Jenkinsfile 67 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env groovy
  2. /*
  3. * Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  4. * For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  5. *
  6. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  7. *
  8. */
  9. import groovy.json.JsonOutput
  10. import java.util.regex.Pattern
  11. SCRIPTS_PATH = 'scripts/build' // Root path for all CI scripts
  12. PIPELINE_CONFIG_FILE = "${SCRIPTS_PATH}/Jenkins/o3de.json"
  16. // Number of minutes of inactivity in all stages of the pipeline to reach the timeout
  18. EMPTY_JSON = readJSON text: '{}'
  20. ENGINE_DEVELOPMENT_BRANCH = 'development'
  21. ENGINE_URL = ""
  25. @NonCPS
  26. def doit()
  27. {
  28. def httpsPattern = ~'https://(.+)/(.+)/(.+).git'
  29. def commitUrl = scm.userRemoteConfigs.url[0]
  30. def matcher = commitUrl =~ httpsPattern
  31. echo "matcher ${commitUrl} =~ ${httpsPattern}"
  32. matcher.find()
  39. }
  40. doit()
  41. // Branches with build snapshots
  42. BUILD_SNAPSHOTS = ['development', 'stabilization/2305']
  43. // Build snapshots with empty snapshot (for use with 'SNAPSHOT' pipeline parameter)
  45. // The default build snapshot to be selected in the 'SNAPSHOT' pipeline parameter
  47. // Branches with build snapshots as comma separated value string
  49. def pipelineProperties = []
  50. def pipelineParameters = [
  51. // Build/clean Parameters
  52. // The CLEAN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY is used by ci_build scripts. Creating the parameter here passes it as an environment variable to jobs and is consumed that way
  53. booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Deletes the contents of the output directory before building. This will cause a \"clean\" build. NOTE: does not imply CLEAN_ASSETS', name: 'CLEAN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY'),
  54. booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Deletes the contents of the output directories of the AssetProcessor before building.', name: 'CLEAN_ASSETS'),
  55. booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Deletes the contents of the workspace and forces a complete pull.', name: 'CLEAN_WORKSPACE'),
  56. booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Recreates the volume used for the workspace. The volume will be created out of a snapshot taken from main.', name: 'RECREATE_VOLUME'),
  57. booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Cancels AR immediately on any failure in the pipeline and marks it as failed', name: 'FAIL_FAST'),
  58. booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Deletes the volume used for the workspace after the pipeline steps are completed.', name: 'DISCARD_VOLUME')
  59. ]
  60. def PlatformSh(cmd, lbl = '', winSlashReplacement = true, winCharReplacement = true) {
  61. if (env.IS_UNIX) {
  62. sh label: lbl,
  63. script: cmd
  64. } else {
  65. if (winSlashReplacement) {
  66. cmd = cmd.replace('/','\\')
  67. }
  68. if (winCharReplacement) {
  69. cmd = cmd.replace('%', '%%')
  70. }
  71. bat label: lbl,
  72. script: cmd
  73. }
  74. }
  75. def PlatformMkdir(path) {
  76. if (env.IS_UNIX) {
  77. sh label: "Making directories ${path}",
  78. script: "mkdir -p ${path}"
  79. } else {
  80. def win_path = path.replace('/','\\')
  81. bat label: "Making directories ${win_path}",
  82. script: "mkdir ${win_path}."
  83. }
  84. }
  85. def PlatformRm(path, sudo=false) {
  86. if (env.IS_UNIX) {
  87. if (sudo) {
  88. sh label: "Removing ${path}",
  89. script: "sudo rm ${path}"
  90. } else {
  91. sh label: "Removing ${path}",
  92. script: "rm ${path}"
  93. }
  94. } else {
  95. def win_path = path.replace('/','\\')
  96. bat label: "Removing ${win_path}",
  97. script: "del /Q ${win_path}"
  98. }
  99. }
  100. def PlatformRmDir(path, sudo=false) {
  101. if (env.IS_UNIX) {
  102. if (sudo) {
  103. sh label: "Removing ${path}",
  104. script: "if [ -d ${path} ]; then sudo rm -rf ${path}; fi"
  105. } else {
  106. sh label: "Removing ${path}",
  107. script: "if [ -d ${path} ]; then rm -rf ${path}; fi"
  108. }
  109. } else {
  110. def win_path = path.replace('/','\\')
  111. bat label: "Removing ${win_path}",
  112. script: "IF exist ${win_path} rd /s /q ${win_path}"
  113. }
  114. }
  115. def IsPullRequest(branchName) {
  116. // temporarily using the name to detect if we are in a PR
  117. // In the future we will check with github
  118. return branchName.startsWith('PR-')
  119. }
  120. def IsPeriodicPipeline(pipelineName) {
  121. return pipelineName.startsWith('periodic-')
  122. }
  123. def IsJobEnabled(branchName, buildTypeMap, pipelineName, platformName) {
  124. if (IsPullRequest(branchName) && !IsPeriodicPipeline(pipelineName)) {
  125. return buildTypeMap.value.TAGS && buildTypeMap.value.TAGS.contains(pipelineName)
  126. }
  127. def job_list_override = params.JOB_LIST_OVERRIDE ? params.JOB_LIST_OVERRIDE.tokenize(',') : ''
  128. if (!job_list_override.isEmpty()) {
  129. return params[platformName] && job_list_override.contains(buildTypeMap.key);
  130. } else {
  131. return params[platformName] && buildTypeMap.value.TAGS && buildTypeMap.value.TAGS.contains(pipelineName)
  132. }
  133. }
  134. def GetRunningPipelineName(JENKINS_JOB_NAME) {
  135. // If the job name has an underscore
  136. def job_parts = JENKINS_JOB_NAME.tokenize('/')[0].tokenize('_')
  137. if (job_parts.size() > 1) {
  138. return [job_parts.take(job_parts.size() - 1).join('_'), job_parts[job_parts.size()-1]]
  139. }
  140. return [job_parts[0], 'default']
  141. }
  142. @NonCPS
  143. def RegexMatcher(str, regex) {
  144. def matcher = (str =~ regex)
  145. return matcher ? : null
  146. }
  147. def LoadPipelineConfig(String pipelineName, String branchName) {
  148. echo 'Loading pipeline config'
  149. def pipelineConfig = {}
  150. pipelineConfig = readJSON file: PIPELINE_CONFIG_FILE
  152. pipelineConfig.platforms = EMPTY_JSON
  153. // Load the pipeline configs per platform
  154. pipelineConfig.PIPELINE_CONFIGS.each { pipeline_config ->
  155. def platform_regex = pipeline_config.replace('.','\\.').replace('*', '(.*)')
  156. if (!env.IS_UNIX) {
  157. platform_regex = platform_regex.replace('/','\\\\')
  158. }
  159. echo "Searching platform pipeline configs in ${pipeline_config} using ${platform_regex}"
  160. for (pipeline_config_path in findFiles(glob: pipeline_config)) {
  161. echo "\tFound platform pipeline config ${pipeline_config_path}"
  162. def platform = RegexMatcher(pipeline_config_path, platform_regex)
  163. if(platform) {
  164. pipelineConfig.platforms[platform] = EMPTY_JSON
  165. pipelineConfig.platforms[platform].PIPELINE_ENV = readJSON file: pipeline_config_path.toString()
  166. }
  167. PlatformRm(pipeline_config_path.toString())
  168. }
  169. }
  170. // Load the build configs
  171. pipelineConfig.BUILD_CONFIGS.each { build_config ->
  172. def platform_regex = build_config.replace('.','\\.').replace('*', '(.*)')
  173. if (!env.IS_UNIX) {
  174. platform_regex = platform_regex.replace('/','\\\\')
  175. }
  176. echo "Searching configs in ${build_config} using ${platform_regex}"
  177. for (build_config_path in findFiles(glob: build_config)) {
  178. echo "\tFound config ${build_config_path}"
  179. def platform = RegexMatcher(build_config_path, platform_regex)
  180. if(platform) {
  181. pipelineConfig.platforms[platform].build_types = readJSON file: build_config_path.toString()
  182. }
  183. }
  184. }
  185. return pipelineConfig
  186. }
  187. def GetBuildEnvVars(Map platformEnv, Map buildTypeEnv, String pipelineName) {
  188. def envVarMap = [:]
  189. platformPipelineEnv = platformEnv['ENV'] ?: [:]
  190. platformPipelineEnv.each { var ->
  191. envVarMap[var.key] = var.value
  192. }
  193. platformEnvOverride = platformEnv['PIPELINE_ENV_OVERRIDE'] ?: [:]
  194. platformPipelineEnvOverride = platformEnvOverride[pipelineName] ?: [:]
  195. platformPipelineEnvOverride.each { var ->
  196. envVarMap[var.key] = var.value
  197. }
  198. buildTypeEnv.each { var ->
  199. // This may override the above one if there is an entry defined by the job
  200. envVarMap[var.key] = var.value
  201. }
  202. // Environment that only applies to to Jenkins tweaks.
