123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731 |
- # coding:utf-8
- #!/usr/bin/python
- #
- # Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
- # For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
- #
- # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
- #
- #
- # -- This line is 75 characters -------------------------------------------
- from __future__ import unicode_literals
- """
- Module Description:
- DccScriptingInterface\\azpy\\shared\\synthetic_env.py
- Stands up a synthetic version of the environment in:
- DccScriptingInterface\\Launchers\\windows\\Env.bat
- DccScriptingInterface a.k.a. DCCsi
- This module (softly) assumes that the cwd is the DCCsi
- AND that you can get access to imports from azpy
- The configures a synthetic version of the default DCCsi env,
- which includes additional code access paths and some other settings.
- It does not assume that the external environment is configured.
- It provides best guess defaults for the environment (when they are not set.)
- It will not overwrite the envars that are configured.
- To do this, it uses the pattern:
- _SOME_ENVAR = os.getenv('ENVAR_TAG', <default>)
- The environment is conveniently packed into a dictionary,
- this allows the dictionary to be imported into another module,
- the import will resolve and standup the synthetic environment.
- Configures several useful environment config settings and paths,
- [key] : [value]
- # this is the required base environment
- O3DE_PROJECT : name of project (project directory)
- O3DE_DEV : path to Lumberyard \dev root
- PATH_O3DE_PROJECT : path to project dir
- PATH_DCCSIG : path to the DCCsi Gem root
- PATH_DCCSI_TOOLS : path to associated (non-api code) DCC SDK
- # nice to haves in base env to define core support
- DCCSI_GDEBUG : sets global debug prints
- DCCSI_DEV_MODE : extends support like early debugger attachment
- DCCSI_GDEBUGGER : default debugger (WING)
- DCCsi has been (experimentally) tested with : PY27, PY37
- - py27 for DCC tools like Maya
- - py37 for Lumberyard
- - it probably will work with 3.6 (substance)
- :: Default version py37 has a launcher
- (activates the env, starts py interpreter)
- :: shared location for 64bit python 3.10 BASE location
- :: Override DCCSI_PY_DCCSI to set a default version for the DCCsi
- :: ide and debugger plugs
- :: for instance with WingIDE this defines using the default py interpreter
- ::Other python runtimes can be defined, for py27 we use this
- :: shared location for 64bit DCCSI_PY_MAYA python 2.7 DEV location
- set DCCSI_PY_MAYA=%MAYA_LOCATION%\bin\mayapy.exe
- :: wingIDE can use more then one defined/managed interpreters
- :: allowing you to _DCCSI_GDEBUG code in multiple runtimes in one session
- # related to the WING as the default DCCSI_GDEBUGGER
- DCCSI_WING_VERSION_MAJOR : the major version of Wing IDE (default IDE)
- DCCSI_WING_VERSION_MINOR : minor version #
- WINGHOME : path for wing (for debug) integration
- The default IDE and debugger is WING primarily because of author preference.
- Other options are available to configure out-of-the-box (PyCharm)
- """
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # built in's
- import os
- import sys
- import site
- import re
- import inspect
- import json
- import importlib.util
- import logging as _logging
- from collections import OrderedDict
- # Lumberyard and Atom standalone should be launched in py3.7+
- # because of use of pathlib (unless externally provided in py2.7)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- os.environ['PYTHONINSPECT'] = 'True'
- _MODULE_PATH = os.path.realpath(__file__) # To Do: what if frozen?
- _PATH_DCCSIG = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(_MODULE_PATH, '../..'))
- site.addsitedir(_PATH_DCCSIG)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # O3DE extensions
- from pathlib import Path
- # set up global space, logging etc.
