just some radio aliases

Digit 38861909a1 NO radiobradford (played takethat, or some rubbish) 9 anni fa
.radiorc 38861909a1 NO radiobradford (played takethat, or some rubbish) 9 anni fa
LICENSE c58df6c48c Init commit 9 anni fa
README 894036d3a4 dl n implement info 9 anni fa


just some radio aliases.

i'll maybe put some simple instrutions here.

i might explain how to use, i might explain how to implement variables to allow dynamic locations and players and stuff... i might just leave that to the experienced, and let you learn.

it's all in the .radiorc

to get it,

u cud do

git clone https://notabug.org/Digit/radiodigit

u cud put in your .bashrc:

" source ~/mygitdir/radiodigit/.radiorc "