123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579 |
- #
- # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- #
- #
- import datetime
- import logging
- import os
- import json
- import platform
- import subprocess
- import sys
- import time
- import pathlib
- import shutil
- # Resolve the common python module
- ROOT_DEV_PATH = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..', '..', '..'))
- if ROOT_DEV_PATH not in sys.path:
- sys.path.append(ROOT_DEV_PATH)
- from cmake.Tools import common
- from cmake.Tools.Platform.Android import android_support
- # The following is the list of known android external storage paths that we will attempt to verify on a device and
- # return the first one that is detected
- '/sdcard/',
- '/storage/emulated/0/',
- '/storage/emulated/legacy/',
- '/storage/sdcard0/',
- '/storage/self/primary/',
- ]
- class AndroidDeployment(object):
- """
- Class to manage the deployment of game assets to an android device (Separately from the APK)
- """
- def __init__(self, dev_root, build_dir, configuration, android_device_filter, clean_deploy, android_sdk_path, deployment_type, game_name=None, asset_mode=None, asset_type=None, embedded_assets=True, is_unit_test=False, kill_adb_server=False):
- """
- Initialize the Android Deployment Worker
- :param dev_root: The dev-root of the engine
- :param android_device_filter: An optional list of devices to filter on the connected devices to deploy to. If not supplied, deploy to all devices
- :param clean_deploy: Option to clean the target device's assets before deploying the game's assets from the host
- :param android_sdk_path: Path to the android SDK (to use the adb tool)
- :param deployment_type: The type of deployment (DEPLOY_APK_ONLY, DEPLOY_ASSETS_ONLY, or DEPLOY_BOTH)
- :param game_name: The name of the game whose assets are being deployed. None if is_test_project is True
- :param asset_mode: The asset mode of deployment (LOOSE, PAK, VFS). None if is_test_project is True
- :param asset_type: The asset type. None if is_test_project is True
- :param embedded_assets: Boolean to indicate if the assets are embedded in the APK or not
- :param is_unit_test: Boolean to indicate if this is a unit test deployment
- :param kill_adb_server: Boolean to indicate if it should kill adb server at the end of deployment
- """
- self.dev_root = pathlib.Path(dev_root)
- self.build_dir = self.dev_root / build_dir
- self.configuration = configuration
- self.game_name = game_name
- self.asset_mode = asset_mode
- self.asset_type = asset_type
- self.clean_deploy = clean_deploy
- self.embedded_assets = embedded_assets
- self.deployment_type = deployment_type
- self.is_test_project = is_unit_test
- self.kill_adb_server = kill_adb_server
- if self.embedded_assets:
- if self.deployment_type == AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_ASSETS_ONLY:
- raise common.LmbrCmdError(f"Deployment type {deployment_type} set but the assets are embedded in the APK. To deploy assets, build the APK again.")
- # If assets are embedded in the APK then deploying both (apk and assets) just means deploy the APK.
- if self.deployment_type == AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_BOTH:
- self.deployment_type = AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_APK_ONLY
- if not self.is_test_project:
- if asset_mode == 'PAK':
- self.local_asset_path = self.dev_root / 'Pak' / f'{game_name.lower()}_{asset_type}_paks'
- else:
- # Assets layout folder when assets are not included into APK is 'app/src/assets'
- self.local_asset_path = self.build_dir / 'app/src/assets'
- assert game_name is not None, f"'game_name' is required"
- self.game_name = game_name
- assert asset_mode is not None, f"'asset_mode' is required"
- self.asset_mode = asset_mode
- assert asset_type is not None, f"'asset_type' is required"
- self.asset_type = asset_type
- self.files_in_asset_path = list(self.local_asset_path.glob('**/*'))
- self.android_settings = AndroidDeployment.read_android_settings(self.dev_root, game_name)
- else:
- self.local_asset_path = None
- if asset_mode:
- logging.warning(f"'asset_mode' argument '{asset_mode}' ignored for unit test deployment.")
- if asset_type:
- logging.warning(f"'asset_type' argument '{asset_type}' ignored for unit test deployment.")