- import azpy.env_bool as env_bool
- from azpy.constants import ENVAR_DCCSI_GDEBUG
- from azpy.constants import ENVAR_DCCSI_DEV_MODE
- from azpy.constants import FRMT_LOG_LONG
- _DCCSI_GDEBUG = env_bool.env_bool(ENVAR_DCCSI_GDEBUG, False)
- _DCCSI_DEV_MODE = env_bool.env_bool(ENVAR_DCCSI_DEV_MODE, False)
- _PACKAGENAME = 'DCCsi.azpy.synthetic_env'
- # set up module logging
- for handler in _logging.root.handlers[:]:
- _logging.root.removeHandler(handler)
- _LOGGER = _logging.getLogger(_PACKAGENAME)
- _logging.basicConfig(format=FRMT_LOG_LONG)
- _LOGGER.debug('Initializing: {0}.'.format({_PACKAGENAME}))
- _LOGGER.debug('_PATH_DCCSIG: {}'.format(_PATH_DCCSIG))
- _LOGGER.debug('_DCCSI_GDEBUG: {}'.format(_DCCSI_GDEBUG))
- _LOGGER.debug('_DCCSI_DEV_MODE: {}'.format(_DCCSI_DEV_MODE))
- from azpy.test.entry_test import connect_wing
- foo = connect_wing()
- # we can go ahead and just make sure the the DCCsi env is set
- # config is SO generic this ensures we are importing a specific one
- _spec_dccsi_config = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location("dccsi.config",
- "config.py"))
- _dccsi_config = importlib.util.module_from_spec(_spec_dccsi_config)
- _spec_dccsi_config.loader.exec_module(_dccsi_config)
- settings = _dccsi_config.get_config_settings()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Lumberyard extensions
- from azpy.constants import *
- from azpy.shared.common.core_utils import walk_up_dir
- from azpy.shared.common.core_utils import get_stub_check_path
- _LOGGER.debug('Dccsi Lib Path: {0}'.format(_PATH_DCCSI_PYTHON_LIB))
- if os.path.exists(_PATH_DCCSI_PYTHON_LIB):
- site.addsitedir(_PATH_DCCSI_PYTHON_LIB) # add access
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # post-bootstrap global space
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FRMT_LOG_LONG = ("[%(name)s][%(levelname)s] >> "
- "%(message)s (%(asctime)s; %(filename)s:%(lineno)d)")
- _PACKAGENAME = 'azpy.synthetic_env'
- _logging.basicConfig(level=_logging.INFO,
- format=FRMT_LOG_LONG,
- datefmt='%m-%d %H:%M')
- _LOGGER = _logging.getLogger(_PACKAGENAME)
- _log_level = int(10)
- console_handler = _logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout)
- console_handler.setLevel(_log_level)
- formatter = _logging.Formatter(FRMT_LOG_LONG)
- console_handler.setFormatter(formatter)
- _LOGGER.addHandler(console_handler)
- _LOGGER.setLevel(_log_level)
- _LOGGER.debug('Initializing: {0}.'.format({_PACKAGENAME}))
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # This module is semi-standalone (no azpy YET) to avoid circular imports
- # To Do: figure out how to bets NOPT dup this methods (there are also moudles)
- # we want to run this potentially with no preformed env
- # and thus we may not have full acess to the DCCsi and azpy package
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_current_project(dev_folder):
- boostrap_filepath = Path(dev_folder, "bootstrap.cfg")
- bootstrap = open(boostrap_filepath, "r")
- game_project_regex = re.compile("^sys_game_folder\s*=\s*(.*)")
- for line in bootstrap:
- game_folder_match = game_project_regex.match(line)
- if game_folder_match:
- return game_folder_match.group(1)
- return None
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # TO DO: Move to a util package or module
- def return_stub(stub='dccsi_stub'):
- '''Take a file name (stub) and returns the directory of the file (stub)'''
- _dir_to_last_file = None
- if _dir_to_last_file is None:
- path = Path(__file__).absolute()
- while 1:
- path, tail = Path(path).split()
- if Path(path, stub).is_file():
- break
- if (len(tail) == 0):
- path = ""
- _LOGGER.debug('~Not able to find the path to that file '
- '(stub) in a walk-up from currnet path.')
- break
- _dir_to_last_file = path
- return _dir_to_last_file
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def get_stub_check_path(in_path, check_stub='engineroot.txt'):
- '''
- Returns the branch root directory of the dev\'engineroot.txt'
- (... or you can pass it another known stub)
- so we can safely build relative filepaths within that branch.
- If the stub is not found, it returns None
- '''
- path = Path(in_path).absolute()
- while 1:
- test_path = Path(path, check_stub)
- if test_path.is_file():
- return Path(test_path)
- else:
- path, tail = (path.parent, path.name)
- if (len(tail) == 0):
- return None
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # TO DO: Move to a util package or module
- def resolve_envar_path(envar='O3DE_DEV',
- start_path=__file__,
- check_stub='engineroot.txt',
- dir_name='dev',
- return_posix_str=False):
- """This is meant to resolve a '\dev' path for LY
- First we validate the start_path (or we can't walk)
- Then we walk up the startPath looking for stub
- engineroot.txt is the default file marker for lumberyard
- That is a pretty safe indicator that we found the right '\dev'
- Second it checks if the env var 'O3DE_DEV' is set, use that instead!
