123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173 |
- """
- Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- Provides query functionality for .csv metrics from S3 buckets
- This file is in a prototype stage and is expected to change. It has many moving parts and when linking all of them,
- some adjustments will have to happen.
- """
- import argparse
- import csv
- import os
- import boto3
- from boto3.session import Session
- BUCKET_NAME = "o3de-metrics"
- def _get_session(region='us-west-2'):
- """
- Gets an AWS session via boto3
- :param region: desired AWS region for session
- """
- id_ = os.environ['AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID']
- secret = os.environ['AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY']
- token = os.environ['AWS_SESSION_TOKEN']
- session = Session(
- aws_access_key_id=id_,
- aws_secret_access_key=secret,
- aws_session_token=token,
- region_name=region
- )
- return session
- def _download_csvs(desired_branch, start_week, end_week, download_folder, region, use_env_credentials):
- """
- Downloads the desired csvs based on branch, start_week, and end_week to the download_folder
- :param desired_branch: name of the desired branch
- :param start_week: number of the first week to include
- :param end_week: number of the last week to include
- :param download_folder: destination folder for the .csvs to be stored while they are being parsed
- :param region: desired AWS region for session
- :param use_env_credentials: use the env credentials instead of the configured boto3 credentials
- """
- bucket = _get_session(region, ).resource('s3').Bucket(BUCKET_NAME) if use_env_credentials else boto3.client('s3')
- prefix = "csv/" + desired_branch
- objects = list(bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix))
- file_type = ".csv"
- for object in objects:
- if file_type == os.path.splitext(object.key)[1]:
- try:
- # Get the key file values
- # We are expecting files to be found in buckets/o3de-metrics/csv/branch/Week#/file_name.csv
- # If they are not, they won't be checked, and will be caught in the ValueError below
- filter_values = object.key.split('/')
- found_branch = filter_values[-3]
- week_number = int((filter_values[-2])[4:])
- file_name = filter_values[-1]
- print("found_branch: " + str(found_branch))
- print("week_number: " + str(week_number))
- print("file_name: " + str(file_name))
- # Determine if the file should be downloaded
- should_download_file = True
- if found_branch != desired_branch:
- should_download_file = False
- if start_week and week_number < start_week:
- should_download_file = False
- elif end_week and week_number > end_week:
- should_download_file = False
- # Download the file
- if should_download_file:
- print("str(download_folder): " + str(download_folder))
- print("str(week_number): " + str(week_number))
- week_folder = os.path.join(download_folder, str(week_number))
- if not os.path.exists(week_folder):
- os.mkdir(week_folder)
- download_path = os.path.join(download_folder, str(week_number), file_name)
- DOWNLOADED_FILES.append(download_path)
- bucket.download_file(object.key, download_path)
- # If a .csv is in the wrong location, it'll break the functionality above. We're just going to skip it.
- except ValueError as value_error:
- print("Found value error. Likely means a csv is in the wrong location. Skipping and continuing. Error "
- "{0} ".format(str(value_error)))
- def query_csvs(test_case_ids=None, test_case_metrics=None):
- """
- Queries the desired information from the downloaded csvs
- :param test_case_ids: the desired test case ids
- :param test_case_metrics: the desired test case metrics
- """
- query_results = []
- for downloaded_csv in DOWNLOADED_FILES:
- with open(downloaded_csv, 'r') as csv_file:
- reader = csv.reader(csv_file)
- parsed_header_row = False
- desired_columns = []
- for row in reader:
- # Get desired columns if test_case_metrics were passed
- if not parsed_header_row:
- if test_case_metrics is not None:
- for column_index, column_header in enumerate(row):
- if column_header in test_case_metrics:
- desired_columns.append(column_index)
- parsed_header_row = True
- # Actually get the data
- if test_case_ids is not None and row[0] in test_case_ids:
- query_results.append(_parse_row(test_case_metrics, row, desired_columns))
- elif test_case_ids is None:
- query_results.append(_parse_row(test_case_metrics, row, desired_columns))
- print("row " + str(row))
- csv_file.close()
- return query_results
- def _parse_row(test_case_metrics, row, desired_columns):
- """
- Queries the desired information from the downloaded csvs
- :param test_case_metrics: the desired test case metrics
- :param row: the row being parsed
- :param desired_columns: the columns to include
- """
- row_to_add = []
- if test_case_metrics is not None:
- for column_number in desired_columns:
- row_to_add.append(row[int(column_number)])
- pass
- else:
- row_to_add = row
- return row_to_add
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # This functionality is in a prototype stage, and expected to change
- # parse parameters
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='MetricsQueryTool', description='Queries the metrics.')
- parser.add_argument('-b', '--branch', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-sw', '--startweek', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-ew', '--endweek', required=False, help='Max of 52.')
- parser.add_argument('-df', '--downloadfolder', required=True)
- parser.add_argument('-tcids', '--testcaseids', nargs='+', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-tcms', '--testcasemetrics', nargs='+', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-r', '--region', required=False)
- parser.add_argument('-env', '--envcredentials', required=False, help="Override the configured credentials to "
- "instead use environment variables.")
- args = parser.parse_args()
- start_week = int(args.startweek) if args.startweek else None
- end_week = int(args.endweek) if args.endweek else None
- # download csvs
- _download_csvs(args.branch, start_week, end_week, args.downloadfolder, args.region, args.envcredentials)
- # query csvs for data
- query_csvs(args.testcaseids, args.testcasemetrics)