- self.files_in_asset_path = []
- self.apk_path = self.build_dir / 'app' / 'build' / 'outputs' / 'apk' / configuration / f'app-{configuration}.apk'
- self.android_device_filter = [android_device.strip() for android_device in android_device_filter.split(',')] if android_device_filter else []
- self.adb_path = AndroidDeployment.resolve_adb_tool(pathlib.Path(android_sdk_path))
- self.adb_started = False
- @staticmethod
- def read_android_settings(dev_root, game_name):
- """
- Read and parse the android_project.json file into a dictionary to process the specific attributes needed for the manifest template
- :param dev_root: The dev root we are working from
- :param game_name: Name of the game under the dev root
- :return: The android settings for the game project if any
- """
- game_folder = dev_root / game_name
- game_folder_project_properties_path = game_folder / 'Platform' / 'Android' / 'android_project.json'
- game_project_properties_content = game_folder_project_properties_path.resolve(strict=True)\
- .read_text(encoding=common.DEFAULT_TEXT_READ_ENCODING,
- # Extract the key attributes we need to process and build up our environment table
- game_project_json = json.loads(game_project_properties_content)
- android_settings = game_project_json.get('android_settings', {})
- return android_settings
- @staticmethod
- def resolve_adb_tool(android_sdk_path):
- """
- Resolve the location of the adb tool, first check if the system can
- find one, otherwise look for it based on the input Android SDK Path.
- :param android_sdk_path: The android SDK path to search for the adb tool
- :return: The absolute path to the adb tool
- """
- adb_target = shutil.which('adb')
- if adb_target:
- return pathlib.Path(adb_target)
- else:
- adb_target = 'adb.exe' if platform.system() == 'Windows' else 'adb'
- check_adb_target = android_sdk_path / 'platform-tools' / adb_target
- if not check_adb_target.exists():
- raise common.LmbrCmdError(f"Invalid Android SDK path '{str(android_sdk_path)}': Unable to locate '{adb_target}'.")
- return check_adb_target
- def get_android_project_settings(self, key_name, default_value):
- return self.android_settings.get(key_name, default_value)
- def adb_call(self, arg_list, device_id=None):
- """
- Wrapper to execute the adb command-line tool
- :param arg_list: Argument list to send to the tool
- :param device_id: Optional device id (from the 'get_target_android_devices' call) to invoke the call to.
- :return: The stdout result of the call
- """
- if isinstance(arg_list, str):
- arg_list = [arg_list]
- call_arguments = [str(self.adb_path.resolve())]
- if device_id:
- call_arguments.extend(['-s', device_id])
- call_arguments.extend(arg_list)
- logging.debug(f"adb command: {subprocess.list2cmdline(call_arguments)}")
- try:
- output = subprocess.check_output(subprocess.list2cmdline(call_arguments),
- shell=True,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE).decode(common.DEFAULT_TEXT_READ_ENCODING,
- logging.debug(f"adb output:\n{output}")
- return output
- except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
- std_out = err.stdout.decode(common.DEFAULT_TEXT_READ_ENCODING, common.ENCODING_ERROR_HANDLINGS)
- std_err = err.stderr.decode(common.DEFAULT_TEXT_READ_ENCODING, common.ENCODING_ERROR_HANDLINGS)
- logging.debug(f"adb returned non-zero.\noutput:\n{std_out}\nerror:\n{std_err}\n")
- raise common.LmbrCmdError(std_err)
- def adb_shell(self, command, device_id):
- """
- Special wrapper around calling "adb shell" which will invoke a shell command on the android device
- :param command: The shell command to invoke on the android device
- :param device_id: The device id (from the 'get_target_android_devices' call) to invoke the shell call on
- :return: The stdout result of the call
- """
- shell_command = ['shell', command]
- return self.adb_call(shell_command, device_id=device_id)
- def adb_ls(self, path, device_id, args=None):
- """
- Request an 'ls' call on the android device
- :param path: The path to perform the 'ls' call on
- :param device_id: device id (from the 'get_target_android_devices' call) to invoke the shell call on
- :param args: Additional args to pass into the l'ls' call
- :return: Tuple of Boolean result of the call and the output of the call
- """
- error_messages = [
- 'No such file or directory',
- 'Permission denied'
- ]
- shell_command = ['ls']
- if args:
- shell_command.extend(args)
- shell_command.append(path)
- raw_output = self.adb_shell(command=' '.join(shell_command),
- device_id=device_id)
- if not raw_output:
- return False, None
- if raw_output is None or any([error for error in error_messages if error in raw_output]):
- status = False
- else:
- status = True
- return status, raw_output
- def get_target_android_devices(self):
- """
- Gets all of the connected android devices with adb, filtered by the set optional device filter
- :return: list of serial numbers of optionally filtered connected devices.