- """
- fallback = None
- # amke sure the start_path exists, otherwise we have nothing to walk up
- try:
- start_path = Path(start_path)
- start_path.exists()
- if start_path.is_dir():
- fallback = start_path
- elif start_path.is_file():
- fallback = start_path.parent
- except Exception as e:
- _LOGGER.info('Does NOT exist, no valid path: {0}'.format(start_path))
- raise EnvironmentError
- # generate a fallback based on finding know stub
- # known stub is probably more reliable then dir name
- fallback_stub = get_stub_check_path(fallback, check_stub)
- # there is alos a chance this comes back None
- # cast from is_file to directory
- if fallback_stub and fallback_stub.is_file():
- fallback = fallback_stub.parent
- # check if it's set in env and fetch, or set to fallback
- envar_path = Path(os.getenv(envar, fallback))
- try:
- envar_path.exists()
- envar_path.is_dir()
- envar_path.name.lower == dir_name
- except Exception as e:
- _LOGGER.info('Not a lumbertard \dev path: {0}'.format(e))
- raise EnvironmentError
- # last resort see if you can walk up to the dir name
- if not envar_path:
- envar_path = walk_up_dir(start_path, dir_name)
- if envar_path and Path(envar_path).exists():
- # box module can't serialize WindowsPath objects
- # so Path object being stashed in this dict need .resolve() or .as_posix()
- if return_posix_str:
- return Path(envar_path).as_posix()
- else:
- return Path(envar_path)
- else:
- return None
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # setting up storage dict, only using a Box (super dict) instead
- _SYNTH_ENV_DICT = OrderedDict()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # --- Build Defaults ------------------------------------------------------
- def stash_env(_SYNTH_ENV_DICT = OrderedDict()):
- """This block attempts to fetch or derive best guess fallback"""
- # basic default fall backs (in case no environment exists)
- # this first set is just the expected base_env
- _LOGGER.info('~ stash_env(), setting module fallbacks')
- # box module can't serialize WindowsPath objects
- # so Path object being stashed in this dict need .resolve() or .as_posix()
- _THIS_MODULE_PATH = Path(__file__).as_posix()
- # company name from env or default
- # TAG_DEFAULT_COMPANY = str('Amazon.Lumberyard')
- # we want to pack these all into a easy access dict
- # <ly>\dev Lumberyard ROOT PATH
- # someone decided to use this as a root stub (for similar reasons in C++?)
- # STUB_O3DE_DEV = str('engineroot.txt')
- # I don't own \dev so I didn't want to check in anything new there
- _O3DE_DEV = resolve_envar_path(ENVAR_O3DE_DEV, # envar
- _THIS_MODULE_PATH, # search path
- STUB_O3DE_DEV, # stub
- TAG_DIR_O3DE_DEV) # dir
- # project name is a string, it should be project dir name
- # for siloed testing and a purely synthetc env (nothing previously set)
- # the default should probably be the 'DccScriptingInterface' (DCCsi)
- # we also have a 'MockProject' sanndbox/silo, but we want to reseve that
- # for testing overrides of the default synthetic env
- # we can do two things here,
- # first we can try to fetch from the env os.getenv('O3DE_PROJECT')
- # If comes back None, allows you to specify a default fallback
- # changed to just make the fallback what is set in boostrap
- # so now it's less of a fallnack and more correct if not
- # explicitly set
- # pattern for the above is (and will be repeated)
- # _SOME_ENVAR = resolve_envar_path('ENVAR',
- # 'path\\to\\start\\search',
- # 'knownStubFileName',
- # 'knownDirName')
- # checks env for ENVAR first,
- # then walks up search path looking for stub (fallback 0),
- # then walks up niavely looking for a dirName (fallback 1)
- # other paths that don't have a stub to search for as a fallback
- # can be stashed in this manner
- # variable containers for all of the default/base env config dccsi entry
- # setting most basic defaults, not using an module import dependancies
- # we can't know where the user installed or set up any of these,
- # so we guess based on how I set up the original dev environment
- # -- envar --
- # -- envar --
- _PATH_O3DE_BIN = Path(os.getenv(ENVAR_PATH_O3DE_BIN,
- # some of these need hard checks
- if not _PATH_O3DE_BIN.exists():
- raise Exception('PATH_O3DE_BIN does NOT exist: {0}'.format(_PATH_O3DE_BIN))
