation and immediately
  14. terminate.
  15. \H{psftp-starting} Starting PSFTP
  16. The usual way to start PSFTP is from a command prompt, much like
  17. PSCP. To do this, it will need either to be on your \i{\c{PATH}} or
  18. in your current directory. To add the directory containing PSFTP to
  19. your \c{PATH} environment variable, type into the console window:
  20. \c set PATH=C:\path\to\putty\directory;%PATH%
  21. Unlike PSCP, however, PSFTP has no complex command-line syntax; you
  22. just specify a host name and perhaps a user name:
  23. \c psftp
  24. or perhaps
  25. \c psftp
  26. Alternatively, if you just type \c{psftp} on its own (or
  27. double-click the PSFTP icon in the Windows GUI), you will see the
  28. PSFTP prompt, and a message telling you PSFTP has not connected to
  29. any server:
  30. \c C:\>psftp
  31. \c psftp: no hostname specified; use "open" to connect
  32. \c psftp>
  33. At this point you can type \c{open} or \c{open
  34.} to start a session.
  35. PSFTP accepts all the general command line options supported by the
  36. PuTTY tools, except the ones which make no sense in a file transfer
  37. utility. See \k{using-general-opts} for a description of these
  38. options. (The ones not supported by PSFTP are clearly marked.)
  39. PSFTP also supports some of its own options. The following sections
  40. describe PSFTP's specific command-line options.
  41. \S{psftp-option-b} \I{-b-PSFTP}\c{-b}: specify a file containing batch commands
  42. In normal operation, PSFTP is an interactive program which displays
  43. a command line and accepts commands from the keyboard.
  44. If you need to do automated tasks with PSFTP, you would probably
  45. prefer to \I{batch scripts in PSFTP}specify a set of commands in
  46. advance and have them executed automatically. The \c{-b} option
  47. allows you to do this. You use it with a file name containing batch
  48. commands. For example, you might create a file called \c{myscript.scr}
  49. containing lines like this:
  50. \c cd /home/ftp/users/jeff
  51. \c del jam-old.tar.gz
  52. \c ren jam.tar.gz jam-old.tar.gz
  53. \c put jam.tar.gz
  54. \c chmod a+r jam.tar.gz
  55. and then you could run the script by typing
  56. \c psftp user@hostname -b myscript.scr
  57. When you run a batch script in this way, PSFTP will abort the script
  58. if any command fails to complete successfully. To change this
  59. behaviour, you can add the \c{-be} option (\k{psftp-option-be}).
  60. PSFTP will terminate after it finishes executing the batch script.
  61. \S{psftp-option-bc} \I{-bc-PSFTP}\c{-bc}: display batch commands as they are run
  62. The \c{-bc} option alters what PSFTP displays while processing a
  63. batch script specified with \c{-b}. With the \c{-bc} option, PSFTP
  64. will display prompts and commands just as if the commands had been
  65. typed at the keyboard. So instead of seeing this:
  66. \c C:\>psftp fred@hostname -b batchfile
  67. \c Sent username "fred"
  68. \c Remote working directory is /home/fred
  69. \c Listing directory /home/fred/lib
  70. \c drwxrwsr-x 4 fred fred 1024 Sep 6 10:42 .
  71. \c drwxr-sr-x 25 fred fred 2048 Dec 14 09:36 ..
  72. \c drwxrwsr-x 3 fred fred 1024 Apr 17 2000 jed
  73. \c lrwxrwxrwx 1 fred fred 24 Apr 17 2000 timber
  74. \c drwxrwsr-x 2 fred fred 1024 Mar 13 2000 trn
  75. you might see this:
  76. \c C:\>psftp fred@hostname -bc -b batchfile
  77. \c Sent username "fred"
  78. \c Remote working directory is /home/fred
  79. \c psftp> dir lib
  80. \c Listing directory /home/fred/lib
  81. \c drwxrwsr-x 4 fred fred 1024 Sep 6 10:42 .
