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  1. """
  2. Copyright (c) Contributors to the Open 3D Engine Project.
  3. For complete copyright and license terms please see the LICENSE at the root of this distribution.
  4. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
  5. """
  6. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. #
  9. # Convenience module for a standardized attr interface for classes/objects.
  10. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. __author__ = 'HogJonny'
  12. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. from find_arg import find_arg
  14. from synth import synthesize
  15. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. def set_synth_arg_kwarg(inst, arg_pos_index=None, arg_tag=None, default_value=None,
  17. in_args=None, in_kwargs=None, remove_kwarg=True,
  18. set_anyway=True):
  19. """
  20. Uses find_arg and sets a property on a object.
  21. Special args:
  22. setAnyway <-- if the object has the property already, set it
  23. If the arg/property doesn't exist we synthesize it
  24. """
  25. found_arg = None
  26. arg_value_dict = {}
  27. # find the argument, or set to default value
  28. found_arg, in_kwargs = find_arg(arg_pos_index, arg_tag, remove_kwarg,
  29. in_args, in_kwargs,
  30. default_value)
  31. if found_arg:
  32. arg_tag = found_arg
  33. # single arg first
  34. # make sure the object doesn't arealdy have this property
  35. try:
  36. hasattr(inst, arg_tag) # check if property exists
  37. if set_anyway:
  38. try:
  39. setattr(inst, arg_tag, default_value) # try to set
  40. except Exception as e:
  41. raise e
  42. except:
  43. pass
  44. # make it a synthetic property
  45. if arg_tag:
  46. try:
  47. arg_value = synthesize(inst, arg_tag, default_value)
  48. arg_value_dict[arg_tag] = arg_value
  49. except Exception as e:
  50. raise e
  51. # multiple and/or remaining kwards next
  52. if in_kwargs:
  53. if len(in_kwargs) > 0:
  54. for k, v in in_kwargs.items():
  55. try:
  56. hasattr(inst, k) # check if property exists
  57. if set_anyway:
  58. try:
  59. setattr(inst, k, v) # try to set
  60. except Exception as e:
  61. raise e
  62. except:
  63. pass
  64. if k:
  65. try:
  66. arg_value = synthesize(inst, k, v)
  67. arg_value_dict[k] = arg_value
  68. except Exception as e:
  69. raise e
  70. return arg_value_dict
  71. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
  72. ###########################################################################
  73. # Main Code Block, will run the tool
  74. # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  75. if __name__ == '__main__':
  76. from test_foo import Foo
  77. # define a arg/property tag we know doesn't exist
  78. synth_arg_tag = 'synthetic_arg'
  79. # create a test object
  80. print('~ creating the test foo object...')
  81. my_foo = Foo()
  82. print('~ Starting - single synthetic arg test...')
  83. # find and set existing, or create and set
  84. arg_value_dict = set_synth_arg_kwarg(my_foo,
  85. arg_tag=synth_arg_tag,
  86. default_value='kablooey')
  87. # what was returned
  88. print('~ single value returned...')
  89. for k, v in arg_value_dict.items():
  90. print("Arg '{0}':'{1}'".format(k, v))
  91. # attempt to access the new synthetic property directly
  92. print('~ direct property access test...')
  93. try:
  94. my_foo.synthetic_arg
  95. print('myFoo.{0}: {1}'.format(synth_arg_tag, my_foo.synthetic_arg))
  96. except Exception as e:
  97. raise e
  98. # can we create a bunch of kwargs?
  99. print('~ Starting - multiple synthetic kwarg test...')
  100. newKwargs = {'fooey': 'chop suey', 'success': True}
  101. # find and set existing, or create and set
  102. arg_value_dict = set_synth_arg_kwarg(my_foo,
  103. in_kwargs=newKwargs,
  104. default_value='kablooey')
  105. # what was returned
  106. print('~ multiple values returned...')
  107. for k, v in arg_value_dict.items():
  108. print("Arg '{0}':'{1}'".format(k, v))
  109. print('~ multiple direct property access test...')
  110. try:
  111. my_foo.fooey
  112. print('myFoo.{0}: {1}'.format('fooey', my_foo.fooey))
  113. except Exception as e:
  114. raise e
  115. try:
  116. my_foo.success
  117. print('myFoo.{0}: {1}'.format('success', my_foo.success))
  118. except Exception as e:
  119. raise e
  120. print('~ Starting - known failure test...')
  121. try:
  122. my_foo.knownBad
  123. except Exception as e:
  124. print(e)
  125. print('Test failed as expected!!!')