la_rules 5.2 KB

  1. // This file is UTF-8 encoded
  2. // Reference:
  3. // Allen, W. Sidney. Vox Latina — a Guide to the Pronunciation of Classical Latin.
  4. // Cambridge University Press, Second edition, 2003. ISBN 0-521-37936-9.
  5. // Orthographic notes:
  6. //
  7. // In classical latin the letters A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z were
  8. // used. I and V were used for both the vowels /i/ and /u/, and the semivowels /j/ and
  9. // /w/. Here the distinction between U and the V for /u/ and /w/ is assumed, as is the
  10. // case in most modern texts. Also long vowels are indicated with macrons. Diaresis is
  11. // used to prevent a diphtong being formed. Y with macron has to be replaced by 'yy',
  12. // since this character is incompatible with older unicode versions.
  13. .replace
  14. â ā
  15. ê ē
  16. î ī
  17. ô ō
  18. û ū
  19. ŷ yy
  20. .L01 ae au eu oe a e i o u yy y ā ē ī ō ū ë ü é æ
  21. .L02 ng qu pr tr cr chr br dr gr pl cl bl gl ph th ch
  22. .group a
  23. a a
  24. // Weak penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenutimate
  25. a (L01X =a
  26. a (CL01X =a
  27. a (L02L01X =a
  28. a (guL01X =a
  29. a (x+ a
  30. // Diphtongs
  31. ae (+++ aI
  32. au (+++ aU
  33. .group ā
  34. ā a:
  35. .group æ
  36. æ aI
  37. .group b
  38. b b
  39. bb b:
  40. .group c
  41. c k
  42. cc k:
  43. cch k:<h> // e.g. bracchium
  44. ch k<h>
  45. .group d
  46. d d
  47. dd d:
  48. .group e
  49. e E
  50. // Weak penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenutimate
  51. e (L01X =E
  52. e (CL01X =E
  53. e (L02L01X =E
  54. e (guL01X =E
  55. e (x+ E
  56. // Diphtongs
  57. eu (+++ EU
  58. .group ē
  59. ē e:
  60. .group f
  61. f f
  62. ff f:
  63. .group g
  64. g g
  65. gg g:
  66. g (n N
  67. ggu (A g:w // Does this ever occur?
  68. gu (A gw //g<w>
  69. .group h
  70. h h
  71. h: h:
  72. .group i
  73. i I
  74. // Weak penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenutimate
  75. i (L01X =I
  76. i (CL01X =I
  77. i (L02L01X =I
  78. i (guL01X =I
  79. i (x+ I
  80. // Two adjacent 'i's should be separated by a glottal stop
  81. i (iX =I?
  82. i (i I?
  83. // Cases in which 'i' is pronounced as the semi-vowel /j/
  84. _) i (A j
  85. A) i (A+ j:
  86. // Exceptions where u is a consonant
  87. qu) i (L01X++ =I
  88. qu) i (A++ I
  89. gu) i (L01X++ =I
  90. gu) i (A++ I
  91. _u) i (L01X++ =I
  92. _u) i (A++ I
  93. Au) i (L01X++ =I
  94. Au) i (A++ I
  95. // Exceptions to the exceptions
  96. au) i (A+++ j:
  97. eu) i (A+++ j:
  98. .group ī
  99. ī i:
  100. .group k
  101. k k
  102. kk k:
  103. .group l
  104. l l
  105. ll l:
  106. .group m
  107. m m
  108. mm m:
  109. .group n
  110. n n
  111. nn n:
  112. n (g N
  113. n (c N
  114. n (k N
  115. n (x N
  116. n (q N
  117. .group o
  118. o O
  119. // Weak penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenutimate
  120. o (L01X =O
  121. o (CL01X =O
  122. o (L02L01X =O
  123. o (guL01X =O
  124. o (x+ O
  125. // Diphtongs
  126. oe (+++ OI
  127. .group ō
  128. ō o:
  129. .group p
  130. p p
  131. pp p:
  132. pph p:<h>
  133. ph p<h>
  134. .group qu
  135. qu kw //k<w>
  136. .group r
  137. C) r @-*
  138. r R
  139. _) r R
  140. rr R*
  141. A) r (A R
  142. .group s
  143. s s
  144. ss s:
  145. .group t
  146. t t
  147. tt t:
  148. tth t:<h> //Does this occur? It does at least across word boundaries e.g. leget Thyni
  149. th t<h>
  150. .group u
  151. u U
  152. // Weak penultimate syllable: put stress on antepenutimate
  153. u (L01X =U
  154. u (CL01X =U
  155. u (L02L01X =U
  156. u (guL01X =U
  157. u (x+ U
  158. // Cases in which 'u' is pronounced as the semi-vowel /w/
  159. A) u (A++ w
  160. _) u (A+ w
  161. .group ū
  162. ū u:
  163. .group v
  164. v w
  165. _) v w
  166. vv (+++ w:
  167. .group x
  168. x ks
  169. .group y
  170. y y // Kirshenbaum I.
  171. yy y: // Should be y with macron, which is not present in older Unicode versions
  172. .group z
  173. z z
  174. zz z:
  175. A) z (A z:
  176. .group
  177. j j
  178. w w