  82. \c drwxr-sr-x 25 fred fred 2048 Dec 14 09:36 ..
  83. \c drwxrwsr-x 3 fred fred 1024 Apr 17 2000 jed
  84. \c lrwxrwxrwx 1 fred fred 24 Apr 17 2000 timber
  85. \c drwxrwsr-x 2 fred fred 1024 Mar 13 2000 trn
  86. \c psftp> quit
  87. \S{psftp-option-be} \I{-be-PSFTP}\c{-be}: continue batch processing on errors
  88. When running a batch file, this additional option causes PSFTP to
  89. continue processing even if a command fails to complete successfully.
  90. You might want this to happen if you wanted to delete a file and
  91. didn't care if it was already not present, for example.
  92. \S{psftp-usage-options-batch} \I{-batch-PSFTP}\c{-batch}: avoid
  93. interactive prompts
  94. If you use the \c{-batch} option, PSFTP will never give an
  95. interactive prompt while establishing the connection. If the
  96. server's host key is invalid, for example (see \k{gs-hostkey}), then
  97. the connection will simply be abandoned instead of asking you what
  98. to do next.
  99. This may help PSFTP's behaviour when it is used in automated
  100. scripts: using \c{-batch}, if something goes wrong at connection
  101. time, the batch job will fail rather than hang.
  102. \S2{psftp-option-sanitise} \I{-sanitise-stderr}\I{-no-sanitise-stderr}\c{-no-sanitise-stderr}: control error message sanitisation
  103. The \c{-no-sanitise-stderr} option will cause PSFTP to pass through the
  104. server's standard-error stream literally, without stripping control
  105. characters from it first. This might be useful if the server were
  106. sending coloured error messages, but it also gives the server the
  107. ability to have unexpected effects on your terminal display. For more
  108. discussion, see \k{plink-option-sanitise}.
  109. \H{psftp-commands} Running PSFTP
  110. Once you have started your PSFTP session, you will see a \c{psftp>}
  111. prompt. You can now type commands to perform file-transfer
  112. functions. This section lists all the available commands.
  113. Any line starting with a \cw{#} will be treated as a \i{comment}
  114. and ignored.
  115. \S{psftp-quoting} \I{quoting, in PSFTP}General quoting rules for PSFTP commands
  116. Most PSFTP commands are considered by the PSFTP command interpreter
  117. as a sequence of words, separated by spaces. For example, the
  118. command \c{ren oldfilename newfilename} splits up into three words:
  119. \c{ren} (the command name), \c{oldfilename} (the name of the file to
  120. be renamed), and \c{newfilename} (the new name to give the file).
  121. Sometimes you will need to specify \I{spaces in filenames}file names
  122. that \e{contain} spaces. In order to do this, you can surround
  123. the file name with double quotes. This works equally well for
  124. local file names and remote file names:
  125. \c psftp> get "spacey file name.txt" "save it under this name.txt"
  126. The double quotes themselves will not appear as part of the file
  127. names; they are removed by PSFTP and their only effect is to stop
  128. the spaces inside them from acting as word separators.
  129. If you need to \e{use} a double quote (on some types of remote
  130. system, such as Unix, you are allowed to use double quotes in file
  131. names), you can do this by doubling it. This works both inside and
  132. outside double quotes. For example, this command
  133. \c psftp> ren ""this"" "a file with ""quotes"" in it"
  134. will take a file whose current name is \c{"this"} (with a double
  135. quote character at the beginning and the end) and rename it to a
  136. file whose name is \c{a file with "quotes" in it}.
  137. (The one exception to the PSFTP quoting rules is the \c{!} command,
  138. which passes its command line straight to Windows without splitting
  139. it up into words at all. See \k{psftp-cmd-pling}.)