  203. // For 3rdParty downloads, we store them in the EBS volume so we can reuse them across node
  204. // instances. This allow us to scale up and down without having to re-download 3rdParty
  205. envVarMap['LY_PACKAGE_DOWNLOAD_CACHE_LOCATION'] = "${envVarMap['WORKSPACE']}/3rdParty/downloaded_packages"
  206. envVarMap['LY_PACKAGE_UNPACK_LOCATION'] = "${envVarMap['WORKSPACE']}/3rdParty/packages"
  207. return envVarMap
  208. }
  209. def GetEnvStringList(Map envVarMap) {
  210. def strList = []
  211. envVarMap.each { var ->
  212. strList.add("${var.key}=${var.value}")
  213. }
  214. return strList
  215. }
  216. def GetCrashArtifactDir() {
  217. if (env.IS_UNIX) {
  218. def uname = sh(script: 'uname', returnStdout: true).trim()
  219. if (uname.startsWith('Darwin')) {
  220. return '~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/' // MacOS
  221. }
  222. else {
  223. return '/var/lib/apport/coredump/'
  224. }
  225. } else {
  226. return "$LOCALAPPDATA\\CrashDumps"
  227. }
  228. }
  229. def GetRemoteConfig(repositoryName, repositoryUrl) {
  230. def theRemoteConfig = [
  231. name: repositoryName,
  232. url: repositoryUrl,
  233. credentialsId: scm.userRemoteConfigs.credentialsId[0]
  234. ]
  235. return theRemoteConfig
  236. }
  237. def GetEngineRemoteConfig() {
  238. return GetRemoteConfig(ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME, ENGINE_URL)
  239. }
  240. def CheckoutEngineBootstrapScripts(branchName, userRemoteConfig = [GetEngineRemoteConfig()]) {
  241. checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
  242. branches: [[name: "*/${branchName}"]],
  243. doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
  244. extensions: [
  245. [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'],
  246. [$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'],
  247. [$class: 'SparseCheckoutPaths', sparseCheckoutPaths: [
  248. [ $class: 'SparseCheckoutPath', path: "${SCRIPTS_PATH}/Jenkins/" ],
  249. [ $class: 'SparseCheckoutPath', path: "${SCRIPTS_PATH}/bootstrap/" ],
  250. [ $class: 'SparseCheckoutPath', path: "${SCRIPTS_PATH}/Platform" ],
  251. [ $class: 'SparseCheckoutPath', path: "${SCRIPTS_PATH}/tools/" ]
  252. ]],
  253. // Shallow checkouts break changelog computation. Do not enable.
  254. [$class: 'CloneOption', noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: false]
  255. ],
  256. submoduleCfg: [],
  257. userRemoteConfigs: userRemoteConfig
  258. ])
  259. }
  260. def CheckoutRepo(String branchName, userRemoteConfigs, boolean disableSubmodules = false, boolean setEnvCommit = false) {
  261. echo "Checkout Repo:"
  262. if (fileExists('.git')) {
  263. // If the repository after checkout is locked, likely we took a snapshot while git was running,
  264. // to leave the repo in a usable state, garbage collect.
  265. def indexLockFile = '.git/index.lock'
  266. if (fileExists(indexLockFile)) {
  267. PlatformSh('git gc', 'Git GarbageCollect')
  268. }
  269. if (fileExists(indexLockFile)) { // if it is still there, remove it
  270. PlatformRm(indexLockFile)
  271. }
  272. }
  273. def random = new Random()
  274. def retryAttempt = 0
  275. retry(5) {
  276. if (retryAttempt > 0) {
  277. sleep random.nextInt(60 * retryAttempt) // Stagger checkouts to prevent HTTP 429 (Too Many Requests) response from CodeCommit
  278. }
  279. retryAttempt = retryAttempt + 1
  280. checkout scm: [
  281. $class: 'GitSCM',
  282. branches: [[name: branchName]],
  283. extensions: [
  284. [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch'],
  285. [$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'],
  286. [$class: 'SubmoduleOption', disableSubmodules: disableSubmodules, recursiveSubmodules: true],
  287. [$class: 'GitLFSPull'],
  288. [$class: 'CheckoutOption', timeout: 60]
  289. ],
  290. userRemoteConfigs: userRemoteConfigs
  291. ]
  292. }
  293. if (setEnvCommit) {
  294. // CHANGE_ID is used by some scripts to identify uniquely the current change (usually metric jobs)
  295. PlatformSh('git rev-parse HEAD > commitid', 'Getting commit id')
  296. env.CHANGE_ID = readFile file: 'commitid'
  297. env.CHANGE_ID = env.CHANGE_ID.trim()
  298. PlatformRm('commitid')
  299. // CHANGE_DATE is used by the installer to provide some ability to sort tagged builds in addition to BRANCH_NAME and CHANGE_ID
  300. commitDateFmt = '%%cI'
  301. if (env.IS_UNIX) commitDateFmt = '%cI'
  302. PlatformSh("git show -s --format=${commitDateFmt} ${env.CHANGE_ID} > commitdate", 'Getting commit date', winSlashReplacement=true, winCharReplacement=false)
  303. env.CHANGE_DATE = readFile file: 'commitdate'
  304. env.CHANGE_DATE = env.CHANGE_DATE.trim()
  305. PlatformRm('commitdate')
  306. }
  307. }
  308. def HandleDriveMount(String snapshot, String repositoryName, String projectName, String pipeline, String branchName, String platform, String buildType, String workspace, boolean recreateVolume = false) {
  309. unstash name: 'incremental_build_script'
  310. def pythonCmd = ''
  311. if(env.IS_UNIX) pythonCmd = 'sudo -E python3 -u '
  312. else pythonCmd = 'python3 -u '
  313. if(recreateVolume) {
  314. PlatformSh("${pythonCmd} ${INCREMENTAL_BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH} --action delete --repository_name ${repositoryName} --project ${projectName} --pipeline ${pipeline} --branch ${branchName} --platform ${platform} --build_type ${buildType}", 'Deleting volume', winSlashReplacement=false)
  315. }
  316. PlatformSh("${pythonCmd} ${INCREMENTAL_BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH} --action mount --snapshot-hint ${snapshot} --repository_name ${repositoryName} --project ${projectName} --pipeline ${pipeline} --branch ${branchName} --platform ${platform} --build_type ${buildType}", 'Mounting volume', winSlashReplacement=false)
  317. if(env.IS_UNIX) {
  318. sh label: 'Setting volume\'s ownership',
  319. script: """
  320. if sudo test ! -d "${workspace}"; then
  321. sudo mkdir -p ${workspace}
  322. cd ${workspace}/..
  323. sudo chown -R lybuilder:root .