- else:
- # adding to sys.path apparently doesn't work for .dll locations like Qt
- os.environ['PATH'] = _PATH_O3DE_BIN.as_posix() + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
- # -- envar --
- # if that stub marker doesn't exist assume DCCsi path (fallback 1)
- Path(_O3DE_DEV, _O3DE_PROJECT)))
- # -- envar --
- _PATH_DCCSIG = resolve_envar_path(ENVAR_PATH_DCCSIG, # envar
- _THIS_MODULE_PATH, # search path
- STUB_O3DE_ROOT_DCCSI, # stub name
- # -- envar --
- # -- envar --
- # -- envar --
- # external dccsi site-packages
- # -- envar --
- # extend to py36 (conda env) and interpreter (wrapped as a .bat file)
- # -- envar --
- # wing ide vars
- # -- done --
- return _SYNTH_ENV_DICT
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def init_ly_pyside(env_dict=_SYNTH_ENV_DICT):
- """sets access to lumberyards Qt dlls and PySide"""
- # -- envar --
- # some of these need hard checks
- if not _QTFORPYTHON_PATH.exists():
- raise Exception('QTFORPYTHON_PATH does NOT exist: {0}'.format(_QTFORPYTHON_PATH))
- else:
- # ^ some of these should be put on sys.path and/or PYTHONPATH or PATH
- #os.environ['PATH'] = _QTFORPYTHON_PATH.as_posix() + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
- site.addsitedir(_QTFORPYTHON_PATH.as_posix()) # PYTHONPATH
- # -- envar --
- # some of these need hard checks
- if not _QT_PLUGIN_PATH.exists():
- raise Exception('QT_PLUGIN_PATH does NOT exist: {0}'.format(_QT_PLUGIN_PATH))
- else:
- # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/214852/python-module-dlls
- os.environ['PATH'] = _QT_PLUGIN_PATH.as_posix() + os.pathsep + os.environ['PATH']
- QTFORPYTHON_PATH = Path.joinpath(O3DE_DEV,
- 'Gems',
- 'QtForPython',
- '3rdParty',
- 'pyside2',
- 'windows',
- 'release').resolve()
- sys.path.insert(1, str(QTFORPYTHON_PATH))
- site.addsitedir(str(QTFORPYTHON_PATH))
- PATH_O3DE_BIN = Path.joinpath(O3DE_DEV,
- 'windows',
- 'bin',
- 'profile').resolve()
- os.environ["DYNACONF_PATH_O3DE_BIN"] = str(PATH_O3DE_BIN)
- os.environ["PATH_O3DE_BIN"] = str(PATH_O3DE_BIN)
- site.addsitedir(str(PATH_O3DE_BIN))
- sys.path.insert(1, str(PATH_O3DE_BIN))
- QT_PLUGIN_PATH = Path.joinpath(PATH_O3DE_BIN,
- 'EditorPlugins').resolve()
- os.environ["QT_PLUGIN_PATH"] = str(QT_PLUGIN_PATH)
- site.addsitedir(str(QT_PLUGIN_PATH))
- sys.path.insert(1, str(QT_PLUGIN_PATH))
- 'platforms').resolve()
- site.addsitedir(str(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH))
- sys.path.insert(1, str(QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH))
- # add Qt binaries to the Windows path to handle findings DLL file dependencies
- if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
- path = os.environ['PATH']
- newPath = ''
- newPath += str(PATH_O3DE_BIN) + os.pathsep
- newPath += str(Path.joinpath(QTFORPYTHON_PATH,
- 'shiboken2').resolve()) + os.pathsep
- newPath += str(Path.joinpath(QTFORPYTHON_PATH,
- 'PySide2').resolve()) + os.pathsep
- newPath += path
- os.environ['PATH']=newPath
- _LOGGER.debug('PySide2 bootstrapped PATH for Windows.')
- try:
- import PySide2
- _LOGGER.debug('DCCsi, config.py: SUCCESS: import PySide2')
- _LOGGER.debug(PySide2)
- status = True
- except ImportError as e:
- _LOGGER.debug('DCCsi, config.py: FAILURE: import PySide2')
- status = False
- raise(e)
- try:
- import shiboken2
- _LOGGER.debug('DCCsi, config.py: SUCCESS: import shiboken2')
- _LOGGER.debug(shiboken2)
- status = True
- except ImportError as e:
- _LOGGER.debug('DCCsi, config.py: FAILURE: import shiboken2')
- status = False
- raise(e)
- return status
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # py 2 and 3 compatible iter
- def get_items(dict_object):
- for key in dict_object:
- yield key, dict_object[key]
- def set_env(dict_object):
- for key, value in get_items(dict_object):
- try:
- os.environ[key] = value
- except EnvironmentError as e:
- _LOGGER.error('ERROR: {e}')
- return dict_object
- # will trigger on any import
- # suggested use: from synthetic_env import _SYNTH_ENV_DICT
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def test_Qt():
- try:
- import PySide2
- _LOGGER.info('PySide2: {0}'.format(Path(PySide2.__file__).as_posix()))
- # builtins.ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified procedure could not be found.