  140. \S{psftp-wildcards} Wildcards in PSFTP
  141. Several commands in PSFTP support \q{\i{wildcards}} to select multiple
  142. files.
  143. For \e{local} file specifications (such as the first argument to
  144. \c{put}), wildcard rules for the local operating system are used. For
  145. instance, PSFTP running on Windows might require the use of \c{*.*}
  146. where PSFTP on Unix would need \c{*}.
  147. For \e{remote} file specifications (such as the first argument to
  148. \c{get}), PSFTP uses a standard wildcard syntax (similar to \i{POSIX}
  149. wildcards):
  150. \b \c{*} matches any sequence of characters (including a zero-length
  151. sequence).
  152. \b \c{?} matches exactly one character.
  153. \b \c{[abc]} matches exactly one character which can be \cw{a},
  154. \cw{b}, or \cw{c}.
  155. \lcont{
  156. \c{[a-z]} matches any character in the range \cw{a} to \cw{z}.
  157. \c{[^abc]} matches a single character that is \e{not} \cw{a}, \cw{b},
  158. or \cw{c}.
  159. Special cases: \c{[-a]} matches a literal hyphen (\cw{-}) or \cw{a};
  160. \c{[^-a]} matches all other characters. \c{[a^]} matches a literal
  161. caret (\cw{^}) or \cw{a}.
  162. }
  163. \b \c{\\} (backslash) before any of the above characters (or itself)
  164. removes that character's special meaning.
  165. A leading period (\cw{.}) on a filename is not treated specially,
  166. unlike in some Unix contexts; \c{get *} will fetch all files, whether
  167. or not they start with a leading period.
  168. \S{psftp-cmd-open} The \c{open} command: start a session
  169. If you started PSFTP by double-clicking in the GUI, or just by
  170. typing \c{psftp} at the command line, you will need to open a
  171. connection to an SFTP server before you can issue any other
  172. commands (except \c{help} and \c{quit}).
  173. To create a connection, type \c{open}, or if you need to
  174. specify a user name as well you can type \c{open}.
  175. You can optionally specify a port as well:
  176. \c{open 22}.
  177. Once you have issued this command, you will not be able to issue it
  178. again, \e{even} if the command fails (for example, if you mistype
  179. the host name or the connection times out). So if the connection is
  180. not opened successfully, PSFTP will terminate immediately.
  181. \S{psftp-cmd-quit} The \c{quit} command: end your session
  182. When you have finished your session, type the command \c{quit} to
  183. close the connection, terminate PSFTP and return to the command line
  184. (or just close the PSFTP console window if you started it from the
  185. GUI).
  186. You can also use the \c{bye} and \c{exit} commands, which have
  187. exactly the same effect.
  188. \S{psftp-cmd-close} The \c{close} command: close your connection
  189. If you just want to close the network connection but keep PSFTP
  190. running, you can use the \c{close} command. You can then use the
  191. \c{open} command to open a new connection.
  192. \S{psftp-cmd-help} The \c{help} command: get quick online help
  193. If you type \c{help}, PSFTP will give a short list of the available
  194. commands.
  195. If you type \c{help} with a command name - for example, \c{help get}
  196. - then PSFTP will give a short piece of help on that particular
  197. command.
  198. \S{psftp-cmd-cd} The \c{cd} and \c{pwd} commands: changing the
  199. remote \i{working directory}
  200. PSFTP maintains a notion of your \q{working directory} on the
  201. server. This is the default directory that other commands will
  202. operate on. For example, if you type \c{get filename.dat} then PSFTP
  203. will look for \c{filename.dat} in your remote working directory on
  204. the server.
  205. To change your remote working directory, use the \c{cd} command. If
  206. you don't provide an argument, \c{cd} will return you to your home
  207. directory on the server (more precisely, the remote directory you were
  208. in at the start of the connection).