  324. fi
  325. """
  326. }
  327. }
  328. //this should assume it will always be executed from the workspace root
  329. def NoControlFile(repoName, processed_repos, o3de_project, defer_enable_gems) {
  330. echo "NoControlFile(reponame:${repoName}, processed_repos:${processed_repos})"
  331. processed_repos.add(repoName)
  332. def ext = ''
  333. if(env.IS_UNIX) {
  334. ext = '.sh'
  335. }
  336. //There is no control file so we must determine if this is a composite repo or a singular repo
  337. dir(repoName) {
  338. //a singular object repo will have one of these o3de json files in the root
  339. if(fileExists("engine.json")) {
  340. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --engine-path ${workspace}/${repoName} || echo>nul", "Registering engine in ${workspace}/${repoName}")
  341. }
  342. else if(fileExists("gem.json")) {
  343. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --gem-path ${workspace}/${repoName} || echo>nul", "Registering gem in ${workspace}/${repoName}")
  344. if(o3de_project) {
  345. defer_enable_gems.add([COMMAND: "${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} enable-gem --gem-path ${workspace}/${repoName} --project-name ${o3de_project}", ECHO: "Enabling ${gemName} in ${o3de_project}"])
  346. }
  347. }
  348. else if(fileExists("project.json")) {
  349. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --project-path ${workspace}/${repoName} || echo>nul", "Registering project in ${workspace}/${repoName}")
  350. }
  351. else if(fileExists("template.json")) {
  352. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --template-path ${workspace}/${repoName} || echo>nul", "Registering template in ${workspace}/${repoName}")
  353. }
  354. else if(fileExists("restricted.json")) {
  355. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --restricted-path ${workspace}/${repoName} || echo>nul", "Registering restricted in ${workspace}/${repoName}")
  356. }
  357. else {
  358. //A standard composite repo has the form
  359. //root
  360. // Engines
  361. // Gems
  362. // Projects
  363. // Templates
  364. // Restricted
  365. def found = false
  366. if(fileExists("Engines")) {
  367. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --all-engines-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/Engines || echo>nul", "Registering all engines in ${workspace}/${repoName}/Engines")
  368. found = true
  369. }
  370. if(fileExists("Gems")) {
  371. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --all-gems-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/Gems || echo>nul", "Registering all gems in ${workspace}/${repoName}/Gems")
  372. if(o3de_project) {
  373. defer_enable_gems.add([COMMAND: "${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} enable-gem --all-gem-paths ${workspace}/${repoName}/Gems --project-name ${o3de_project}", ECHO: "Enabling all gems in ${o3de_project}"])
  374. }
  375. found = true
  376. }
  377. if(fileExists("Projects")) {
  378. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --all-projects-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/Projects || echo>nul", "Registering all projects in ${workspace}/${repoName}/Projects")
  379. found = true
  380. }
  381. if(fileExists("Templates")) {
  382. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --all-templates-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/Templates || echo>nul", "Registering all templates in ${workspace}/${repoName}/Templates")
  383. found = true
  384. }
  385. if(fileExists("Restricted")) {
  386. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --all-restricted-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/Restricted || echo>nul", "Registering all restricted in ${workspace}/${repoName}/Restricted")
  387. found = true
  388. }
  389. if(!found) {
  390. echo "WARNING: No objects found in repo ${repoName}!"
  391. }
  392. }
  393. }
  394. return processed_repos
  395. }
  396. //this should assume it will always be executed from the workspace root
  397. def ExecuteControlFile(controlFile, repoName, processed_repos, o3de_project, defer_enable_gems) {
  398. echo "ExecuteControlFile(controlFile:${controlFile}, reponame:${repoName}, processed_repos:${processed_repos})"
  399. processed_repos.add(repoName)
  400. def ext = ''
  401. if(env.IS_UNIX) {
  402. ext = '.sh'
  403. }
  404. //register all the objects specified in this controlFile
  405. if(controlFile.REGISTER_ENGINES) {
  406. echo 'REGISTER_ENGINES'
  407. controlFile.REGISTER_ENGINES.each { engineName ->
  408. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --engine-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/${engineName} || echo>nul", "Registering engine in ${workspace}/${repoName}/${engineName}")
  409. }
  410. }
  411. if(controlFile.REGISTER_GEMS) {
  412. echo 'REGISTER_GEMS'
  413. controlFile.REGISTER_GEMS.each { gemName ->
  414. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --gem-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/${gemName} || echo>nul", "Registering gem in ${workspace}/${repoName}/${gemName}")
  415. }
  416. }
  417. if(controlFile.REGISTER_PROJECTS) {
  419. controlFile.REGISTER_PROJECTS.each { projectName ->
  420. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --project-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/${projectName} || echo>nul", "Registering project in ${workspace}/${repoName}/${projectName}")
  421. }
  422. }
  423. if(controlFile.REGISTER_TEMPLATES) {
  425. controlFile.REGISTER_TEMPLATES.each { templateName ->
  426. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --template-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/${templateName} || echo>nul", "Registering template in ${workspace}/${repoName}/${templateName}")
  427. }
  428. }
  429. if(controlFile.REGISTER_RESTRICTED) {
  431. controlFile.REGISTER_RESTRICTED.each { restrictedName ->
  432. PlatformSh("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} register --restricted-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/${restrictedName} || echo>nul", "Registering restricted in ${workspace}/${repoName}/${restrictedName}")
  433. }
  434. }
  435. //queue enable all gems specified in the control file
  436. if(controlFile.ENABLE_GEMS && o3de_project) {
  437. controlFile.ENABLE_GEMS.each { gemName ->
  438. if(o3de_project) {
  439. defer_enable_gems.add([COMMAND: "${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}/scripts/o3de${ext} enable-gem --gem-path ${workspace}/${repoName}/${gemName} --project-name ${o3de_project}", ECHO: "Enabling ${workspace}/${repoName}/${gemName} for ${o3de_project}"])
  440. }
  441. }
  442. }
  443. //check out all repos
  444. if(controlFile.REPOS) {
  445. echo 'REPOS'
  446. controlFile.REPOS.each { repo ->
  447. //stop cyclical repos
  448. if(processed_repos.contains(repo.NAME)) {
  449. echo "Already processed ${repo.NAME}"
  450. }
  451. else {
  452. def repoControlFile = {}
  453. def foundRepoControlFile = false
  454. dir(repo.NAME) {
  455. CheckoutRepo(repo.BRANCH, [GetRemoteConfig(repo.NAME, repo.URL)])
  456. if(fileExists('.automatedtesting.json')) {
  457. echo "Loading ${repo.URL} .automatedtesting.json"
  458. repoControlFile = readJSON file: '.automatedtesting.json'
  459. foundRepoControlFile = true
  460. }
  461. }
  462. if(foundRepoControlFile) {
  463. //There is a control file, execute it
  464. processed_repos = ExecuteControlFile(repoControlFile, repo.NAME, processed_repos, o3de_project, defer_enable_gems)
  465. } else {
  466. processed_repos = NoControlFile(repo.NAME, processed_repos, o3de_project, defer_enable_gems)
  467. }
  468. }
  469. }
  470. }
  471. return processed_repos
  472. }
  473. def PreBuildCommonSteps(Map pipelineConfig, Map params, String snapshot, String repositoryName, String projectName, String pipeline, String branchName, String platform, String buildType, String workspace, boolean mount = true, boolean disableSubmodules = false) {
  474. echo 'Starting pre-build common steps...'
  475. if (mount) {
  476. if(env.RECREATE_VOLUME?.toBoolean()){
  477. echo 'Starting to recreating drive...'
  478. HandleDriveMount(snapshot, repositoryName, projectName, pipeline, branchName, platform, buildType, workspace, true)
  479. } else {
  480. echo 'Starting to mounting drive...'
  481. HandleDriveMount(snapshot, repositoryName, projectName, pipeline, branchName, platform, buildType, workspace, false)
  482. }
  483. }
  484. // Cleanup previous repo location, we are currently at the root of the workspace, if we have a .git folder
  485. // we need to cleanup. Once all branches take this relocation, we can remove this
  486. if(env.CLEAN_WORKSPACE?.toBoolean() || fileExists("${workspace}/.git")) {
  487. if(fileExists(workspace)) {
  488. echo 'Clean workspace...'
  489. PlatformRmDir(workspace, true)
  490. }
  491. }
  492. def engine_project = ''
  493. if (pipelineConfig.DEFAULT_PROJECT) {
  494. engine_project = pipelineConfig.DEFAULT_PROJECT
  495. }
  496. else {
  497. engine_project = 'AutomatedTesting'
  498. }
  499. dir(workspace) {
  500. // Add folder where we will store the 3rdParty downloads and packages
  501. dir('3rdParty') {
  502. }
  503. def processed_repos = []
  504. def defer_enable_gems = []
  505. //we always get the engine repo first and get python, setEnvCommit only if the repo is the engine repo
  506. def engineAutomatedTestingControlFile = {}
  507. def engineAutomatedTestingControlFileFound = false
  509. echo "Checkout Engine: ${ENGINE_URL}"
  510. def setEnvCommit = false
  511. def the_branch = branchName
  512. def remoteConfig = scm.userRemoteConfigs
  514. //the pr is for the engine repo, so we want to use the passed in branch name and record the change id and change date
  515. setEnvCommit = true
  516. } else {
  517. //this pr is for another repo so we want to use the development branch for the engine and do not set the commit id or change date
  519. remoteConfig = [GetEngineRemoteConfig()]
  520. }
  521. //checkout the engine branch
  522. CheckoutRepo(the_branch, remoteConfig, disableSubmodules, setEnvCommit)
  523. // Get python and clean.
