123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273 |
- // Finnish translation rules
- // This file is UTF-8 encoded
- // NOTE: aii, auu, eii etc. are pronounced [a|i:], [a|u:] and [e|i],
- // but aaii, aauu and eeii must be pronounced [a:i:], [a:u:] and [e:i:].
- .L01 mei tei hei noi // pronouns for allative case + enclitics doubling
- .group a
- a a
- aa a:
- ai ai
- aii a|i: // naiivi
- au au
- auu a|u:
- &) a (lla_ %a
- _austr) a (l a: // double the middle a in australia and its inflections.
- .group ä
- ä &
- ää &:
- äi &i
- äii &|i:
- äy &y
- äyy &|y:
- &) ä (lla_ %&
- .group b
- b b
- bb b:
- .group c
- c k
- c (i s
- c (e s // Pronounce c as s. Mostly foreign words such as celcius, center, cervantes, cezanne.
- c (y s
- cc k: // Utter cc as k. This includes rebecca, accord, puccini etc.
- K) ch (r k
- city siti // Pronounce foreign word city as siti. Include all inflections and compound words.
- // eg. city, citystä, intercity.
- .group d
- d d
- dd d:
- .group e
- e e
- ee e:
- ei ei
- eii e|i: // fenoliftaleiini
- eu eu
- euu e|u:
- ey ey
- eyy e|y:
- &) e(lla_ %e
- &) e(llä_ %e
- .group f
- f f
- .group g
- g g
- gg g:
- .group h
- h h
- .group i
- i i
- ii i:
- iu iu
- iuu i|u:
- ie ie
- iee i|e: // dieetti
- iy iy
- iyy i|y:
- // iä ii& // Improve the i in iä words. Eg. ryhmiä (ryhmä), äitiä.
- // ia iia // Improve the i in ia words. Eg. mattia, lattia.
- &) i (lla_ %i
- .group j
- j j
- .group k
- k k
- kk k:
- .group l
- l l
- @) lle (_ lle_X1 // double the initial consonant of the next word
- @@) llekaan llek:a:n // after allative case -lle, double the k and p in enclitics -kaan, -k&&n, -ko, -kY, -kin, -pa and -p&. . Use @@ to exclude words two syllable words ending in -lle like nallekaan. Handles multiple enclitics, for example nallellekaankohan
- @@) llekään llek:&:n
- @@) llekin llek:in
- @@) lleko llek:o
- @@) llekö llek:Y
- @@) llepa llep:a
- @@) llepä llep:&
- L01) llekaan llek:a:n // after allative case -lle, double the k in enclitics -kaan, -k&&n, -ko, -Ky and -kin. Use L01 to include one syllable pronouns meille, teille, heille, noille
- L01) llekään llek:&:n
- L01) llekin llek:in
- L01) lleko llek:o
- L01) llekö llek:Y
- L01) llepa llep:a
- L01) llepä llep:&
- .group m
- m m
- _sydä) m (A m: // double the m in sydämelinnen
- .group n
- n n
- ng N:
- ng (K N // ng is [N] also when followed by a consonant
- n (p m
- n (_p m
- n (k N
- n (_k N
- @) nne (_ nne_X1 // double the initial consonant of the next word
- .group o
- o o
- oo o:
- oi oi
- oii o|i: // heroiini
- ou ou
- ouu o|u:
- symb) o (l o: // double the o in symboli. Include inflections and compound words.
- symb) o (loi o // symboloida with short o
- .group ö
- ö Y
- öö Y:
- öi Yi
- öii Y|i:
- öy Yy
- öyy Y|y:
- .group p
- p p
- pp p:
- _ole) p (a p: // double the p in olepa, olepahan.
- _ota) p (a p: // double the p in otapa, otapahan.
- kam) p (anj p: // double the p in kampanja. Include inflections and compound words.
- // sam) p (oo p: // double the p in sampoo. Include inflections and compound words. ”Sampoon” is an inflected form of the word ”sampo” and has a short p. It is not wrong to pronounce sampoo as [s'ampo:] either. Don’t double the p.
- sham) p (o p: // double the p in shampo. Include inflections and compound words.
- .group q
- q q
- qq q:
- .group r
- r r
- CA) rg (_ Rj // follow swedish pronunciation
- _CA) rg (C Rj // follow swedish pronunciation
- ruoan ru:an // Pronounce ruoan as ruuan. Include all inflections and compound words.
- // eg. ruoanlaitto, ruoankin, arkiruoan
- .group s
- s s
- ss ss2 // [s2] is a continuation for [s]
- K) sh S
- @) sh (an_ sh
- @) sh (än_ sh // preesens+hän and similar ones with sh as separate sounds
- K) sch S // Schmitt
- A) sti (_ sti_X1 // double the initial consonant of the next word only when the –sti ending is preceded by a vowel (e.g. ”teksti” does not double)
- .group t
- t t
- tt t:
- tz ts // German names. Instead of former [tts]
- @) tse (_ tse_X1 // double the initial consonant of the next word
- .group u
- u u
- uu u:
- ui ui
- // _) ui ui
- // _j) ui ui // [ui] sounds better than [wi] when stressed. Especially <jui> at the beginning of the word sounds bad if pronounced [jwi]
- uii u|i:
- uo uo
- uoo u|o:
- .group v
- v v
- .group w
- w v
- .group x
- x ks
- xx k:s
- .group y
- y y
- yy y:
- yi yi
- yii y|i:
- yö yY
- yöö y|Y:
- .group z
- z ts
- zz ts // pizza
- K) zh Z
- .group
- å o
- åå o:
- ü y
- üü y:
- š S
- ž Z
- $ dollarin
- __) - (_D mi:nus
- A_) - (_D _
- C_) - (_D _