- """
- connected_devices = []
- # Call adb to get the device list and process the raw response
- raw_devices_output = self.adb_call("devices")
- if not raw_devices_output:
- raise common.LmbrCmdError("Error getting connected devices through adb")
- device_output_list = raw_devices_output.split(os.linesep)
- for device_output in device_output_list:
- if any(x in device_output for x in ['List', '*']):
- logging.debug(f"Skipping the following line as it has 'List', '*' or 'emulator' in it: {device_output}")
- continue
- device_serial = device_output.split()
- if device_serial:
- if 'unauthorized' in device_output.lower():
- logging.warning(f"Device {device_serial[0]} is not authorized for development access. Please reconnect the device and check for a confirmation dialog.")
- elif device_serial[0] in self.android_device_filter or not self.android_device_filter:
- connected_devices.append(device_serial[0])
- else:
- logging.debug(f"Skipping filtered out Device {device_serial[0]} .")
- if not connected_devices:
- raise common.LmbrCmdError("No connected android devices found")
- return connected_devices
- def check_known_android_paths(self, device_id):
- """
- Look for a known android path that is writeable and return the first one that is found
- :param device_id: The device id (from the 'get_target_android_devices' call) to invoke the shell call on
- :return: The first available android path if found, None if not
- """
- logging.debug(f"Checking known path '{path}' on device '{device_id}'")
- # Test the path by performing an 'ls' call on it and checking if an error is returned from the result
- result, output = self.adb_ls(path=path,
- args=None,
- device_id=device_id)
- if result:
- return path[:-1]
- return None
- def detect_device_storage_path(self, device_id):
- """
- Uses the device's environment variable "EXTERNAL_STORAGE" to determine the correct
- path to public storage that has write permissions. If at any point does the env var
- validation fail, fallback to checking known possible paths to external storage.
- :param device_id:
- :return: The first available storage device
- """
- external_storage = self.adb_shell(command="set | grep EXTERNAL_STORAGE",
- device_id=device_id)
- if not external_storage:
- logging.debug(f"Unable to get 'EXTERNAL_STORAGE' environment from device '{device_id}'. Falling back to known android paths.")
- return self.check_known_android_paths(device_id)
- # Given the 'EXTERNAL_STORAGE' environment, parse out the value and validate it
- storage_path_key_value = external_storage.split('=')
- if len(storage_path_key_value) != 2:
- logging.debug(f"The value for 'EXTERNAL_STORAGE' environment from device '{device_id}' does not represent a valid key-value pair: {storage_path_key_value}. Falling back to known android paths")
- return self.check_known_android_paths(device_id)
- # Check the existence and permissions issue of the storage path
- storage_path = storage_path_key_value[1].strip()
- is_external_valid, _ = self.adb_ls(path=storage_path,
- device_id=device_id)
- if is_external_valid:
- return storage_path
- # The set external path has an issue, attempt to determine its real path through an adb shell call
- logging.debug(f"The path specified in EXTERNAL_STORAGE seems to have permission issues, attempting to resolve with realpath for device {device_id}.")
- real_path = self.adb_shell(command=f'realpath {storage_path}',
- device_id=device_id)
- if not real_path:
- logging.debug(f"Unable to determine the real path '{storage_path}' (from EXTERNAL_STORAGE) for {self.game_name} on device {device_id}. Falling back to known android paths")
- return self.check_known_android_paths(device_id)
- real_path = real_path.strip()
- is_external_valid, _ = self.adb_ls(path=real_path,
- device_id=device_id)
- if is_external_valid:
- return real_path
- logging.debug(f'Unable to validate the resolved EXTERNAL_STORAGE environment variable path for device {device_id}.')
- return self.check_known_android_paths(device_id)
- def get_device_file_timestamp(self, remote_file_path, device_id):
- """
- Get the integer timestamp value of a file from a given device.