  524. // Always run the clean step, the scripts detect what variables were set, but it also cleans if
  525. // the NODE_LABEL has changed
  526. if(env.IS_UNIX) {
  527. sh label: 'Getting python',
  528. script: "${pipelineConfig.PYTHON_DIR}/"
  529. sh label: "Running ${platform} clean",
  530. script: "${pipelineConfig.PYTHON_DIR}/ -u ${pipelineConfig.BUILD_ENTRY_POINT} --platform ${platform} --type clean"
  531. } else {
  532. bat label: 'Getting python',
  533. script: "${pipelineConfig.PYTHON_DIR}/get_python.bat"
  534. bat label: "Running ${platform} clean",
  535. script: "${pipelineConfig.PYTHON_DIR}/python.cmd -u ${pipelineConfig.BUILD_ENTRY_POINT} --platform ${platform} --type clean"
  536. }
  537. //register the engine
  538. def ext = ''
  539. if(env.IS_UNIX) {
  540. ext = '.sh'
  541. }
  542. PlatformSh("scripts/o3de${ext} register --this-engine", "Registering this engine, will generate the o3de_manifest")
  543. //if the engine has an .automatedtesting.json execute it
  544. if(fileExists('.automatedtesting.json')) {
  545. echo 'Loading Engine .automatedtesting.json'
  546. engineAutomatedTestingControlFile = readJSON file: '.automatedtesting.json'
  547. engineAutomatedTestingControlFileFound = true
  548. }
  549. }
  550. if(engineAutomatedTestingControlFileFound) {
  551. processed_repos = ExecuteControlFile(engineAutomatedTestingControlFile, ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME, processed_repos, engine_project, defer_enable_gems)
  552. }
  553. //if we are not committing to the engine repo then pull that repo in here
  555. echo "Commit repo: ${scm.userRemoteConfigs.url[0]}"
  556. def automatedTestingControlFile = {}
  557. def automatedTestingControlFileFound = false
  559. CheckoutRepo(branchName, scm.userRemoteConfigs, disableSubmodules, true)
  560. //if the repo has an .automatedtesting.json execute it
  561. if(fileExists('.automatedtesting.json')) {
  562. echo "Loading ${COMMIT_REPOSITORY_NAME} .automatedtesting.json"
  563. automatedTestingControlFile = readJSON file: '.automatedtesting.json'
  564. automatedTestingControlFileFound = true
  565. }
  566. }
  567. def external_project = ''
  568. if(env.PROJECT_OVERRIDE) {
  569. external_project = env.PROJECT_OVERRIDE
  570. }
  571. else if(params && params.CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS) {
  572. external_project = params.CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS
  573. }
  574. else {
  575. echo "No PROJECT_OVERRIDE or CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS defined"
  576. }
  577. echo "external_project = ${external_project}"
  578. if(automatedTestingControlFileFound) {
  579. processed_repos = ExecuteControlFile(automatedTestingControlFile, COMMIT_REPOSITORY_NAME, processed_repos, external_project, defer_enable_gems)
  580. }
  581. else {
  582. processed_repos = NoControlFile(COMMIT_REPOSITORY_NAME, processed_repos, external_project, defer_enable_gems)
  583. }
  584. // For only external projects, set CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS to the relative project_path so it will work on all platforms.
  586. // Try/catch in the event that this function is called before the scripts are stashed
  587. try {
  588. unstash "${COMMIT_REPOSITORY_NAME}-scripts"
  589. } catch (e) {
  590. print "Unstash failed, ignoring"
  591. }
  592. def ext = ''
  593. if(env.IS_UNIX) {
  594. ext = '.sh'
  595. }
  596. if (external_project) {
  597. PlatformSh("scripts/o3de${ext} get-registered --project-name ${external_project} > projectpath", "Get the project path")
  598. def project_path = readFile file: 'projectpath'
  599. PlatformRm('projectpath')
  600. project_path = project_path.trim()
  601. project_path = project_path.replace("\\", "/")
  602. workspace_path = "${workspace}"
  603. workspace_path = workspace_path.replace("\\", "/")
  604. project_path = project_path.replace("${workspace}", "..") // Set the relative path to the project from the engine path
  605. project_path = (project_path =~ /\.\.\/[\/a-zA-Z0-9-_]+/)[0] // Ensure only the path is assigned to the variable
  606. env.CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS = project_path
  607. echo "env.CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS = ${env.CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS}"
  608. }
  609. }
  610. }
  611. //defer enabling gems until after the repos are done registering all objects
  612. if(defer_enable_gems) {
  613. echo 'ENABLE_GEMS'
  614. defer_enable_gems.each { enableGemCommands ->
  615. PlatformSh(enableGemCommands.COMMAND, enableGemCommands.ECHO)
  616. }
  617. }
  618. }
  619. }
  620. def Build(Map pipelineConfig, String platform, String type, String workspace) {
  621. timeout(time: env.TIMEOUT, unit: 'MINUTES', activity: true) {
  622. def command = "${pipelineConfig.PYTHON_DIR}/python"
  623. def ext = ''
  624. if(env.IS_UNIX) {
  625. command += '.sh'
  626. ext = '.sh'
  627. }
  628. else command += '.cmd'
  629. command += " -u ${pipelineConfig.BUILD_ENTRY_POINT} --platform ${platform} --type ${type}"
  630. dir(workspace) {
  632. PlatformSh(command, "Running ${platform} ${type}")
  633. }
  634. }
  635. }
  636. }
  637. def TestMetrics(Map pipelineConfig, String workspace, String branchName, String repoName, String buildJobName, String outputDirectory, String configuration) {
  638. catchError(buildResult: null, stageResult: null) {
  639. def cmakeBuildDir = [workspace, ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME, outputDirectory].join('/')
  640. def command = "${pipelineConfig.PYTHON_DIR}/python"
  641. if(env.IS_UNIX) command += '.sh'
  642. else command += '.cmd'
  643. dir(workspace){
  645. checkout scm: [
  646. $class: 'GitSCM',
  647. branches: [[name: '*/main']],
  648. extensions: [
  649. [$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'],
  650. [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'mars']
  651. ],
  652. userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${env.MARS_REPO}", name: 'mars', credentialsId: "${env.GITHUB_USER}"]]
  653. ]
  654. withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: "${env.SERVICE_USER}", passwordVariable: 'apitoken', usernameVariable: 'username')]) {
  655. command += " -u mars/scripts/python/ " +
  656. '-e jenkins.creds.user %username% -e jenkins.creds.pass %apitoken% ' +
  657. "-e jenkins.base_url ${env.JENKINS_URL} " +
  658. "${cmakeBuildDir} ${branchName} %BUILD_NUMBER% AR ${configuration} ${repoName} --url ${env.BUILD_URL.replace('%','%%')}"
  659. bat label: "Publishing ${buildJobName} Test Metrics",
  660. script: command
  661. }
  662. }
  663. }
  664. }
  665. }
  666. def BenchmarkMetrics(Map pipelineConfig, String workspace, String branchName, String outputDirectory) {
  667. catchError(buildResult: null, stageResult: null) {
  668. def cmakeBuildDir = [workspace, ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME, outputDirectory].join('/')
  669. def command = "${pipelineConfig.PYTHON_DIR}/python"
  670. if(env.IS_UNIX) command += '.sh'
  671. else command += '.cmd'
  672. dir(workspace) {
  674. checkout scm: [
  675. $class: 'GitSCM',
  676. branches: [[name: '*/main']],
  677. extensions: [
  678. [$class: 'AuthorInChangelog'],
  679. [$class: 'RelativeTargetDirectory', relativeTargetDir: 'mars']
  680. ],
  681. userRemoteConfigs: [[url: "${env.MARS_REPO}", name: 'mars', credentialsId: "${env.GITHUB_USER}"]]
  682. ]
  683. command += " -u mars/scripts/python/ ${cmakeBuildDir} ${branchName}"
  684. PlatformSh(command, "Publishing Benchmark Metrics")
  685. }
  686. }
  687. }
  688. }
  689. def ExportTestResults(Map options, String platform, String type, String workspace, Map params) {
  690. catchError(message: "Error exporting tests results (this won't fail the build)", buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
  691. dir(workspace) {
  693. dir(params.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) {
  694. junit testResults: "Testing/**/*.xml"
  695. }
  696. }
  697. }
  698. }
  699. }
  700. def ExportTestScreenshots(Map options, String branchName, String platformName, String jobName, String workspace, Map params) {
  701. catchError(message: "Error exporting test screenshots (this won't fail the build)", buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
  702. dir(workspace){
  704. def screenshotsFolder = "AutomatedTesting/user/PythonTests/Automated/Screenshots"
  705. def s3Uploader = "${SCRIPTS_PATH}/tools/"
  706. def command = "${options.PYTHON_DIR}/python.cmd -u ${s3Uploader} --base_dir ${screenshotsFolder} " +
  707. '--file_regex \\"(.*zip\$)\\" ' +
  708. "--bucket ${env.TEST_SCREENSHOT_BUCKET} " +
  709. "--search_subdirectories True --key_prefix ${branchName}_${env.BUILD_NUMBER} " +
  710. '--extra_args {\\"ACL\\":\\"bucket-owner-full-control\\"}'
  711. PlatformSh(command, "Uploading test screenshots for ${jobName}")
  712. }
  713. }
  714. }
  715. }
  716. // All files are included by default.
