cy_list 4.3 KB

  1. // Letters
  2. // If a letter has a "word" pronunciation which is different from its
  3. // "letter" name, then include the letter name here, with the letter
  4. // prefixed by a _ character.
  5. _a A:
  6. _e e:
  7. _I i:
  8. _o o:
  9. _y V
  10. // numbers
  11. _0 n'Ul
  12. _1 'Yn
  13. _2 d'aY
  14. _3 tr'i:
  15. _4 p'Edwar
  16. _5 p'Ymp
  17. _6 xw'e:C
  18. _7 s'aIT
  19. _8 w'YT
  20. _9 n'aU
  21. _1X d'e:g
  22. _2X d'aYD,e:g
  23. _3X tr'i:D,e:g
  24. _4X p'EdwarD,e:g
  25. _5X p'YmD,e:g
  26. _6X xw'e:D,e:g
  27. _7X s'aITD,e:g
  28. _8X w'YTD,e:g
  29. _9X n'aUD,e:g
  30. _0C k'ant
  31. _2C d'aYg,ant
  32. _3C tr'i:x,ant
  33. _0M1 m'i:l_
  34. _1M1 m'i:l_ // no '1' before thousand
  35. _0M2 m'i:lIun_
  36. _0M3 b'i:lIun_
  37. _dpt puYnt
  38. // articles
  39. y @
  40. yr @r
  41. // conjunctions
  42. a %a $pause // and
  43. ac $u $pause // and
  44. os $u $pause // if
  45. er $u $pause // although
  46. achos $pause // because
  47. felly $pause // so, therefore
  48. mor $pause // as,so
  49. neu $pause // or(not)
  50. oherwydd $pause // because
  51. ond $pause // but
  52. petai $pause // if it were
  53. sy $u $pause // which is
  54. sydd $u $pause // which are
  55. // prepositions
  56. //yn @n // in (cy_rules)
  57. ym @ // in (+nasal word)
  58. yng @ // in (+nasal word)
  59. ynddi $u+ // in it (f)
  60. ynddo $u+ // in it (m)
  61. o _%o: // of,from,out of
  62. (o hyd) o:h'y:d $pause // until
  63. â _%A: // with
  64. am _%am // for
  65. ar _%ar // on
  66. at _%at // to,towards
  67. ap _%ap
  68. gan $u+ // by,with,from
  69. mewn $u+ // in(a)
  70. tu $u+
  71. wrth $u $pause $strend // by,with,while
  72. heb $u // without,not
  73. gyda $u+ // with
  74. ers $u $pause $strend // since
  75. cyn $u $pause $strend // before,as
  76. nes $pause $strend // until
  77. tan $pause $strend // until
  78. dan $pause $strend // until,under
  79. agos _A:gOs $u+ // near
  80. blaen $u+ // in front of
  81. ôl _%o:l $strend // behind
  82. rhwng $u+ // between
  83. dan $u+ // under
  84. dros $u+ // over,for,on behalf of
  85. //draws // across
  86. drwy $u+ // through
  87. erbyn $u+ // by, against
  88. ymhen $pause $strend // within
  89. // pronouns
  90. i I $u+
  91. ti ti: $u+
  92. e E $u+
  93. hi hi: $u+
  94. ni ni: $u+
  95. chi xi: $u+
  96. nhw nhu: $u+
  97. hon $u+ // this one (f)
  98. honna $u+ // that one (f)
  99. hwn $u+ // this one (m)
  100. hwnna $u+ // that one (m)
  101. hwnnw $u+ // that one (m)
  102. hyn $u+ // this, these
  103. hynny $u+ // that, those
  104. rhain $u+ // these
  105. rheina $u+ // those
  106. rheini $u+ // those
  107. taw $u+ // that
  108. mai $u+ // that
  109. Mai $capital // May: month
  110. 'na $u+ // that
  111. yna $u+ // that
  112. 'ma $u+ // this
  113. yma $u+ // this
  114. // possessives
  115. fy $u // my
  116. ei $u // his, her
  117. ein $u // our
  118. eu $u // their
  119. // questions
  120. shwd $u $pause $strend // how
  121. sud $u $pause $strend // how
  122. // adverbs etc.
  123. fel $u // like,as
  124. na $u // than
  125. nag $u // than
  126. //bron // almost
  127. //cwbl // all
  128. pob $u // each
  129. rhywfaint $u // some (amount)
  130. rhywrai $u // some (pl)
  131. unrhyw $u // any
  132. // verbs
  133. yn @n
  134. wedi $u // perfect tense
  135. fe $u+ // positive marker
  136. bod $u // to be
  137. rydw $u
  138. rwyt $u
  139. mae $u
  140. mae $u
  141. rydyn $u
  142. rydych $u
  143. maen $u
  144. dwy $u // to be, contractions
  145. dan $u
  146. dach $u
  147. rwy $u
  148. ryn $u
  149. rych $u
  150. roedd $u // was
  151. fod $u
  152. oes $u // is there?
  153. yw %Yu // is,are
  154. dyma $u // here is
  155. dyna $u // there is, that's
  156. cael $u+ // to get,have
  157. ga $u+
  158. gafodd $u+ // past
  159. gawson $u+
  160. gawsoch $u+
  161. gas $u+
  162. geson $u+
  163. gesoch $u+
  164. gallu $u // can, to be able to
  165. alla $u
  166. alli $u
  167. all $u
  168. allwn $u
  169. allwch $u
  170. allan $u
  171. galla $u
  172. galli $u
  173. gall $u
  174. gallwn $u
  175. gallwch $u
  176. gallan $u
  177. //gorfod // must, to have to
  178. //gorffod
  179. gwneud $u+ // to do, make
  180. neud $u+ // to do, make
  181. //myna // to go
  182. bangor baNgOr
  183. cymraeg kVmr'AYg
  184. ysbryd $2
  185. Hughes hIu:s
  186. Jones dZo:ns