blurb.but 1.6 KB

  1. \define{dash} \u2013{-}
  2. \title PuTTY User Manual
  3. \cfg{xhtml-leaf-level}{1}
  4. \cfg{xhtml-leaf-smallest-contents}{2}
  5. \cfg{xhtml-leaf-contains-contents}{true}
  6. \cfg{xhtml-body-end}{<p>If you want to provide feedback on this manual
  7. or on the PuTTY tools themselves, see the
  8. <a href="">Feedback
  9. page</a>.</p>}
  10. \cfg{html-template-fragment}{%k}{%b}
  11. \cfg{info-max-file-size}{0}
  12. \cfg{chm-contents-filename}{index.html}
  13. \cfg{chm-template-filename}{%k.html}
  14. \cfg{chm-head-end}{<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chm.css">}
  15. \cfg{xhtml-contents-filename}{index.html}
  16. \cfg{text-filename}{puttydoc.txt}
  17. \cfg{winhelp-filename}{putty.hlp}
  18. \cfg{info-filename}{}
  19. \cfg{chm-filename}{putty.chm}
  20. \cfg{pdf-filename}{putty.pdf}
  21. PuTTY is a free (MIT-licensed) Windows Telnet and SSH client. This
  22. manual documents PuTTY, and its companion utilities PSCP, PSFTP,
  23. Plink, Pageant and PuTTYgen.
  24. \e{Note to Unix users:} this manual currently primarily documents the
  25. Windows versions of the PuTTY utilities. Some options are therefore
  26. mentioned that are absent from the \i{Unix version}; the Unix version has
  27. features not described here; and the \i\cw{pterm} and command-line
  28. \cw{puttygen} and \cw{pageant} utilities are not described at all. The
  29. only Unix-specific documentation that currently exists is the
  30. \I{man pages for PuTTY tools}man pages.
  31. \copyright This manual is copyright \shortcopyrightdetails. All
  32. rights reserved. You may distribute this documentation under the MIT
  33. licence. See \k{licence} for the licence text in full.