- from PySide2 import QtCore
- from PySide2 import QtWidgets
- except IOError as e:
- _LOGGER.error('ERROR: {0}'.format(e))
- raise e
- try:
- qapp = QtWidgets.QApplication([])
- except:
- # already exists
- qapp = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance()
- try:
- buttonFlags = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.information(QtWidgets.QApplication.activeWindow(), 'title', 'ok')
- qapp.instance().quit
- qapp.exit()
- except Exception as e:
- _LOGGER.error('ERROR: {0}'.format(e))
- raise e
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def main(argv, env_dict_object, debug=False, devmode=False):
- import getopt
- try:
- opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hvt:", ["verbose=", "test="])
- except getopt.GetoptError as e:
- # not logging, print to cmd line console
- _LOGGER.error('synthetic_env.py -v <print_dict> -t <run_test>')
- sys.exit(2)
- for opt, arg in opts:
- if opt == '-h':
- _LOGGER.info('synthetic_env.py -v <print_dict> -t <run test>')
- sys.exit()
- elif opt in ("-t", "--test"):
- debug = True
- devmode = True
- test()
- elif opt in ("-v", "--verbose"):
- try:
- from box import Box
- except ImportError as e:
- _LOGGER.error('ERROR: {0}'.format(e))
- raise e
- try:
- env_dict_object = Box(env_dict_object)
- _LOGGER.info(str(env_dict_object.to_json(sort_keys=False,
- indent=4)))
- except Exception as e:
- _LOGGER.error('ERROR: {0}'.format(e))
- raise e
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ###########################################################################
- # Main Code Block, runs this script as main (testing)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- # run simple tests?
- try:
- import azpy.test.entry_test
- _LOGGER.info('SUCCESS: import azpy.test.entry_test')
- azpy.test.entry_test.main(verbose=True, connect_debugger=True)
- except ImportError as e:
- _LOGGER.error('ERROR: {0}'.format(e))
- raise e
- # init, stash and then activate
- _SYNTH_ENV_DICT = OrderedDict()
- tempBoxJsonFilePath = Path(_SYNTH_ENV_DICT['PATH_DCCSIG'], '.temp')
- tempBoxJsonFilePath = Path(tempBoxJsonFilePath, 'boxDumpTest.json')
- _LOGGER.info(f'tempBoxJsonFilePath: {tempBoxJsonFilePath}')
- try:
- tempBoxJsonFilePath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
- tempBoxJsonFilePath.touch(mode=0o777, exist_ok=True)
- except Exception as e:
- _LOGGER.info(e)
- _LOGGER.info('~ writting with Box.to_json')
- try:
- from box import Box
- _LOGGER.info(type(_SYNTH_ENV_DICT))
- except Exception as e:
- _LOGGER.info(e)
- # -- BOX STORE ------
- _LOGGER.info(str(_SYNTH_ENV_DICT.to_json(sort_keys=False,
- indent=4)))
- try:
- #_SYNTH_ENV_DICT.to_json(filename=None, encoding='utf-8', errors='strict')
- #from os import fspath
- #tempBoxJsonFilePath = fspath(tempBoxJsonFilePath)
- _SYNTH_ENV_DICT.to_json(filename=tempBoxJsonFilePath.as_posix(),
- sort_keys=False,
- indent=4)
- _LOGGER.info('~ Box.to_json SUCCESS')
- except Exception as e:
- _LOGGER.info(e)
- # if this raises an exception related to WindowsPath
- # that a path obj was stashed, use .as_posix() when stashing
- raise e
- _LOGGER.info('listing envar keys: {0}'.format(_SYNTH_ENV_DICT.keys()))
- # -- BOX READ ------
- _LOGGER.info('~ read Box.from_json')
- parseJsonBox = Box.from_json(filename=tempBoxJsonFilePath,
- encoding="utf-8",
- errors="strict",
- object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
- _LOGGER.info('~ pretty print parsed Box.from_json')
- _LOGGER.info(json.dumps(parseJsonBox, indent=4, sort_keys=False, ensure_ascii=False))
- # also run the Qt/PySide2 test
- test_Qt()
- del _LOGGER