  209. To display your current remote working directory, type \c{pwd}.
  210. \S{psftp-cmd-lcd} The \c{lcd} and \c{lpwd} commands: changing the
  211. local \i{working directory}
  212. As well as having a working directory on the remote server, PSFTP
  213. also has a working directory on your local machine (just like any
  214. other Windows process). This is the default local directory that
  215. other commands will operate on. For example, if you type \c{get
  216. filename.dat} then PSFTP will save the resulting file as
  217. \c{filename.dat} in your local working directory.
  218. To change your local working directory, use the \c{lcd} command. To
  219. display your current local working directory, type \c{lpwd}.
  220. \S{psftp-cmd-get} The \c{get} command: fetch a file from the server
  221. To \i{download a file} from the server and store it on your local PC,
  222. you use the \c{get} command.
  223. In its simplest form, you just use this with a file name:
  224. \c get myfile.dat
  225. If you want to store the file locally under a different name,
  226. specify the local file name after the remote one:
  227. \c get myfile.dat newname.dat
  228. This will fetch the file on the server called \c{myfile.dat}, but
  229. will save it to your local machine under the name \c{newname.dat}.
  230. To fetch an entire directory \i{recursive}ly, you can use the \c{-r}
  231. option:
  232. \c get -r mydir
  233. \c get -r mydir newname
  234. (If you want to fetch a file whose name starts with a hyphen, you
  235. may have to use the \c{--} special argument, which stops \c{get}
  236. from interpreting anything as a switch after it. For example,
  237. \cq{get -- -silly-name-}.)
  238. \S{psftp-cmd-put} The \c{put} command: send a file to the server
  239. To \i{upload a file} to the server from your local PC, you use the
  240. \c{put} command.
  241. In its simplest form, you just use this with a file name:
  242. \c put myfile.dat
  243. If you want to store the file remotely under a different name,
  244. specify the remote file name after the local one:
  245. \c put myfile.dat newname.dat
  246. This will send the local file called \c{myfile.dat}, but will store
  247. it on the server under the name \c{newname.dat}.
  248. To send an entire directory \i{recursive}ly, you can use the \c{-r}
  249. option:
  250. \c put -r mydir
  251. \c put -r mydir newname
  252. (If you want to send a file whose name starts with a hyphen, you may
  253. have to use the \c{--} special argument, which stops \c{put} from
  254. interpreting anything as a switch after it. For example, \cq{put --
  255. -silly-name-}.)
  256. \S{psftp-cmd-mgetput} The \c{mget} and \c{mput} commands: fetch or
  257. send multiple files
  258. \c{mget} works almost exactly like \c{get}, except that it allows
  259. you to specify more than one file to fetch at once. You can do this
  260. in two ways:
  261. \b by giving two or more explicit file names (\cq{mget file1.txt
  262. file2.txt})
  263. \b by using a wildcard (\cq{mget *.txt}).
  264. Every argument to \c{mget} is treated as the name of a file to fetch
  265. (unlike \c{get}, which will interpret at most one argument like
  266. that, and a second argument will be treated as an alternative name
  267. under which to store the retrieved file), or a \i{wildcard} expression
  268. matching more than one file.
  269. The \c{-r} and \c{--} options from \c{get} are also available with
  270. \c{mget}.
  271. \c{mput} is similar to \c{put}, with the same differences.
  272. \S{psftp-cmd-regetput} The \c{reget} and \c{reput} commands:
  273. \i{resuming file transfers}
  274. If a file transfer fails half way through, and you end up with half
  275. the file stored on your disk, you can resume the file transfer using
  276. the \c{reget} and \c{reput} commands. These work exactly like the
  277. \c{get} and \c{put} commands, but they check for the presence of the
  278. half-written destination file and start transferring from where the
  279. last attempt left off.