- :param remote_file_path: The path to the timestamp file on the android device
- :param device_id: The device id (from the 'get_target_android_devices' call) to invoke the shell call on
- :return: The time value if found, None if not
- """
- try:
- timestamp_string = self.adb_shell(command=f'cat {remote_file_path}',
- device_id=device_id).strip()
- except (common.LmbrCmdError, AttributeError):
- return None
- if not timestamp_string:
- return None
- for fmt in ('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f'):
- try:
- target_time = time.mktime(time.strptime(timestamp_string, fmt))
- break
- except ValueError:
- target_time = None
- return target_time
- def update_device_file_timestamp(self, relative_assets_path, device_id):
- """
- Update the device timestamp file on an android device to track files that need updating on pushes
- :param relative_assets_path: The relative path to the assets on the android device
- :param device_id: The device id (from the 'get_target_android_devices' call) to invoke the shell call on
- """
- timestamp_str = str(datetime.datetime.now())
- logging.debug(f"Updating timestamp on device {device_id} to {timestamp_str}")
- local_timestamp_file_path = self.local_asset_path / ANDROID_TARGET_TIMESTAMP_FILENAME
- local_timestamp_file_path.write_text(timestamp_str)
- target_timestamp_file_path = f'{relative_assets_path}/{ANDROID_TARGET_TIMESTAMP_FILENAME}'
- self.adb_call(arg_list=['push', str(local_timestamp_file_path), target_timestamp_file_path],
- device_id=device_id)
- @staticmethod
- def should_copy_file(check_path, check_time):
- """
- Check if a source file should be copied, by checking if its timestamp is newer than the 'check_time'
- :param check_path: The path to the source file whose timestamp will be evaluated
- :param check_time: The baseline 'check_time' value to compare the source file timestamp against
- :return: True if the source file is newer than the baseline 'check_time', False if not
- """
- if not check_path.is_file():
- return False
- stat_src = check_path.stat()
- should_copy = stat_src.st_mtime >= check_time
- return should_copy
- def check_package_installed(self, package_name, target_device):
- """
- Checks if the package for the game is currently installed or not
- @param package_name: The name of the package to search for
- @param target_device: The target device to search for the package on
- @return: True if there an existing package on the device with the same package name, false if not
- """
- output_result = self.adb_call(['shell', 'cmd', 'package', 'list', 'packages', package_name],
- target_device)
- return output_result != ''
- def install_apk_to_device(self, target_device):
- """
- Install the APK to a target device
- @param target_device: The device id of the connected device to install to
- """
- if self.is_test_project:
- android_package_name = android_support.TEST_RUNNER_PACKAGE_NAME
- else:
- android_package_name = self.get_android_project_settings(key_name='package_name',
- default_value='org.o3de.sdk')
- if self.clean_deploy and self.check_package_installed(android_package_name, target_device):
- logging.info(f"Device '{target_device}': Uninstalling pre-existing APK for {self.game_name} ...")
- self.adb_call(arg_list=['uninstall', android_package_name],
- device_id=target_device)
- logging.info(f"Device '{target_device}': Installing APK for {self.game_name} ...")
- self.adb_call(arg_list=['install', '-t', '-r', str(self.apk_path.resolve())],
- device_id=target_device)
- def path_exists_on_device(self, path, device_id):
- try:
- result, _ = self.adb_ls(path=path,
- args=None,
- device_id=device_id)
- return result
- except (common.LmbrCmdError, AttributeError):
- return False
- def create_path_on_device(self, path, device_id):
- if not self.path_exists_on_device(path, device_id):
- self.adb_shell(command=f'mkdir {path}', device_id=device_id)
- def install_assets_to_device(self, detected_storage, target_device):
- """
- Install the assets for the game to a target device
- @param detected_storage: The detected storage path on the target device
- @param target_device: The ID of the target device
- """
- assert not self.is_test_project
- android_package_name = self.get_android_project_settings(key_name='package_name',
- default_value='org.o3de.sdk')
- output_package = f'{detected_storage}/Android/data/{android_package_name}'
- output_target = f'{output_package}/files'
- device_timestamp_file = f'{output_target}/{ANDROID_TARGET_TIMESTAMP_FILENAME}'
- # Track the current timestamp if possible to see if we can incrementally push files rather
- # than always pushing all files
- target_timestamp = self.get_device_file_timestamp(remote_file_path=device_timestamp_file,
- device_id=target_device)
- if self.clean_deploy:
- logging.info(f"Device '{target_device}': Cleaning target assets before deployment...")
- self.adb_shell(command=f'rm -rf {output_target}',
- device_id=target_device)
- logging.info(f"Device '{target_device}': Target cleaned.")