  717. // --include will only re-include files that have been excluded from an --exclude filter.
  718. //See more details at
  719. def ArchiveArtifactsOnS3(String artifactsSource, String s3Prefix="", boolean recursive=false, List<String> includes=[], List<String> excludes=[]) {
  720. if (!fileExists(s3Prefix)) {
  721. PlatformMkdir(s3Prefix)
  722. }
  723. PlatformSh("echo ${env.BUILD_URL} > ${s3Prefix}/build_url.txt")
  724. // archiveArtifacts is very slow, so we only archive one file and upload the rest artifacts to the same bucket using S3 CLI.
  725. archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${s3Prefix}/build_url.txt"
  726. def command = "aws s3 cp ${artifactsSource} s3://${env.JENKINS_ARTIFACTS_S3_BUCKET}/${env.JENKINS_JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/artifacts/${s3Prefix} --only-show-errors "
  727. excludes.each{ exclude ->
  728. command += "--exclude \"${exclude}\" "
  729. }
  730. includes.each{ include ->
  731. command += "--include \"${include}\" "
  732. }
  733. if (recursive) command += "--recursive "
  734. PlatformSh(command, "Archiving artifacts to ${env.JENKINS_JOB_NAME}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}/artifacts/${s3Prefix}", false)
  735. }
  736. def UploadAPLogs(String platformName, String jobName, String workspace, Map params) {
  737. catchError(message: "Error archiving AssetProcessor logs (this won't fail the build)", buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
  738. dir(workspace) {
  740. projects = params.CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS.split(",")
  741. projects.each{ project ->
  742. ArchiveArtifactsOnS3("${project}/user/log", "ap_logs/${platformName}/${jobName}/${project}", true)
  743. }
  744. }
  745. }
  746. }
  747. }
  748. def UploadTestArtifacts(String workspace, String outputDirectory) {
  749. catchError(message: "Error archiving test artifacts (this won't fail the build)", buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
  750. def cmakeBuildDir = [workspace, ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME, outputDirectory].join('/')
  751. echo "Uploading Test Artifacts: ${cmakeBuildDir}/Testing"
  752. ArchiveArtifactsOnS3("${cmakeBuildDir}/Testing", "test_artifacts", true)
  753. }
  754. }
  755. def UploadCrashArtifacts(String platform) {
  756. catchError(message: "Error archiving crash artifacts (this won't fail the build)", buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
  757. def crashArtifactDir = GetCrashArtifactDir()
  758. echo "Uploading Crash Artifacts: ${crashArtifactDir}"
  759. ArchiveArtifactsOnS3("${crashArtifactDir}", "${platform}_crash_artifacts", true)
  760. }
  761. }
  762. def UploadBuildArtifacts(String workspace, String platform, String jobName, String s3sisUploadParams = "") {
  763. catchError(message: "Error uploading build artifacts (this won't fail the build)", buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
  764. dir("${workspace}/s3sis") {
  765. PlatformSh("aws s3 cp ${env.S3SIS_SOURCE} . --recursive", "Downloading s3sis", winSlashReplacement=false)
  766. if (env.IS_UNIX) {
  767. PlatformSh("sudo python3 install", "Installing S3SIS")
  768. } else {
  769. PlatformSh("python3 install", "Installing S3SIS")
  770. }
  771. PlatformSh("s3siscli configure", "Configuring S3SIS")
  772. }
  773. dir("${workspace}/${ENGINE_REPOSITORY_NAME}") {
  774. try {
  775. def cmd = "s3siscli upload"
  776. if (s3sisUploadParams?.trim()) {
  777. cmd += " ${s3sisUploadParams}"
  778. }
  779. current_cmd = cmd + " --label ${env.JENKINS_JOB_NAME}/${platform}/${jobName}/${env.BUILD_NUMBER}"
  780. PlatformSh(current_cmd, "Uploading build artifacts", winSlashReplacement=false)
  781. latest_cmd = cmd + " --label ${env.JENKINS_JOB_NAME}/${platform}/${jobName}/latest"
  782. PlatformSh(latest_cmd, "Uploading build artifacts", winSlashReplacement=false)
  783. } catch (Exception e) {
  784. echo "WARN: Failed to upload build artifacts. \n${e}"
  785. }
  786. }
  787. }
  788. }
  789. def PostBuildCommonSteps(String workspace, Map params, String projectName, String pipelineName, String branchName, String platform, String buildType, boolean mount = true) {
  790. echo 'Starting post-build common steps...'