  280. The syntax of \c{reget} and \c{reput} is exactly the same as the
  281. syntax of \c{get} and \c{put}:
  282. \c reget myfile.dat
  283. \c reget myfile.dat newname.dat
  284. \c reget -r mydir
  285. These commands are intended mainly for resuming interrupted transfers.
  286. They assume that the remote file or directory structure has not
  287. changed in any way; if there have been changes, you may end up with
  288. corrupted files. In particular, the \c{-r} option will not pick up
  289. changes to files or directories already transferred in full.
  290. \S{psftp-cmd-dir} The \c{dir} command: \I{listing files}list remote files
  291. To list the files in your remote working directory, just type
  292. \c{dir}.
  293. You can also list the contents of a different directory by typing
  294. \c{dir} followed by the directory name:
  295. \c dir /home/fred
  296. \c dir sources
  297. And you can list a subset of the contents of a directory by
  298. providing a wildcard:
  299. \c dir /home/fred/*.txt
  300. \c dir sources/*.c
  301. The \c{ls} command works exactly the same way as \c{dir}.
  302. \S{psftp-cmd-chmod} The \c{chmod} command: change permissions on
  303. remote files
  304. \I{changing permissions on files}PSFTP
  305. allows you to modify the file permissions on files and
  306. directories on the server. You do this using the \c{chmod} command,
  307. which works very much like the Unix \c{chmod} command.
  308. The basic syntax is \c{chmod modes file}, where \c{modes} represents
  309. a modification to the file permissions, and \c{file} is the filename
  310. to modify. You can specify multiple files or wildcards. For example:
  311. \c chmod go-rwx,u+w privatefile
  312. \c chmod a+r public*
  313. \c chmod 640 groupfile1 groupfile2
  314. The \c{modes} parameter can be a set of octal digits in the Unix
  315. style. (If you don't know what this means, you probably don't want
  316. to be using it!) Alternatively, it can be a list of permission
  317. modifications, separated by commas. Each modification consists of:
  318. \b The people affected by the modification. This can be \c{u} (the
  319. owning user), \c{g} (members of the owning group), or \c{o}
  320. (everybody else - \q{others}), or some combination of those. It can
  321. also be \c{a} (\q{all}) to affect everybody at once.
  322. \b A \c{+} or \c{-} sign, indicating whether permissions are to be
  323. added or removed.
  324. \b The actual permissions being added or removed. These can be
  325. \I{read permission}\c{r} (permission to read the file),
  326. \I{write permission}\c{w} (permission to write to the file), and
  327. \I{execute permission}\c{x} (permission to execute the file, or in
  328. the case of a directory, permission to access files within the
  329. directory).
  330. So the above examples would do:
  331. \b The first example: \c{go-rwx} removes read, write and execute
  332. permissions for members of the owning group and everybody else (so
  333. the only permissions left are the ones for the file owner). \c{u+w}
  334. adds write permission for the file owner.
  335. \b The second example: \c{a+r} adds read permission for everybody to
  336. all files and directories starting with \q{public}.
  337. In addition to all this, there are a few extra special cases for
  338. \i{Unix} systems. On non-Unix systems these are unlikely to be useful:
  339. \b You can specify \c{u+s} and \c{u-s} to add or remove the Unix
  340. \i{set-user-ID bit}. This is typically only useful for special purposes;
  341. refer to your Unix documentation if you're not sure about it.
  342. \b You can specify \c{g+s} and \c{g-s} to add or remove the Unix
  343. \i{set-group-ID bit}. On a file, this works similarly to the set-user-ID
  344. bit (see your Unix documentation again); on a directory it ensures
  345. that files created in the directory are accessible by members of the
  346. group that owns the directory.
  347. \b You can specify \c{+t} and \c{-t} to add or remove the Unix
  348. \q{\i{sticky bit}}. When applied to a directory, this means that the
  349. owner of a file in that directory can delete the file (whereas
  350. normally only the owner of the \e{directory} would be allowed to).