- # On certain devices pushing files with adb fails with 'remote secure_mkdirs failed' error.
- # Creating all dirs first on target to surpass the issue.
- self.create_path_on_device(output_package, device_id=target_device)
- self.create_path_on_device(output_target, device_id=target_device)
- for asset_path in self.files_in_asset_path:
- if asset_path.is_dir():
- relative_path = asset_path.relative_to(self.local_asset_path).as_posix()
- target_path = f"{output_target}/{relative_path}"
- self.create_path_on_device(target_path, device_id=target_device)
- if self.clean_deploy or not target_timestamp:
- logging.info(f"Device '{target_device}': Pushing {len(self.files_in_asset_path)} files from {str(self.local_asset_path)} to device {output_target} ...")
- try:
- # '/.' is necessary in the source path to not copy folder 'assets' to destination, but its content.
- self.adb_call(arg_list=['push', f'{str(self.local_asset_path)}/.', output_target],
- device_id=target_device)
- except common.LmbrCmdError as err:
- # Something went wrong, clean up before leaving
- self.adb_shell(command=f'rm -rf {output_target}',
- device_id=target_device)
- raise err
- else:
- # If no clean was specified, individually inspect all files to see if it needs to be updated
- files_to_copy = []
- for asset_file in self.files_in_asset_path:
- # TODO: Check if the target exists in the destination as well?
- if AndroidDeployment.should_copy_file(asset_file, target_timestamp):
- files_to_copy.append(asset_file)
- if len(files_to_copy) > 0:
- logging.info(f"Copying {len(files_to_copy)} assets to device {target_device}")
- for src_path in files_to_copy:
- relative_path = src_path.relative_to(self.local_asset_path).as_posix()
- target_path = f"{output_target}/{relative_path}"
- self.adb_call(arg_list=['push', str(src_path), target_path],
- device_id=target_device)
- self.update_device_file_timestamp(relative_assets_path=output_target,
- device_id=target_device)
- def execute(self):
- """
- Execute the asset deployment
- """
- if self.is_test_project:
- if not self.apk_path.is_file():
- raise common.LmbrCmdError(f"Missing apk for {android_support.TEST_RUNNER_PROJECT} ({str(self.apk_path)}). Make sure it is built and is set as a signed APK.")
- else:
- if self.deployment_type in (AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_APK_ONLY, AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_BOTH):
- if not self.apk_path.is_file():
- raise common.LmbrCmdError(f"Missing apk for game {self.game_name} ({str(self.apk_path)}). Make sure it is built and is set as a signed APK.")
- if self.deployment_type in (AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_ASSETS_ONLY, AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_BOTH):
- if not self.local_asset_path.is_dir():
- raise common.LmbrCmdError(f"Missing {self.asset_type} assets for game {self.game_name} .")
- try:
- logging.debug("Starting ADB Server")
- self.adb_call('start-server')
- self.adb_started = True
- # Get the list of target devices to deploy to
- target_devices = self.get_target_android_devices()
- if not target_devices:
- raise common.LmbrCmdError("No connected and eligible android devices found")
- for target_device in target_devices:
- detected_storage = self.detect_device_storage_path(target_device)
- if not detected_storage:
- logging.warning(f"Unable to resolve storage path for device '{target_device}'. Skipping.")
- continue
- if self.is_test_project:
- # If this is the unit test runner, then only install the APK, assets are not applicable
- self.install_apk_to_device(target_device=target_device)
- else:
- # Otherwise install the apk and assets based on the deployment type
- if self.deployment_type in (AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_APK_ONLY, AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_BOTH):
- self.install_apk_to_device(target_device=target_device)
- if self.deployment_type in (AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_ASSETS_ONLY, AndroidDeployment.DEPLOY_BOTH):
- # Make sure the APK is installed first
- android_package_name = self.get_android_project_settings(key_name='package_name',
- default_value='org.o3de.sdk')
- if not self.check_package_installed(package_name=android_package_name,
- target_device=target_device):
- raise common.LmbrCmdError(f"Unable to locate APK for {self.game_name} on device '{target_device}'. Make sure it is installed "
- f"first before installing the assets.")
- self.install_assets_to_device(detected_storage=detected_storage,
- target_device=target_device)
- logging.info(f"{self.game_name} deployed to device {target_device}")
- finally:
- if self.adb_started and self.kill_adb_server:
- self.adb_call('kill-server')