  791. if (params && params.containsKey('OUTPUT_DIRECTORY')){
  792. dir(workspace) {
  794. dir(params.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY) {
  795. // Clean up Testing directory
  796. PlatformRmDir("Testing")
  797. // Recreate test runner xml directories that need to be pre generated to prevent race condition on incremental runs
  798. PlatformMkdir("Testing/Pytest")
  799. PlatformMkdir("Testing/Gtest")
  800. }
  801. }
  802. }
  803. }
  804. if (mount) {
  805. def pythonCmd = ''
  806. if(env.IS_UNIX) pythonCmd = 'sudo -E python3 -u '
  807. else pythonCmd = 'python3 -u '
  808. try {
  809. timeout(5) {
  810. if (env.DISCARD_VOLUME?.toBoolean()) {
  811. PlatformSh("${pythonCmd} ${INCREMENTAL_BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH} --action delete --repository_name ${env.REPOSITORY_NAME} --project ${projectName} --pipeline ${pipelineName} --branch ${branchName} --platform ${platform} --build_type ${buildType}", 'Deleting volume', winSlashReplacement=false)
  812. } else {
  813. PlatformSh("${pythonCmd} ${INCREMENTAL_BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH} --action unmount", 'Unmounting volume')
  814. }
  815. }
  816. } catch (Exception e) {
  817. echo "Unmount script error ${e}"
  818. }
  819. }
  820. }
  821. def HandleDriveSnapshots(String repositoryName, String projectName, String pipeline, String branchName, String platform, String buildType) {
  822. unstash name: 'ebs_snapshot_script'
  823. catchError(message: "Error snapshotting volume (this won't fail the build)", buildResult: 'UNSTABLE', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
  824. def pythonCmd = 'python3 -u '
  825. mountName = "Name:${repositoryName}_${projectName}_${pipeline}_${branchName}_${platform}_${buildType}"
  826. mountName = mountName.replace('/', '_').replace('\\', '_')
  827. PlatformSh("${pythonCmd} ${EBS_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_PATH} --action create --tags ${mountName} --execute", "Starting volume snapshots", true)
  828. PlatformSh("${pythonCmd} ${EBS_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_PATH} --action delete --tags ${mountName} --retention ${env.SNAP_RETENTION} --execute", "Cleaning up old snapshots", true)
  829. }
  830. }
  831. def CreateSetupStage(Map pipelineConfig, Map params, String snapshot, String repositoryName, String projectName, String pipelineName, String branchName, String platformName, String jobName, Map environmentVars, boolean onlyMountEBSVolume = false) {
  832. return {
  833. stage('Setup') {
  834. if(onlyMountEBSVolume) {
  835. HandleDriveMount(snapshot, repositoryName, projectName, pipelineName, branchName, platformName, jobName, environmentVars['WORKSPACE'], false)
  836. } else {
  837. PreBuildCommonSteps(pipelineConfig, params, snapshot, repositoryName, projectName, pipelineName, branchName, platformName, jobName, environmentVars['WORKSPACE'], environmentVars['MOUNT_VOLUME'], false)
  838. }
  839. }
  840. }
  841. }
  842. def CreateBuildStage(Map pipelineConfig, String platformName, String jobName, Map environmentVars) {
  843. return {
  844. stage("${jobName}") {
  845. Build(pipelineConfig, platformName, jobName, environmentVars['WORKSPACE'])
  846. }
  847. }
  848. }
  849. def CreateTestMetricsStage(Map pipelineConfig, String branchName, Map environmentVars, String buildJobName, String outputDirectory, String configuration) {
  850. return {
  851. stage("${buildJobName}_metrics") {
  852. TestMetrics(pipelineConfig, environmentVars['WORKSPACE'], branchName, env.DEFAULT_REPOSITORY_NAME, buildJobName, outputDirectory, configuration)
  853. BenchmarkMetrics(pipelineConfig, environmentVars['WORKSPACE'], branchName, outputDirectory)
  854. }
  855. }
  856. }
  857. def CreateExportTestResultsStage(Map pipelineConfig, String platformName, String jobName, Map environmentVars, Map params) {
  858. return {
  859. stage("${jobName}_results") {
  860. ExportTestResults(pipelineConfig, platformName, jobName, environmentVars['WORKSPACE'], params)
  861. }
  862. }
  863. }
  864. def CreateExportTestScreenshotsStage(Map pipelineConfig, String branchName, String platformName, String jobName, Map environmentVars, Map params) {
  865. return {
  866. stage("${jobName}_screenshots") {
  867. ExportTestScreenshots(pipelineConfig, branchName, platformName, jobName, environmentVars['WORKSPACE'], params)
  868. }
  869. }
  870. }
  871. def CreateUploadAPLogsStage(String platformName, String jobName, String workspace, Map params) {
  872. return {
  873. stage("${jobName}_upload_ap_logs") {
  874. UploadAPLogs(platformName, jobName, workspace, params)
  875. }
  876. }
  877. }
  878. def CreateUploadTestArtifactStage(String jobName, String workspace, String outputDirectory) {
  879. return {
  880. stage("${jobName}_upload_test_artifacts") {
  881. UploadTestArtifacts(workspace, outputDirectory)
  882. }
  883. }
  884. }
  885. def CreateUploadCrashArtifactStage(String jobName, String platform) {
  886. return {
  887. stage("${jobName}_upload_crash_artifacts") {
  888. UploadCrashArtifacts(platform)
  889. }
  890. }
  891. }
  892. def CreateUploadBuildArtifactStage(String workspace, String platform, String jobName, String s3sisUploadParams="") {
  893. if(env.S3SIS_UPLOAD_PARAMS?.trim()) {
  894. s3sisUploadParams = env.S3SIS_UPLOAD_PARAMS
  895. }
  896. return {
  897. stage("${jobName}_upload_build_artifacts") {
  898. UploadBuildArtifacts(workspace, platform, jobName, s3sisUploadParams)
  899. }
  900. }
  901. }
  902. def CreateTeardownStage(Map environmentVars, Map params, String projectName, String pipelineName, String branchName, String platformName, String buildType) {
  903. return {
  904. stage('Teardown') {
  905. PostBuildCommonSteps(environmentVars['WORKSPACE'], params, projectName, pipelineName, branchName, platformName, buildType, environmentVars['MOUNT_VOLUME'])
  906. }
  907. }
  908. }
  909. def CreateSnapshotStage(String repositoryName, String projectName, String pipelineName, String branchName, String platformName, String buildType, String jobName) {
  910. return{
  911. stage("${jobName}_snapshot_ebs_volume") {
  912. HandleDriveSnapshots(repositoryName, projectName, pipelineName, branchName, platformName, buildType)
  913. }
  914. }
  915. }
  916. def CreateSingleNode(Map pipelineConfig, def platform, def build_job, Map envVars, String branchName, String pipelineName, String repositoryName, String projectName, boolean onlyMountEBSVolume = false) {
  917. def nodeLabel = envVars['NODE_LABEL']
  918. return {
  919. def currentResult = ''
  920. def currentException = ''
  922. node("${nodeLabel}") {
  923. if(isUnix()) { // Has to happen inside a node
  924. envVars['IS_UNIX'] = 1
  925. }
  926. withEnv(GetEnvStringList(envVars)) {
  927. def build_job_name = build_job.key
  928. def params = platform.value.build_types[build_job_name].PARAMETERS
  929. try {
  930. CreateSetupStage(pipelineConfig, params, snapshot, repositoryName, projectName, pipelineName, branchName, platform.key, build_job.key, envVars, onlyMountEBSVolume).call()
  931. if(build_job.value.steps) { // This is a pipe with many steps so create all the build stages
  932. pipelineEnvVars = GetBuildEnvVars(platform.value.PIPELINE_ENV ?: EMPTY_JSON, build_job.value.PIPELINE_ENV ?: EMPTY_JSON, pipelineName)
  933. build_job.value.steps.each { build_step ->
  934. build_job_name = build_step
  935. params = platform.value.build_types[build_job_name].PARAMETERS
  936. // This addition of maps makes it that the right operand will override entries if they overlap with the left operand
  937. envVars = pipelineEnvVars + GetBuildEnvVars(platform.value.PIPELINE_ENV ?: EMPTY_JSON, platform.value.build_types[build_step].PIPELINE_ENV ?: EMPTY_JSON, pipelineName)
  938. try {
  939. CreateBuildStage(pipelineConfig, platform.key, build_step, envVars).call()
  940. }
  941. catch (Exception e) {
  942. if (envVars['NONBLOCKING_STEP']?.toBoolean()) {
  943. unstable(message: "Build step ${build_step} failed but it's a non-blocking step in build job ${build_job.key}")
  944. } else {
  945. throw e
  946. }
  947. }
  948. }
  949. } else {
  950. CreateBuildStage(pipelineConfig, platform.key, build_job.key, envVars).call()
  951. }
  952. }
  953. catch(Exception e) {
  954. if (e instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException) {
  955. def causes = e.getCauses().toString()
  956. if (causes.contains('RemovedNodeCause')) {
  957. error "Node disconnected during build: ${e}" // Error raised to retry stage on a new node
  958. }
  959. }
  960. if (build_job_name.toLowerCase().contains('asset') && env.IS_UPLOAD_AP_LOGS?.toBoolean()) {
  961. CreateUploadAPLogsStage(platform.key, build_job_name, envVars['WORKSPACE'], platform.value.build_types[build_job_name].PARAMETERS).call()
  962. }
  963. // Upload test artifacts only on builds that failed and ran test suites
  964. if (env.IS_UPLOAD_TEST_ARTIFACTS?.toBoolean() && params.containsKey('CTEST_OPTIONS')) {
  965. CreateUploadTestArtifactStage(build_job_name, envVars['WORKSPACE'], params.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY).call()
  966. }
  967. // All other errors will be raised outside the retry block
  968. currentResult = envVars['ON_FAILURE_MARK'] ?: 'FAILURE'
  969. currentException = e.toString()
  970. }
  971. finally {
  972. if (env.MARS_REPO && params && params.containsKey('TEST_METRICS') && params.TEST_METRICS == 'True') {
  973. CreateTestMetricsStage(pipelineConfig, branchName, envVars, build_job_name, params.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, params.CONFIGURATION).call()
  974. }
  975. if (params && params.containsKey('TEST_RESULTS') && params.TEST_RESULTS == 'True') {
  976. CreateExportTestResultsStage(pipelineConfig, platform.key, build_job_name, envVars, params).call()
  977. }
  978. if (fileExists(GetCrashArtifactDir())) {
  979. CreateUploadCrashArtifactStage(build_job_name, platform.key).call()
  980. }
  981. if (params && params.containsKey('TEST_SCREENSHOTS') && params.TEST_SCREENSHOTS == 'True' && currentResult == 'FAILURE') {
  982. CreateExportTestScreenshotsStage(pipelineConfig, branchName, platform.key, build_job_name, envVars, params).call()
  983. }
  984. if (env.UPLOAD_BUILD_ARTIFACTS?.toBoolean()) {
  985. CreateUploadBuildArtifactStage(envVars['WORKSPACE'], platform.key, build_job_name, envVars['S3SIS_UPLOAD_PARAMS']).call()
  986. }
  987. CreateTeardownStage(envVars, params, projectName, pipelineName, branchName, platform.key, build_job.key).call()
  988. if (envVars['CREATE_SNAPSHOT']?.toBoolean()) {
  989. CreateSnapshotStage(repositoryName, projectName, pipelineName, branchName, platform.key, build_job.key, build_job_name).call()
  990. }
  991. }
  992. }
  993. }
  994. }
  995. //
  997. if (currentResult == 'FAILURE') {
  998. currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
  999. error "FAILURE: ${currentException}"
  1000. } else if (currentResult == 'UNSTABLE') {
  1001. currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
  1002. unstable(message: "UNSTABLE: ${currentException}")
  1003. }
  1004. }
  1005. }
  1006. // Used in CreateBuildJobs() to preprocess the build_job steps to programmatically create
  1007. // Node sections with a set of steps that can run on that node.