  351. \S{psftp-cmd-del} The \c{del} command: delete remote files
  352. To \I{deleting files}delete a file on the server, type \c{del} and
  353. then the filename or filenames:
  354. \c del oldfile.dat
  355. \c del file1.txt file2.txt
  356. \c del *.o
  357. Files will be deleted without further prompting, even if multiple files
  358. are specified.
  359. \c{del} will only delete files. You cannot use it to delete
  360. directories; use \c{rmdir} for that.
  361. The \c{rm} command works exactly the same way as \c{del}.
  362. \S{psftp-cmd-mkdir} The \c{mkdir} command: create remote directories
  363. To \i{create a directory} on the server, type \c{mkdir} and then the
  364. directory name:
  365. \c mkdir newstuff
  366. You can specify multiple directories to create at once:
  367. \c mkdir dir1 dir2 dir3
  368. \S{psftp-cmd-rmdir} The \c{rmdir} command: remove remote directories
  369. To \i{remove a directory} on the server, type \c{rmdir} and then the
  370. directory name or names:
  371. \c rmdir oldstuff
  372. \c rmdir *.old ancient
  373. Directories will be deleted without further prompting, even if
  374. multiple directories are specified.
  375. Most SFTP servers will probably refuse to remove a directory if the
  376. directory has anything in it, so you will need to delete the
  377. contents first.
  378. \S{psftp-cmd-mv} The \c{mv} command: move and \i{rename remote files}
  379. To rename a single file on the server, type \c{mv}, then the current
  380. file name, and then the new file name:
  381. \c mv oldfile newname
  382. You can also move the file into a different directory and change the
  383. name:
  384. \c mv oldfile dir/newname
  385. To move one or more files into an existing subdirectory, specify the
  386. files (using wildcards if desired), and then the destination
  387. directory:
  388. \c mv file dir
  389. \c mv file1 dir1/file2 dir2
  390. \c mv *.c *.h ..
  391. The \c{rename} and \c{ren} commands work exactly the same way as
  392. \c{mv}.
  393. \S{psftp-cmd-pling} The \c{!} command: run a \i{local Windows command}
  394. You can run local Windows commands using the \c{!} command. This is
  395. the only PSFTP command that is not subject to the command quoting
  396. rules given in \k{psftp-quoting}. If any command line begins with
  397. the \c{!} character, then the rest of the line will be passed
  398. straight to Windows without further translation.
  399. For example, if you want to move an existing copy of a file out of
  400. the way before downloading an updated version, you might type:
  401. \c psftp> !ren myfile.dat myfile.bak
  402. \c psftp> get myfile.dat
  403. using the Windows \c{ren} command to rename files on your local PC.
  404. \H{psftp-pubkey} Using \i{public key authentication} with PSFTP
  405. Like PuTTY, PSFTP can authenticate using a public key instead of a
  406. password. There are three ways you can do this.
  407. Firstly, PSFTP can use PuTTY saved sessions in place of hostnames.
  408. So you might do this:
  409. \b Run PuTTY, and create a PuTTY saved session (see
  410. \k{config-saving}) which specifies your private key file (see
  411. \k{config-ssh-privkey}). You will probably also want to specify a
  412. username to log in as (see \k{config-username}).
  413. \b In PSFTP, you can now use the name of the session instead of a
  414. hostname: type \c{psftp sessionname}, where \c{sessionname} is
  415. replaced by the name of your saved session.
  416. Secondly, you can supply the name of a private key file on the command
  417. line, with the \c{-i} option. See \k{using-cmdline-identity} for more
  418. information.
  419. Thirdly, PSFTP will attempt to authenticate using Pageant if Pageant
  420. is running (see \k{pageant}). So you would do this:
  421. \b Ensure Pageant is running, and has your private key stored in it.
  422. \b Specify a user and host name to PSFTP as normal. PSFTP will
  423. automatically detect Pageant and try to use the keys within it.
  424. For more general information on public-key authentication, see
  425. \k{pubkey}.