  1008. class PipeStepJobData {
  1009. String m_nodeLabel = ""
  1010. def m_steps = []
  1011. PipeStepJobData(String label) {
  1012. this.m_nodeLabel = label
  1013. }
  1014. def addStep(def step) {
  1015. this.m_steps.add(step)
  1016. }
  1017. }
  1018. def CreateBuildJobs(Map pipelineConfig, def platform, def build_job, Map envVars, String branchName, String pipelineName, String repositoryName, String projectName) {
  1019. // if this is a pipeline, split jobs based on the NODE_LABEL
  1020. if(build_job.value.steps) {
  1021. def defaultLabel = envVars['NODE_LABEL']
  1022. def lastNodeLabel = ""
  1023. def jobList = []
  1024. def currentIdx = -1;
  1025. // iterate the steps to build the order of node label + steps sets.
  1026. // Order matters, as it is executed from first to last.
  1027. // example layout.
  1028. // node A
  1029. // step 1
  1030. // step 2
  1031. // node B
  1032. // step 3
  1033. // node C
  1034. // step 4
  1035. build_job.value.steps.each { build_step ->
  1036. //if node label defined
  1037. if(platform.value.build_types[build_step] && platform.value.build_types[build_step].PIPELINE_ENV &&
  1038. platform.value.build_types[build_step].PIPELINE_ENV['NODE_LABEL']) {
  1039. //if the last node label doesn't match the new one, append it.
  1040. if(platform.value.build_types[build_step].PIPELINE_ENV['NODE_LABEL'] != lastNodeLabel) {
  1041. lastNodeLabel = platform.value.build_types[build_step].PIPELINE_ENV['NODE_LABEL']
  1042. jobList.add(new PipeStepJobData(lastNodeLabel))
  1043. currentIdx++
  1044. }
  1045. }
  1046. //no label define, so it needs to run on the default node label
  1047. else if(lastNodeLabel != defaultLabel) { //if the last node is not the default, append default
  1048. lastNodeLabel = defaultLabel
  1049. jobList.add(new PipeStepJobData(lastNodeLabel))
  1050. currentIdx++
  1051. }
  1052. //add the build_step to the current node
  1053. jobList[currentIdx].addStep(build_step)
  1054. }
  1055. return {
  1056. jobList.eachWithIndex{ element, idx ->
  1057. //update the node label + steps to the discovered data
  1058. envVars['NODE_LABEL'] = element.m_nodeLabel
  1059. build_job.value.steps = element.m_steps
  1060. //no any additional nodes just mount the drive, do not handle clean parameters as that will be done by the first node.
  1061. boolean onlyMountEBSVolume = idx != 0;
  1062. //add this node
  1063. CreateSingleNode(pipelineConfig, platform, build_job, envVars, branchName, pipelineName, repositoryName, projectName, onlyMountEBSVolume).call()
  1064. }
  1065. }
  1066. } else {
  1067. return CreateSingleNode(pipelineConfig, platform, build_job, envVars, branchName, pipelineName, repositoryName, projectName)
  1068. }
  1069. }
  1070. def projectName = ''
  1071. def pipelineName = ''
  1072. def branchName = ''
  1073. def pipelineConfig = {}
  1074. // Start Pipeline
  1075. try {
  1076. timeout(time: PIPELINE_TIMEOUT, unit: 'MINUTES', activity: true) {
  1077. stage('Setup Pipeline') {
  1078. node('controller') {
  1079. def envVarList = []
  1080. if(isUnix()) {
  1081. envVarList.add('IS_UNIX=1')
  1082. }
  1083. withEnv(envVarList) {
  1084. timestamps {
  1085. repositoryUrl = scm.getUserRemoteConfigs()[0].getUrl()
  1086. // repositoryName is the full repository name
  1087. repositoryName = (repositoryUrl =~ /https:\/\/(.+)\/(.+)\.git/)[0][1]
  1088. env.REPOSITORY_NAME = repositoryName
  1089. (projectName, pipelineName) = GetRunningPipelineName(env.JOB_NAME) // env.JOB_NAME is the name of the job given by Jenkins
  1090. env.PIPELINE_NAME = pipelineName
  1091. if(env.BRANCH_NAME) {
  1092. branchName = env.BRANCH_NAME
  1093. } else {
  1094. branchName = scm.branches[0].name // for non-multibranch pipelines
  1095. env.BRANCH_NAME = branchName // so scripts that read this environment have it (e.g.
  1096. }
  1097. if(env.CHANGE_TARGET) {
  1098. // PR builds
  1099. if(BUILD_SNAPSHOTS.contains(env.CHANGE_TARGET)) {
  1100. snapshot = env.CHANGE_TARGET
  1101. echo "Snapshot for destination branch \"${env.CHANGE_TARGET}\" found."
  1102. } else {
  1103. snapshot = DEFAULT_BUILD_SNAPSHOT
  1104. echo "Snapshot for destination branch \"${env.CHANGE_TARGET}\" does not exist, defaulting to snapshot \"${snapshot}\""
  1105. }
  1106. } else {
  1107. // Non-PR builds
  1108. pipelineParameters.add(choice(name: 'SNAPSHOT', choices: BUILD_SNAPSHOTS_WITH_EMPTY, description: 'Selects the build snapshot to use. A more diverted snapshot will cause longer build times, but will not cause build failures.'))
  1109. snapshot = env.SNAPSHOT
  1110. echo "Snapshot \"${snapshot}\" selected."
  1111. }
  1112. pipelineProperties.add(disableConcurrentBuilds())
  1113. echo "Running repository: \"${repositoryName}\", pipeline: \"${pipelineName}\", branch: \"${branchName}\", CHANGE_ID: \"${env.CHANGE_ID}\", GIT_COMMMIT: \"${scm.GIT_COMMIT}\"..."
  1114. CheckoutEngineBootstrapScripts(branchName, scm.userRemoteConfigs)
  1115. // Stash any project based build configs
  1116. stash name: "${COMMIT_REPOSITORY_NAME}-scripts", includes: "scripts/build/**", allowEmpty: true
  1117. // Project or external repos may not have the bootstrapping scripts. For these cases, pull the bootstrap scripts from the engine repo at the default branch
  1119. echo "No bootstrap scripts found in ${SCRIPTS_PATH} or working repo is not the engine repo, downloading it from the engine repo at ${ENGINE_DEVELOPMENT_BRANCH}"
  1120. CheckoutEngineBootstrapScripts(ENGINE_DEVELOPMENT_BRANCH)
  1121. }
  1122. unstash "${COMMIT_REPOSITORY_NAME}-scripts"
  1123. // Load configs
  1124. pipelineConfig = LoadPipelineConfig(pipelineName, branchName)
  1125. // Add each platform as a parameter that the user can disable if needed
  1126. if (!IsPullRequest(branchName) || IsPeriodicPipeline(pipelineName)) {
  1127. pipelineParameters.add(stringParam(defaultValue: '', description: 'Filters and overrides the list of jobs to run for each of the below platforms (comma-separated). Can\'t be used during a pull request.', name: 'JOB_LIST_OVERRIDE'))
  1128. pipelineParameters.add(stringParam(defaultValue: '', description: 'Name of the project to build. Overrides default project', name: 'PROJECT_OVERRIDE'))
  1129. pipelineParameters.add(booleanParam(defaultValue: false, description: 'Upload build artifacts to S3.', name: 'UPLOAD_BUILD_ARTIFACTS'),)
  1130. pipelineParameters.add(stringParam(defaultValue: '', description: 'Additional S3SIS upload parameters, for example, use --include or --exclude to specify the files to be uploaded.', name: 'S3SIS_UPLOAD_PARAMS'))
  1131. pipelineConfig.platforms.each { platform ->
  1132. pipelineParameters.add(booleanParam(defaultValue: true, description: '', name: platform.key))
  1133. }
  1134. }
  1135. // Add additional Jenkins parameters
  1136. pipelineConfig.platforms.each { platform ->
  1137. platformEnv = platform.value.PIPELINE_ENV
  1138. pipelineJenkinsParameters = platformEnv['PIPELINE_JENKINS_PARAMETERS'] ?: [:]
  1139. jenkinsParametersToAdd = pipelineJenkinsParameters[pipelineName] ?: [:]
  1140. jenkinsParametersToAdd.each{ jenkinsParameter ->
  1141. defaultValue = jenkinsParameter['default_value']
  1142. // Use last run's value as default value so we can save values in different Jenkins environment
  1143. if (jenkinsParameter['use_last_run_value']?.toBoolean()) {
  1144. defaultValue = params."${jenkinsParameter['parameter_name']}" ?: jenkinsParameter['default_value']
  1145. }
  1146. switch (jenkinsParameter['parameter_type']) {
  1147. case 'string':
  1148. pipelineParameters.add(stringParam(defaultValue: defaultValue,
  1149. description: jenkinsParameter['description'],
  1150. name: jenkinsParameter['parameter_name']
  1151. ))
  1152. break
  1153. case 'boolean':
  1154. pipelineParameters.add(booleanParam(defaultValue: defaultValue,
  1155. description: jenkinsParameter['description'],
  1156. name: jenkinsParameter['parameter_name']
  1157. ))
  1158. break
  1159. case 'password':
  1160. pipelineParameters.add(password(defaultValue: defaultValue,
  1161. description: jenkinsParameter['description'],
  1162. name: jenkinsParameter['parameter_name']
  1163. ))
  1164. break
  1165. }
  1166. }
  1167. }
  1168. pipelineProperties.add(parameters(pipelineParameters.unique()))
  1169. properties(pipelineProperties)
  1170. // Stash the INCREMENTAL_BUILD_SCRIPT_PATH and EBS_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_PATH since all nodes will use it
  1171. stash name: 'incremental_build_script',
  1173. if (fileExists(EBS_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_PATH)) {
  1174. stash name: 'ebs_snapshot_script',
  1175. includes: EBS_SNAPSHOT_SCRIPT_PATH
  1176. }
  1177. }
  1178. }
  1179. }
  1180. }
  1181. if(env.BUILD_NUMBER == '1') {
  1182. // Exit pipeline early on the initial build. This allows Jenkins to load the pipeline for the branch and enables users
  1183. // to select build parameters on their first actual build. See
  1184. if (!IsPullRequest(branchName)) {
  1185. currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
  1186. return
  1187. }
  1188. else if (IsPeriodicPipeline(pipelineName)) {
  1189. currentBuild.result = 'NOT_BUILT'
  1190. return
  1191. }
  1192. }
  1193. def someBuildHappened = false
  1194. // Build and Post-Build Testing Stage
  1195. def buildConfigs = [:]
  1196. // Platform Builds run on EC2
  1197. pipelineConfig.platforms.each { platform ->
  1198. platform.value.build_types.each { build_job ->
  1199. if (IsJobEnabled(branchName, build_job, pipelineName, platform.key)) { // User can filter jobs, jobs are tagged by pipeline
  1200. def envVars = GetBuildEnvVars(platform.value.PIPELINE_ENV ?: EMPTY_JSON, build_job.value.PIPELINE_ENV ?: EMPTY_JSON, pipelineName)
  1201. envVars['JENKINS_JOB_NAME'] = env.JOB_NAME // Save original Jenkins job name to JENKINS_JOB_NAME
  1202. envVars['JOB_NAME'] = "${branchName}_${platform.key}_${build_job.key}" // backwards compatibility, some scripts rely on this
  1203. someBuildHappened = true
  1204. buildConfigs["${platform.key} [${build_job.key}]"] = CreateBuildJobs(pipelineConfig, platform, build_job, envVars, branchName, pipelineName, repositoryName, projectName)
  1205. }
  1206. }
  1207. }
  1208. timestamps {
  1209. stage('Build') {
  1210. if (params.FAIL_FAST) {
  1211. echo "Fail fast option enabled"
  1212. buildConfigs.failFast = true
  1213. }
  1214. parallel buildConfigs // Run parallel builds
  1215. }
  1216. echo 'All builds successful'
  1217. }
  1218. if (!someBuildHappened) {
  1219. currentBuild.result = 'NOT_BUILT'
  1220. }
  1221. if("${currentBuild.currentResult}" == "SUCCESS" && IsPeriodicPipeline(pipelineName) && IsPullRequest(branchName)) {
  1222. currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
  1223. currentBuild.description = 'Builds succeeded but regular PR run is required to merge the PR.'
  1224. }
  1225. }
  1226. }
  1227. catch(Exception e) {
  1228. error "Exception: ${e}"
  1229. }
  1230. finally {
  1231. try {
  1232. node('controller') {
  1233. if("${currentBuild.currentResult}" == "SUCCESS") {
  1234. buildFailure = ""
  1235. emailBody = "${BUILD_URL}\nSuccess!"
  1236. } else {
  1237. buildFailure = tm('${BUILD_FAILURE_ANALYZER}')
  1238. emailBody = "${BUILD_URL}\n${buildFailure}!"
  1239. }
  1240. if(env.POST_AR_BUILD_SNS_TOPIC) {
  1241. message_json = [
  1242. "build_url": env.BUILD_URL,
  1243. "build_number": env.BUILD_NUMBER,
  1244. "repository_name": env.REPOSITORY_NAME,
  1245. "branch_name": env.BRANCH_NAME,
  1246. "pipeline_name": GetRunningPipelineName(env.JOB_NAME)[1],
  1247. "full_pipeline_name": env.JOB_NAME,
  1248. "build_result": "${currentBuild.currentResult}",
  1249. "build_failure": buildFailure,
  1250. "recreate_volume": env.RECREATE_VOLUME,
  1251. "clean_output_directory": env.CLEAN_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY,
  1252. "clean_assets": env.CLEAN_ASSETS,
  1253. "fail_fast": env.FAIL_FAST,
  1254. "project_name": env.CMAKE_LY_PROJECTS
  1255. ]
  1256. snsPublish(
  1257. topicArn: env.POST_AR_BUILD_SNS_TOPIC,
  1258. subject:'Build Result',
  1259. message:JsonOutput.toJson(message_json)
  1260. )
  1261. }
  1262. emailext (
  1263. body: "${emailBody}",
  1264. subject: "${currentBuild.currentResult}: ${JOB_NAME} - Build # ${BUILD_NUMBER}",
  1265. recipientProviders: [
  1266. [$class: 'RequesterRecipientProvider']
  1267. ]
  1268. )
  1269. }
  1270. } catch(Exception e) {
  1271. }
  1272. }